Chapter 7 Labeling of students with disabilities: Needed for students to get their needs met
Current Issues and Trends in Special Education: Identification, Assessment and Instruction
ISBN: 978-1-84855-668-3, eISBN: 978-1-84855-669-0
Publication date: 26 January 2010
Centuries ago labeling and classification of people was insignificant; survival was the major concern. Individuals with disabilities were prevented from full participation in activities necessary for survival, were left out on their own to perish, and, in some instances, were even killed (Berkson, 2004). In later years, derogatory labels such as imbecile, stupid, and retarded were used to describe individuals who did not conform to the societal norms. Clearly, regardless of the terms used, their function was geared to exclude people with disabilities from facilities, and activities enjoyed by people without disabilities. Unfortunately, this resulted in alienation, isolation, and institutionalization of individuals with disabilities (Hallahan, Kauffman, & Pullen, 2009).
Mukuria, G.M. and Bakken, J.P. (2010), "Chapter 7 Labeling of students with disabilities: Needed for students to get their needs met", Obiakor, F.E., Bakken, J.P. and Rotatori, A.F. (Ed.) Current Issues and Trends in Special Education: Identification, Assessment and Instruction (Advances in Special Education, Vol. 19), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 101-114.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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