Special Education Transition Services for Students with Extensive Support Needs
Special Education Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
ISBN: 978-1-83867-978-1, eISBN: 978-1-83867-977-4
Publication date: 26 November 2019
In the years following high school, youth, including youth with extensive support needs, aspire to pursue a range of personally important experiences, such as attending postsecondary education programs, obtaining competitive employment, and living independently. However, the level of disability continues to be a powerful predictor of the degree to which desired outcomes materialize in early adulthood. For most young adults with extensive support needs, valued outcomes are elusive. To support youth with disabilities, including youth with extensive support needs, to progress toward achieving their post-school goals, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 mandated the provision of transition services. Despite the legal mandate for transition services, numerous factors continue to impact the outcomes experienced by youth with extensive support needs. However, research has identified numerous practices to support improved post-school outcomes. In this chapter, we address the transition mandates of the IDEA, identify and describe factors influencing the post-school outcomes of youth with extensive support needs, and provide strategies, practices, and interventions for improving these outcomes.
Carlson, S.R., Munandar, V.D., Wehmeyer, M.L. and Thompson, J.R. (2019), "Special Education Transition Services for Students with Extensive Support Needs", Special Education Transition Services for Students with Disabilities (Advances in Special Education, Vol. 35), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 117-136. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0270-401320190000035015
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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