General Education Teachers and the Special Education Process: Advancing Values
What does special education mean for general education teachers of students with disabilities? In this chapter, we share our approach to advancing values in the classroom placement of special education students in the general education setting. We will take the reader on a journey through time with “Jessie,” a special education student, as we examine the historical exclusion of students with disabilities to their inclusion in general education schools, environments and finally, general education classrooms. In doing so, we will examine the evolution of the general education teacher's role and how the historical perspective impacts current practices. Then, we will elucidate the benefits of inclusion, not only for the special education student but for the nondisabled peers as well. We will recommend values that should be maintained and practices that should be examined. This chapter will conclude with a connection between the values and recommendations of best practices for inclusive instruction.
Urbanc, S.C. and Dollman, L. (2024), "General Education Teachers and the Special Education Process: Advancing Values", Obiakor, F.E. and Bakken, J.P. (Ed.) Special Education (Advances in Special Education, Vol. 38), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 185-205.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Sarah C. Urbanc and Lucinda Dollman. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited