ISBN: 978-1-80262-362-8, eISBN: 978-1-80262-361-1
ISSN: 0278-1204
Publication date: 12 December 2022
(2022), "Index", Halley, J.A. and Dahms, H.F. (Ed.) The Centrality of Sociality (Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Vol. 39), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 255-258.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 by Emerald Publishing Limited
Absolutist materialism, 177–178
Action, 68, 208
theory, 178–179
Actor, 62–64
Actor-network theory, 70
Adorno, Theodor W., 88–89
culture industry, 114–115, 117
and essay, 113–114
literary criticism, 117–121
music, 115–117
Agency dependence, 77
Anomie, 243
Anti-historicism, 177–178
Apriorism, 13
Apriorists, 12–13
Art as experience, 188
Art Institution, 118
Attention, 196
Avant-garde, 74–76
Bakhtin, 179–181
Basic fact, 2
Basic social fact, 176
Becoming, 88
Being-in-the-middle, 3, 234–235
Bounded rationality, 195–196, 198, 217–220
Bounded system, 156
Brown, Michael E., 151
style, 77
Capital, 10
Capitalism, 10, 238–239
Capitalist society, 155
Classic “game” model, 214
Classical empiricism, 12–13
Cognitive sociology, 7–8, 195–196, 245–246
Collage, 75
Collectives, 69
representations, 12–13
Commodity production, 10
Communicative errors, 7–8
Consciousness, 9–10, 34–37
Consequentialism, 213
Cooperation, 164
Cops, 70–71
Course of activity, 3, 5, 68–69, 72–73, 152–153, 178–179, 187, 190, 245–246
immanence of time, 79–80
nonrepeatability as principle of surrealism, 73–74
Critical realism, 43, 91–92
Critical social ontology, conceptual categories of, 159–162
Critical sociology, 43–44
Critical theory, 131–132
Critique, 150
Culture industry, 114–115
Dada, 68, 73–74, 76, 118
Democracy, 9–10
Democrat, 29
Density of practices, 54–56
Dialectic, 13, 69–70
Dialogism, 179
Disciplinarity, 209
Discursive speech, 178–179
Durkheim, 11
consciousness, 32–33
economy, 33
fascism, 36
identity, 26
spirit, 25–27
Effervescence, moments of, 22–24
Entitization, 46–47
Essay, 89–90
Ethnography, 61
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
Expertise, 217–220
Fascism, 102–103
Fetishism, 10
Fragmentation, 42
Free market, 32–33
Freedom, 243–244
French Revolution, 28–29
Generative categories, 157
Genetic structuralism, 48–49, 108
German consciousness, 34
German culture, 98
Goldmann, Lucien, 88–89, 104, 113
early Lukács, 104–107
novel form and society, 107–111
Structures Mentales et Creation Ulturelle, 111–113
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
Heraclitus, 69–70
Herbert Simon’s model of bounded rationality, 195–196
Heteroglossia, 179–180
Historical materialism, 82
Historicism, 80, 82, 177–178
Historiographical paradigm, 45–46
Human affairs, 2
Human consciousness, 11
Human freedom, 33–34
Human issues, 184
Human reality, 226
Human reason categories, 11–14
Humanity, 187
Hypothetical individual, 60
actor, 62–64
ethnography, 61
mock-up, 62–64
situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Ideology, 72
Immanence of social, 70
Immanence of time, 79–80
Individuality, 73
Inferential function, 203
Intentionality, 73, 235
Intersubjectivity, 151–152
Judgment, 151–152
Kantianism, 90–94
Knowledge, 10
knowledge-critique of ideology approach, 127
of social relations, 185
Language in culture & cognition, 195–196
Latent in principle, 209–210
, 90, 94–95
, 98–99
Linguistic understanding, 205
Literary criticism, 117–121
Little Dorrit (Dickens), 180–181
Logic of justification, 61
Logical conformity as moral force, 14–16
nature, art, and social construction (representation) of reality, 14–16
Lukács, Georg, 88–90, 104
on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 103–104
Kantianism and Marxism, 90–94
and Thomas Mann, 94–103
Mana, 18–19
Manifold relations, 243
Marx’s “Capital”, 68
Marxian theory, 150
Marxism, 90–94
Material being, 21–22
Material relations of production, 31–34
Material sociality, 130–131
Metaphysics of content, 72
Mock-up, 62–64
Money, 10
Monism of Brown, 77–78
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
Moral being, 21–22
Moral consciousness, 21
Moral power, 19, 25, 27
Morality, 17, 19, 33–34
Music, 115–117
Mutuality, 2
Nomological prejudice, 42
Nomos, 17, 19–21
in art and life, 70–72
as principle of surrealism, 73–74
Ongoing accomplishment, 70
Ostensible emotional transparency, 29
Personal autonomy, 2
Phenomenologies of time, 82–83
Philosophy, 131–132
Phylogenetic capacities, 159–160
Play of structure, 70
Politics of expertise, 204–210
Populist groups, 25
Post-1848 cultural development, 97–98
Posthuman, 187
Power, 162–168
Practice, 42
Praxis, 160
“Pre-theoretical” object, 209
Predicament of intelligibility, 203–204
Procedural rationality, 195–196
Psychology, 230
Quasi-real model of bounded rationality, 195–196
“Quasi-realism” of problem-solving, 7–8, 210, 217
Question of society, 210–217
Rational choice theory, 77
Reciprocity, 189
Reductionism, 234
Reflexivity, 153–154, 235
Relations, 158
Reliability, 188
Religious force, 21
Representational representationality, 7–8, 195–196, 198
and problem of examples, 199–204
Rousseau, 175–176
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Capital, 10
Capitalism, 10, 238–239
Capitalist society, 155
Classic “game” model, 214
Classical empiricism, 12–13
Cognitive sociology, 7–8, 195–196, 245–246
Collage, 75
Collectives, 69
representations, 12–13
Commodity production, 10
Communicative errors, 7–8
Consciousness, 9–10, 34–37
Consequentialism, 213
Cooperation, 164
Cops, 70–71
Course of activity, 3, 5, 68–69, 72–73, 152–153, 178–179, 187, 190, 245–246
immanence of time, 79–80
nonrepeatability as principle of surrealism, 73–74
Critical realism, 43, 91–92
Critical social ontology, conceptual categories of, 159–162
Critical sociology, 43–44
Critical theory, 131–132
Critique, 150
Culture industry, 114–115
Dada, 68, 73–74, 76, 118
Democracy, 9–10
Democrat, 29
Density of practices, 54–56
Dialectic, 13, 69–70
Dialogism, 179
Disciplinarity, 209
Discursive speech, 178–179
Durkheim, 11
consciousness, 32–33
economy, 33
fascism, 36
identity, 26
spirit, 25–27
Effervescence, moments of, 22–24
Entitization, 46–47
Essay, 89–90
Ethnography, 61
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
Expertise, 217–220
Fascism, 102–103
Fetishism, 10
Fragmentation, 42
Free market, 32–33
Freedom, 243–244
French Revolution, 28–29
Generative categories, 157
Genetic structuralism, 48–49, 108
German consciousness, 34
German culture, 98
Goldmann, Lucien, 88–89, 104, 113
early Lukács, 104–107
novel form and society, 107–111
Structures Mentales et Creation Ulturelle, 111–113
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
Heraclitus, 69–70
Herbert Simon’s model of bounded rationality, 195–196
Heteroglossia, 179–180
Historical materialism, 82
Historicism, 80, 82, 177–178
Historiographical paradigm, 45–46
Human affairs, 2
Human consciousness, 11
Human freedom, 33–34
Human issues, 184
Human reality, 226
Human reason categories, 11–14
Humanity, 187
Hypothetical individual, 60
actor, 62–64
ethnography, 61
mock-up, 62–64
situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Ideology, 72
Immanence of social, 70
Immanence of time, 79–80
Individuality, 73
Inferential function, 203
Intentionality, 73, 235
Intersubjectivity, 151–152
Judgment, 151–152
Kantianism, 90–94
Knowledge, 10
knowledge-critique of ideology approach, 127
of social relations, 185
Language in culture & cognition, 195–196
Latent in principle, 209–210
, 90, 94–95
, 98–99
Linguistic understanding, 205
Literary criticism, 117–121
Little Dorrit (Dickens), 180–181
Logic of justification, 61
Logical conformity as moral force, 14–16
nature, art, and social construction (representation) of reality, 14–16
Lukács, Georg, 88–90, 104
on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 103–104
Kantianism and Marxism, 90–94
and Thomas Mann, 94–103
Mana, 18–19
Manifold relations, 243
Marx’s “Capital”, 68
Marxian theory, 150
Marxism, 90–94
Material being, 21–22
Material relations of production, 31–34
Material sociality, 130–131
Metaphysics of content, 72
Mock-up, 62–64
Money, 10
Monism of Brown, 77–78
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
Moral being, 21–22
Moral consciousness, 21
Moral power, 19, 25, 27
Morality, 17, 19, 33–34
Music, 115–117
Mutuality, 2
Nomological prejudice, 42
Nomos, 17, 19–21
in art and life, 70–72
as principle of surrealism, 73–74
Ongoing accomplishment, 70
Ostensible emotional transparency, 29
Personal autonomy, 2
Phenomenologies of time, 82–83
Philosophy, 131–132
Phylogenetic capacities, 159–160
Play of structure, 70
Politics of expertise, 204–210
Populist groups, 25
Post-1848 cultural development, 97–98
Posthuman, 187
Power, 162–168
Practice, 42
Praxis, 160
“Pre-theoretical” object, 209
Predicament of intelligibility, 203–204
Procedural rationality, 195–196
Psychology, 230
Quasi-real model of bounded rationality, 195–196
“Quasi-realism” of problem-solving, 7–8, 210, 217
Question of society, 210–217
Rational choice theory, 77
Reciprocity, 189
Reductionism, 234
Reflexivity, 153–154, 235
Relations, 158
Reliability, 188
Religious force, 21
Representational representationality, 7–8, 195–196, 198
and problem of examples, 199–204
Rousseau, 175–176
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Effervescence, moments of, 22–24
Entitization, 46–47
Essay, 89–90
Ethnography, 61
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
Expertise, 217–220
Fascism, 102–103
Fetishism, 10
Fragmentation, 42
Free market, 32–33
Freedom, 243–244
French Revolution, 28–29
Generative categories, 157
Genetic structuralism, 48–49, 108
German consciousness, 34
German culture, 98
Goldmann, Lucien, 88–89, 104, 113
early Lukács, 104–107
novel form and society, 107–111
Structures Mentales et Creation Ulturelle, 111–113
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
Heraclitus, 69–70
Herbert Simon’s model of bounded rationality, 195–196
Heteroglossia, 179–180
Historical materialism, 82
Historicism, 80, 82, 177–178
Historiographical paradigm, 45–46
Human affairs, 2
Human consciousness, 11
Human freedom, 33–34
Human issues, 184
Human reality, 226
Human reason categories, 11–14
Humanity, 187
Hypothetical individual, 60
actor, 62–64
ethnography, 61
mock-up, 62–64
situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Ideology, 72
Immanence of social, 70
Immanence of time, 79–80
Individuality, 73
Inferential function, 203
Intentionality, 73, 235
Intersubjectivity, 151–152
Judgment, 151–152
Kantianism, 90–94
Knowledge, 10
knowledge-critique of ideology approach, 127
of social relations, 185
Language in culture & cognition, 195–196
Latent in principle, 209–210
, 90, 94–95
, 98–99
Linguistic understanding, 205
Literary criticism, 117–121
Little Dorrit (Dickens), 180–181
Logic of justification, 61
Logical conformity as moral force, 14–16
nature, art, and social construction (representation) of reality, 14–16
Lukács, Georg, 88–90, 104
on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 103–104
Kantianism and Marxism, 90–94
and Thomas Mann, 94–103
Mana, 18–19
Manifold relations, 243
Marx’s “Capital”, 68
Marxian theory, 150
Marxism, 90–94
Material being, 21–22
Material relations of production, 31–34
Material sociality, 130–131
Metaphysics of content, 72
Mock-up, 62–64
Money, 10
Monism of Brown, 77–78
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
Moral being, 21–22
Moral consciousness, 21
Moral power, 19, 25, 27
Morality, 17, 19, 33–34
Music, 115–117
Mutuality, 2
Nomological prejudice, 42
Nomos, 17, 19–21
in art and life, 70–72
as principle of surrealism, 73–74
Ongoing accomplishment, 70
Ostensible emotional transparency, 29
Personal autonomy, 2
Phenomenologies of time, 82–83
Philosophy, 131–132
Phylogenetic capacities, 159–160
Play of structure, 70
Politics of expertise, 204–210
Populist groups, 25
Post-1848 cultural development, 97–98
Posthuman, 187
Power, 162–168
Practice, 42
Praxis, 160
“Pre-theoretical” object, 209
Predicament of intelligibility, 203–204
Procedural rationality, 195–196
Psychology, 230
Quasi-real model of bounded rationality, 195–196
“Quasi-realism” of problem-solving, 7–8, 210, 217
Question of society, 210–217
Rational choice theory, 77
Reciprocity, 189
Reductionism, 234
Reflexivity, 153–154, 235
Relations, 158
Reliability, 188
Religious force, 21
Representational representationality, 7–8, 195–196, 198
and problem of examples, 199–204
Rousseau, 175–176
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Generative categories, 157
Genetic structuralism, 48–49, 108
German consciousness, 34
German culture, 98
Goldmann, Lucien, 88–89, 104, 113
early Lukács, 104–107
novel form and society, 107–111
Structures Mentales et Creation Ulturelle, 111–113
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
Heraclitus, 69–70
Herbert Simon’s model of bounded rationality, 195–196
Heteroglossia, 179–180
Historical materialism, 82
Historicism, 80, 82, 177–178
Historiographical paradigm, 45–46
Human affairs, 2
Human consciousness, 11
Human freedom, 33–34
Human issues, 184
Human reality, 226
Human reason categories, 11–14
Humanity, 187
Hypothetical individual, 60
actor, 62–64
ethnography, 61
mock-up, 62–64
situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Ideology, 72
Immanence of social, 70
Immanence of time, 79–80
Individuality, 73
Inferential function, 203
Intentionality, 73, 235
Intersubjectivity, 151–152
Judgment, 151–152
Kantianism, 90–94
Knowledge, 10
knowledge-critique of ideology approach, 127
of social relations, 185
Language in culture & cognition, 195–196
Latent in principle, 209–210
, 90, 94–95
, 98–99
Linguistic understanding, 205
Literary criticism, 117–121
Little Dorrit (Dickens), 180–181
Logic of justification, 61
Logical conformity as moral force, 14–16
nature, art, and social construction (representation) of reality, 14–16
Lukács, Georg, 88–90, 104
on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 103–104
Kantianism and Marxism, 90–94
and Thomas Mann, 94–103
Mana, 18–19
Manifold relations, 243
Marx’s “Capital”, 68
Marxian theory, 150
Marxism, 90–94
Material being, 21–22
Material relations of production, 31–34
Material sociality, 130–131
Metaphysics of content, 72
Mock-up, 62–64
Money, 10
Monism of Brown, 77–78
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
Moral being, 21–22
Moral consciousness, 21
Moral power, 19, 25, 27
Morality, 17, 19, 33–34
Music, 115–117
Mutuality, 2
Nomological prejudice, 42
Nomos, 17, 19–21
in art and life, 70–72
as principle of surrealism, 73–74
Ongoing accomplishment, 70
Ostensible emotional transparency, 29
Personal autonomy, 2
Phenomenologies of time, 82–83
Philosophy, 131–132
Phylogenetic capacities, 159–160
Play of structure, 70
Politics of expertise, 204–210
Populist groups, 25
Post-1848 cultural development, 97–98
Posthuman, 187
Power, 162–168
Practice, 42
Praxis, 160
“Pre-theoretical” object, 209
Predicament of intelligibility, 203–204
Procedural rationality, 195–196
Psychology, 230
Quasi-real model of bounded rationality, 195–196
“Quasi-realism” of problem-solving, 7–8, 210, 217
Question of society, 210–217
Rational choice theory, 77
Reciprocity, 189
Reductionism, 234
Reflexivity, 153–154, 235
Relations, 158
Reliability, 188
Religious force, 21
Representational representationality, 7–8, 195–196, 198
and problem of examples, 199–204
Rousseau, 175–176
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Ideology, 72
Immanence of social, 70
Immanence of time, 79–80
Individuality, 73
Inferential function, 203
Intentionality, 73, 235
Intersubjectivity, 151–152
Judgment, 151–152
Kantianism, 90–94
Knowledge, 10
knowledge-critique of ideology approach, 127
of social relations, 185
Language in culture & cognition, 195–196
Latent in principle, 209–210
, 90, 94–95
, 98–99
Linguistic understanding, 205
Literary criticism, 117–121
Little Dorrit (Dickens), 180–181
Logic of justification, 61
Logical conformity as moral force, 14–16
nature, art, and social construction (representation) of reality, 14–16
Lukács, Georg, 88–90, 104
on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 103–104
Kantianism and Marxism, 90–94
and Thomas Mann, 94–103
Mana, 18–19
Manifold relations, 243
Marx’s “Capital”, 68
Marxian theory, 150
Marxism, 90–94
Material being, 21–22
Material relations of production, 31–34
Material sociality, 130–131
Metaphysics of content, 72
Mock-up, 62–64
Money, 10
Monism of Brown, 77–78
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
Moral being, 21–22
Moral consciousness, 21
Moral power, 19, 25, 27
Morality, 17, 19, 33–34
Music, 115–117
Mutuality, 2
Nomological prejudice, 42
Nomos, 17, 19–21
in art and life, 70–72
as principle of surrealism, 73–74
Ongoing accomplishment, 70
Ostensible emotional transparency, 29
Personal autonomy, 2
Phenomenologies of time, 82–83
Philosophy, 131–132
Phylogenetic capacities, 159–160
Play of structure, 70
Politics of expertise, 204–210
Populist groups, 25
Post-1848 cultural development, 97–98
Posthuman, 187
Power, 162–168
Practice, 42
Praxis, 160
“Pre-theoretical” object, 209
Predicament of intelligibility, 203–204
Procedural rationality, 195–196
Psychology, 230
Quasi-real model of bounded rationality, 195–196
“Quasi-realism” of problem-solving, 7–8, 210, 217
Question of society, 210–217
Rational choice theory, 77
Reciprocity, 189
Reductionism, 234
Reflexivity, 153–154, 235
Relations, 158
Reliability, 188
Religious force, 21
Representational representationality, 7–8, 195–196, 198
and problem of examples, 199–204
Rousseau, 175–176
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Kantianism, 90–94
Knowledge, 10
knowledge-critique of ideology approach, 127
of social relations, 185
Language in culture & cognition, 195–196
Latent in principle, 209–210
, 90, 94–95
, 98–99
Linguistic understanding, 205
Literary criticism, 117–121
Little Dorrit (Dickens), 180–181
Logic of justification, 61
Logical conformity as moral force, 14–16
nature, art, and social construction (representation) of reality, 14–16
Lukács, Georg, 88–90, 104
on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 103–104
Kantianism and Marxism, 90–94
and Thomas Mann, 94–103
Mana, 18–19
Manifold relations, 243
Marx’s “Capital”, 68
Marxian theory, 150
Marxism, 90–94
Material being, 21–22
Material relations of production, 31–34
Material sociality, 130–131
Metaphysics of content, 72
Mock-up, 62–64
Money, 10
Monism of Brown, 77–78
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
Moral being, 21–22
Moral consciousness, 21
Moral power, 19, 25, 27
Morality, 17, 19, 33–34
Music, 115–117
Mutuality, 2
Nomological prejudice, 42
Nomos, 17, 19–21
in art and life, 70–72
as principle of surrealism, 73–74
Ongoing accomplishment, 70
Ostensible emotional transparency, 29
Personal autonomy, 2
Phenomenologies of time, 82–83
Philosophy, 131–132
Phylogenetic capacities, 159–160
Play of structure, 70
Politics of expertise, 204–210
Populist groups, 25
Post-1848 cultural development, 97–98
Posthuman, 187
Power, 162–168
Practice, 42
Praxis, 160
“Pre-theoretical” object, 209
Predicament of intelligibility, 203–204
Procedural rationality, 195–196
Psychology, 230
Quasi-real model of bounded rationality, 195–196
“Quasi-realism” of problem-solving, 7–8, 210, 217
Question of society, 210–217
Rational choice theory, 77
Reciprocity, 189
Reductionism, 234
Reflexivity, 153–154, 235
Relations, 158
Reliability, 188
Religious force, 21
Representational representationality, 7–8, 195–196, 198
and problem of examples, 199–204
Rousseau, 175–176
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Mana, 18–19
Manifold relations, 243
Marx’s “Capital”, 68
Marxian theory, 150
Marxism, 90–94
Material being, 21–22
Material relations of production, 31–34
Material sociality, 130–131
Metaphysics of content, 72
Mock-up, 62–64
Money, 10
Monism of Brown, 77–78
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
Moral being, 21–22
Moral consciousness, 21
Moral power, 19, 25, 27
Morality, 17, 19, 33–34
Music, 115–117
Mutuality, 2
Nomological prejudice, 42
Nomos, 17, 19–21
in art and life, 70–72
as principle of surrealism, 73–74
Ongoing accomplishment, 70
Ostensible emotional transparency, 29
Personal autonomy, 2
Phenomenologies of time, 82–83
Philosophy, 131–132
Phylogenetic capacities, 159–160
Play of structure, 70
Politics of expertise, 204–210
Populist groups, 25
Post-1848 cultural development, 97–98
Posthuman, 187
Power, 162–168
Practice, 42
Praxis, 160
“Pre-theoretical” object, 209
Predicament of intelligibility, 203–204
Procedural rationality, 195–196
Psychology, 230
Quasi-real model of bounded rationality, 195–196
“Quasi-realism” of problem-solving, 7–8, 210, 217
Question of society, 210–217
Rational choice theory, 77
Reciprocity, 189
Reductionism, 234
Reflexivity, 153–154, 235
Relations, 158
Reliability, 188
Religious force, 21
Representational representationality, 7–8, 195–196, 198
and problem of examples, 199–204
Rousseau, 175–176
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Ongoing accomplishment, 70
Ostensible emotional transparency, 29
Personal autonomy, 2
Phenomenologies of time, 82–83
Philosophy, 131–132
Phylogenetic capacities, 159–160
Play of structure, 70
Politics of expertise, 204–210
Populist groups, 25
Post-1848 cultural development, 97–98
Posthuman, 187
Power, 162–168
Practice, 42
Praxis, 160
“Pre-theoretical” object, 209
Predicament of intelligibility, 203–204
Procedural rationality, 195–196
Psychology, 230
Quasi-real model of bounded rationality, 195–196
“Quasi-realism” of problem-solving, 7–8, 210, 217
Question of society, 210–217
Rational choice theory, 77
Reciprocity, 189
Reductionism, 234
Reflexivity, 153–154, 235
Relations, 158
Reliability, 188
Religious force, 21
Representational representationality, 7–8, 195–196, 198
and problem of examples, 199–204
Rousseau, 175–176
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Quasi-real model of bounded rationality, 195–196
“Quasi-realism” of problem-solving, 7–8, 210, 217
Question of society, 210–217
Rational choice theory, 77
Reciprocity, 189
Reductionism, 234
Reflexivity, 153–154, 235
Relations, 158
Reliability, 188
Religious force, 21
Representational representationality, 7–8, 195–196, 198
and problem of examples, 199–204
Rousseau, 175–176
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Self-consciousness, 153–154
Self-reflexive theorizing, 178–179
Shaggy Dog Animation, 70–71
Shared symbols, 25
Simon’s model, 7–8
Situated nature of self and body, 62–64
Situational rationality, 7–8, 195–196
Social, 1, 3, 44, 48, 184, 190, 226, 233
assumptions, 226–233
Bourdieu and, 48–50
Brown’s concept of, 152–156
disorienting promise of modern society, 131–133
Exceptionalist America, 138–144
flattening, 50–51
Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 133–138
in intellectual life, 52–54
subjects and situations, 61–64
text, 60–61
theorizing, 64–65
Social action, 150–152
Social change, 229–230
cognitive sociology, 195–196
language in culture & cognition, 195–196
quasi realism, 210–217
representational representationality, 195–196, 198
situational rationality, 195–196
strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Social Contract (Rousseau), 175–176
Social critique, 168–171
Social facts, 214–215
Social forms, geometry of, 162–168
Social history, 45–46
Social metaphysics, 149–150
Social nature, 88
Social ontology, 6–7, 149–150, 152, 156, 159, 168, 171
Social philosophy, 126, 130–132
Social power, 164–165
Social practices, 160–161
Social progress, 236
Social reality, 155
Social realm, 15–16
Social schemes, 160–162
Social sciences, 1–2, 187, 189
unity of, 42–44
Social structures, 161
Social substratum, 45–46
Social theory, 126, 130–132, 176–177
Social thought as historical products of social labor, 16–17
Social totality, 60, 88, 126–127, 131, 155–156
Sociality, 1–4, 8, 70, 88, 126–127, 150, 176–177, 195–196, 226, 237
human, 7
immanence, 4
ontological priority of sociality in human affairs, 78–79
in Simon’s thinking, 197–198
Societal facts, 214–215
Society, 6, 13–14, 126–127, 149–150, 195–196, 226, 228
Socio-cultural-political assemblies, 24–25
Sociological imagination, 186–187
Sociological theory, 131–132, 207
Sociologism, 49
Sociology, 1, 43, 126, 130–132, 232
of concepts, 44–48
of knowledge, 17
Space, 11–12
Spirit, 25–27
of revolution, 27–31
Spiritual, 10
power, 19–21
principle, 21–22
Status anxiety, 33
Status threat, 33
Strategy in human problem-solving, 195–196
Structuralism, 48–49
“Sub-theoretical” object, 209–210
Subjective idealism, 246–247
Subjectivity, 155, 157–158, 235
Surrealism, 118
Temporality, 80–82
Tentative hypothesis, 22
Textualization, 72
Theorizing, 209–210, 217–220
Theory/theorizing, 176–177, 187
Time, 11–12, 82
Totality, 92, 105, 154, 229
Totem, 17–19
Totemism, 9–10, 18
Trans-individual subjectivity, 246–247
Transindividual subject, 105–107
Trust, 2
Truth, 187–188
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Unity of social sciences, 42–44
Validity, 187–188
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
Wakan, 18–19
War, 34–37
- Prelims
- Introduction: What Is Distinctively Human About Human Affairs?
- Consciousness and Crisis Today: Durkheim, Marx, Spinoza and Revolutionary vs. Reactionary Spirit
- The Uncertainties of the Social
- Brown on Sociality and the Social
- Brown's “Course of Activity”: Non-Repeatability, the Avant-Garde, and Temporality
- The Concept of Sociality in the Literary Criticism of Georg Lukács, Lucien Goldmann, and Theodor W. Adorno
- In Defense of “the Social”: Convergences and Divergences Between the Humanities and Social Sciences in the United States
- The Ontology of the Social as a Theory of Social Forms
- Other Voices: The Concept of Heteroglossia in Michael Brown's Concept of the Social
- Conceptual Implications in Social Sciences for Inquiring into the Social. Insights from Michael E. Brown's The Concept of the Social in Uniting the Social Sciences and Humanities
- Theorizing, Bounded Rationality, and Expertise: Cognitive Sociology and the Quasi-Realism of Problem-Solving as a Course of Activity
- Response: What Is Distinctively Human About Human Affairs: Sociality and the Question of Society
- Index