International Origins of Social and Political Theory
ISBN: 978-1-78714-267-1, eISBN: 978-1-78714-266-4
ISSN: 0198-8719
Publication date: 4 April 2017
(2017), "Index", International Origins of Social and Political Theory (Political Power and Social Theory, Vol. 32), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 255-264.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited
“Abhorrence”, 220
“Abstract deductive methods”, 133
“Abstract labor”, 84, 88, 89, 93n13, 95n24
Action, 4, 53
Adams, John Quincy, 187–188
Ad Hoc Committee on Conventional Weapons
, 219, 222, 223, 225, 225n15
“African colonial possessions”, 43–44
African Party for Liberation of Guinea and Cape Verde, 215
Age of revolution, 11, 22, 26
constitutional thought, 187–194
continuity of empire, 194–198
political experiments, 187–194
reading practice as theory, 184–185
revolutionary moment, 185–186
Allende, Salvador, 215
Amsterdam Admiralty Court, 241, 244, 245
Amsterdam College of the Admiralty Board, 243–244
Anderson, Benedict, 185–185
axis, 145
leadership, 142
race and culture, 130
union, 131
world, 128
Anti-imperialism, 183, 207
Anti-Semitism, 41–43, 47–48, 102, 108
Anticolonial struggle, 159, 162, 166, 177
Anticolonial thought, 154, 177–178
Ardagh, Sir John, 227n5
Arendt, Hannah, 38
See also Hannah Arendt’s Historical method
Argentine Constitution (1853), 195
Artigas, José Gervasio, 189, 196
“Balance of terror”, 219
Bandung Conference, 208, 215
“Barbarian” Manchu invaders, 234, 246
Bell, Duncan, 128
Black Atlantic empire, 193
Black Skins, White Masks
, 156
Bolívar, Simón, 189, 194, 196
Boomerang thesis, 44
, 243–244
Bourdieu, Pierre, 238–240
Boyer, Jean-Pierre, 193
Braganza monarchy in Brazil, 191
Brazilian Empire, 191–192, 195
“British Confederation of Nations”, 146
British Empire, 23, 191
Burden of Our Time, The
, 59n1
Cabral, Amilcar, 215–217
Capitalism, 86–90
and value, 67–70, 83–86
Capitalist value, genealogy of, 73
commodity, 73–74
“division of labor”, 74
“equalization”, 81
exchange-value-setting-labor, 77, 78
“labor in general”, 79
magical force, 82
Marx and Franklin, 75
Marx’s criticism, 82–83
Smithian contradiction, 80, 93n16
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76
Castro, Fidel, 215
Chaǔi. See Jangryeol, Queen Dowager
Chayut, Noam, 115–117
Choson Korea, 247
debate on mourning ritual in, 237
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
17th century political and social elites, 235
Chow, Rey, 210
“Civic Imperialism”, 132
Classic Marxist analysis, 183
Colonial “antithesis”, 197
Colonialism, 43, 154, 157, 158, 160–162, 165, 208
Colonial paradox, 156
Colonial relationship, 159, 61, 163
Colonial struggle, Fanons’ experience in, 158–160
Colonial subjectivity, Fanon’s theory of, 160
Colonial subjects in British Empire, 155
Commodities, 68, 73–74
Compagnie van Verre
, 241–242
Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapon
, 219
Confucian polity, 237, 246
Confucian world, crisis of, 245–250
Conjunctures, 172–176
Constitutionalism, 196
Constitutional thought, 187–194
Constitution de la colonie française de Saint-Domingue
, 199n11
Constitutions and declarations of independence, 185
Continuity, 17, 182
of empire, 22, 194–198
of historical time, 45–46
See also Age of revolution
“Counterrevolution of slavery and racism”, 197
Cuba, 197
“Cultural history”, 113, 114
Cultural sociology, 154
Darstellung of system, 71
Declaration on Human Rights in Armed Conflict, 214
Decolonization, 160, 162–164, 207, 213
“Democratic processes”, 15
Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 192
Diasporic insights, 167–169
Diplomatic Conferences, 218, 206–207, 213, 217
Ad Hoc Committee on Conventional Weapons, 219, 222, 223
Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapon
, 219
contours of debate, 219–220
delegate from Democratic Republic of Korea, 224
delegate from Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 224
Soviet delegate, 220
United States delegate, 220–221
Diplomatic Conferences on Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflict. See Diplomatic Conferences
Diplomatic history, 19
Domestic/international bifurcation, 236
Dominican Republic. See Republic of Spanish Haiti
Double consciousness, 178n2
Draft Rules for the Limitation of Dangers Incurred by Civilian Population in Time of War (1956), 214
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
Dutch nationalism, 241
Economic chivalry, 137
Economic nationality, 141
1844 Manuscripts
, 73
Empire(s), 23, 24
black Atlantic empire, 193
Brazilian Empire, 191–192, 195
British Empire in Americas, 191
Colonial subjects in British Empire, 155
continuity of, 194–198
expansionist policies, 24–25
French Empire, 156, 166, 169, 174, 192
historiography on US empire, 187
informal empire, 191
of law, 212
of liberty, 27
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish Empire, 194
Encountering, 158
Enlightenment histories, 17, 18
Episteme, 16–17, 21, 29
Epistemic ruptures
transboundary experiences of Fanon, 155–176
transboundary experiences of Hall, 165–176
“Equalization”, 81
Eurocentric “hierarchizing frame of comparison”, 210
Eurocentrism of international theory, 129–130
European fascism, 43
Exchange-value-positing-labor, 83–84, 89
Exchange-value-setting-labor, 77, 78, 82–83
Factual disagreements, 104
Fanon, Frantz, 154–155
anticolonial imagination, 176
breaking with knowledge structures through practice, 160–162
experiences in colonial struggle, 158–160
Fanon’s theory of colonial subjectivity, 160
language, 178n1
practice against history, 162–165
theorization of self-formation, 178n2
transboundary experiences, 155–158
Fascism, 42–43, 112, 115
Federalism, 190, 196
Figurative content, 104
Florida Assembly, 196–197
Foucault’s archeological approach, 11, 16
Franco-Haitian Revolution, 26
Franklin, Benjamin, 75
French Empire, 156, 157, 192, 194
French Revolution, 26–27, 186
Genealogy, 68–69
of capitalist value, 73–83
General Assembly Resolutions on Friendly Relations, 217
Geneva Conventions (1949), 3, 206, 209, 213, 218
Geneva Law. See Hague law
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
German Ideology
, 73, 91–92n6
German particularism, 114
Giddens, Anthony, 183
Golden Law (1888), 195
Greater Britain, 128, 131–133
Great War, 144
Grotius, Hugo, 209, 234
, 71–72, 73
Hague Conferences (1899 and 1907), 210–213, 227n4
Hague law, 213
Haitian independence, 192–194
Hall’s theory
cultural theory, 172–173
of identification, 172
of subject-making, 171
Hall, Stuart, 154–155
anticolonial imagination, 176
diasporic insights, 167–169
identification and making of subject, 169–172
ideology, conjunctures, and ruptures, 172–176
transboundary experiences, 165–167
Hannah Arendt’s historical method, 54–55
“African colonial possessions”, 43–44
analysis in terms of history, 45–49
biological life needs, 53
boomerang thesis, 44
European fascism, 43
fascism, 42–43
German-American Jewish political theorist, 38
historical-political work, 52
historiographical method, 54–55
international position, 40–41
modern historiography, 49–52
phenomenological analysis, 53
political and historical thought, 39
political consequences of nuclear annihilation, 57
“Political fable”, 56
political theory, 42, 54
post-totalitarian alternatives, 40
post-totalitarian world, 56
The Origins of Totalitarianism
, 40, 43, 47
totalitarianism, 44–45
Historical reinterpretation as strategic imperative, 109–111
Historical sociology, 10, 183, 186
Historicism, 19, 103
Historicizing history/theory, 21
age of revolution, 22
concept of sovereignty, 28
“empire of liberty”, 27
empires, 23
expansionist policies of empires, 24–25
Franco-Haitian Revolution, 26
freedom and empire, 27
imperialism, 28–29
modern episteme, 29
principle of “occupation”, 24
Historiography, modern, 49–52
Arendt’s analysis, 45–49
of colonialism and racial slavery, 162–163
IR and, 11–16, 21
modern discipline of, 19
practice against, 162–165
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
between theory and practice, 114–117
and theory relationship, 2–5
Hobsbawm, Eric, 183
Human condition, 51, 53, 59
, 246
Hyeonjong (King) (1641–1674), 246, 248
Hyojong (King) (1619–1659), 246, 248
Hyu, Yun, 247
Identification and making of subject, 169–172
Ideology, 172–176
Illiad, The
, 57
, 52
“Imperial ambivalence”, 211
Imperial expansion, 188
Imperialism, 28–29, 42–43, 196, 207, 209, 210, 211, 216, 217
Imperialists, 218
Imperial origins of social and political thought
Foucault’s archeological approach, 11
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
history and IR, 11–16
modern episteme, 11
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory and history, 10
Imperial unity, 143
“Industrial organism”, 136
Industry and Trade (IT), 134, 137, 140, 142, 144
Informal empire, 28, 191
Inseon (Queen) (1619–1674), 249
Internalizing, 158
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), 214, 218–219, 224
International Conference of Experts in Support of Victims of Colonialism and Apartheid in Southern Africa, 217
International humanitarian law, 206, 208, 219, 225
Internationalist nationalism, 215
International law, 28, 208
International Relations (IR), 10, 11, 28, 129–130, 182
history and, 11–16, 21
“Invention into existence”, 163
ius ad bello
, 209
ius in bello
, 209
Jamaican Letter, 190, 198n9
Jamaica Tribune
, 194
Jangryeol, Queen Dowager, 246, 249–250
Jefferson, Thomas, 187
Jewish Palestine (1942–1943), 100
anti-Semitism, 102
figurative content, 104
Friedrich Meinecke, 103
historical reinterpretation as strategic imperative, 109–111
history between theory and practice, 114–117
, 100, 101
Meinecke’s “German catastrophe”, 111–114
, 104–109
utile form, 101
“Juridically organized exclusion”, 208
Koryo (918–1392) dynasty, 247
“Labor-power”, 93n16, 93–94n18
Labor, 65, 86–90
Labor theory of value (LTV), 5, 64, 90n1
capitalism, 67–70, 86–90
“form of value” under capitalism, 83–86
genealogy of capitalist value, 73–83
generalizing theory, 66
labor, 65, 86–90
value, 65, 67–70, 86–90
See also Marx, Karl
Late-Victorian empire, 131–133
Late-Victorian worlds, 128
Eurocentrism of international theory, 129–130
Greater Britain, 131–133
late-Victorian empire, 131–133
missing economists, 131–133
neoclassical synthesis, 130
political economy, 129
Laws of war, 206
Diplomatic Conferences, 218–224
national liberation movements, 213–217
superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering, 209–213
, 247
Life of the Mind, The
, 56–57
Locke, John, 240
Long Distance Company. See Compagnie van Verre
Louverture, Toussaint, 192, 193, 196
, 100, 101, 117–118n1
Marshall’s economics, 133
biological analogy, competition, and character, 134–142
Great Anglosaxondom and preserving empire, 142–146
Industry and Trade
, 134
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
Marx, Karl, 2, 5, 64–67, 129
and capitalism, 81
as genealogist, 70–73
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Mass machiavellism”, 113
Meinecke, Friedrich, 103–104
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
Methodological nationalism, 169, 236–241
Microeconomic theory, 67–68
Ming dynasty, 234, 237
fall of, 245–246, 251
Ming Legal Code
, 248
“Modern” nation-state, 183
Monroe Doctrine, 187–188
Monroe, James, 187–188
Multicentric imperial polity, 188
Multiculturalism, 167
“Multiform standardization” techniques, 145
Mutua, Makau, 208
, 247–249
Napoleon’s occupation of Portugal, 191
“Nation-form”, 185, 186
National liberation, 214
movements, 213–217, 226n3
National Liberation Front (FLN), 159
Nazi extermination camps, 45–46
Neo-Confucianism, 247
Neoclassical economics, 87
Neoclassical synthesis, 130
Neue Marx-Lektüre (NML). See Value-form theory (VFT)
“Never-quite-belonging”, Hall’s experience of, 167
New International Economic Order, 217
Newly decolonized states, 226n3
1907 Hague Convention IV (Article 22), 207, 210
1977 Protocol Additional I, 206, 207
Nomothetic approach, 12
“Noncontiguous representative polity”, 132
One-drop rule, 196
Origins of Totalitarianism, The
, 40, 42, 43, 47
Palmer, R. R., 185
Peace, 214
“Peace pact”, 187
Pedro, Prince Regent Dom, 191
Pétion, Alexandre, 194
Political economy, 69–70, 92n8, 129
Political experiments, 187–194
“Political fable”, 56
Political realism, 42, 102, 116
Political science, 20, 45, 130
Political theory, 42, 54
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Political wars, 57
Portuguese carrack, 234
Post-totalitarian world, 56
Post-Zionists, 42
Power, 239
Practically abstract labor, 95n24
breaking with knowledge structures through, 160–162
against history, 162–165
reading, 184–185
theory and, 114–117
Prince Maurice of Nassau, 244
Principle of “occupation”, 24
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
“Problem of history”, 15
Procedural-methodological disagreements, 104
Prohibited Methods of Warfare (Article 14), 214
Protestant Reformation, 234, 236, 241
“Public conscience”, 220
, 247
Qing dynasty, 234, 241
Race/racism, 42–43, 165, 166, 174
racial hierarchy, 183
racialization, 165
racial slavery, 162
Rainsford, Michael, 193
Ranciére, Jacques, 207
Reading practice as theory, 184–185
Republicanism, 196
Republic of Spanish Haiti, 193
Revolutionary moment, 185–186
Revolutionary network, 226n1
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, 192
“Rubrics of rule”, 206
Ruptures, 172–176
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
Cabral, Amilcar, 215–217
Capitalism, 86–90
and value, 67–70, 83–86
Capitalist value, genealogy of, 73
commodity, 73–74
“division of labor”, 74
“equalization”, 81
exchange-value-setting-labor, 77, 78
“labor in general”, 79
magical force, 82
Marx and Franklin, 75
Marx’s criticism, 82–83
Smithian contradiction, 80, 93n16
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76
Castro, Fidel, 215
Chaǔi. See Jangryeol, Queen Dowager
Chayut, Noam, 115–117
Choson Korea, 247
debate on mourning ritual in, 237
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
17th century political and social elites, 235
Chow, Rey, 210
“Civic Imperialism”, 132
Classic Marxist analysis, 183
Colonial “antithesis”, 197
Colonialism, 43, 154, 157, 158, 160–162, 165, 208
Colonial paradox, 156
Colonial relationship, 159, 61, 163
Colonial struggle, Fanons’ experience in, 158–160
Colonial subjectivity, Fanon’s theory of, 160
Colonial subjects in British Empire, 155
Commodities, 68, 73–74
Compagnie van Verre
, 241–242
Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapon
, 219
Confucian polity, 237, 246
Confucian world, crisis of, 245–250
Conjunctures, 172–176
Constitutionalism, 196
Constitutional thought, 187–194
Constitution de la colonie française de Saint-Domingue
, 199n11
Constitutions and declarations of independence, 185
Continuity, 17, 182
of empire, 22, 194–198
of historical time, 45–46
See also Age of revolution
“Counterrevolution of slavery and racism”, 197
Cuba, 197
“Cultural history”, 113, 114
Cultural sociology, 154
Darstellung of system, 71
Declaration on Human Rights in Armed Conflict, 214
Decolonization, 160, 162–164, 207, 213
“Democratic processes”, 15
Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 192
Diasporic insights, 167–169
Diplomatic Conferences, 218, 206–207, 213, 217
Ad Hoc Committee on Conventional Weapons, 219, 222, 223
Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapon
, 219
contours of debate, 219–220
delegate from Democratic Republic of Korea, 224
delegate from Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 224
Soviet delegate, 220
United States delegate, 220–221
Diplomatic Conferences on Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflict. See Diplomatic Conferences
Diplomatic history, 19
Domestic/international bifurcation, 236
Dominican Republic. See Republic of Spanish Haiti
Double consciousness, 178n2
Draft Rules for the Limitation of Dangers Incurred by Civilian Population in Time of War (1956), 214
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
Dutch nationalism, 241
Economic chivalry, 137
Economic nationality, 141
1844 Manuscripts
, 73
Empire(s), 23, 24
black Atlantic empire, 193
Brazilian Empire, 191–192, 195
British Empire in Americas, 191
Colonial subjects in British Empire, 155
continuity of, 194–198
expansionist policies, 24–25
French Empire, 156, 166, 169, 174, 192
historiography on US empire, 187
informal empire, 191
of law, 212
of liberty, 27
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish Empire, 194
Encountering, 158
Enlightenment histories, 17, 18
Episteme, 16–17, 21, 29
Epistemic ruptures
transboundary experiences of Fanon, 155–176
transboundary experiences of Hall, 165–176
“Equalization”, 81
Eurocentric “hierarchizing frame of comparison”, 210
Eurocentrism of international theory, 129–130
European fascism, 43
Exchange-value-positing-labor, 83–84, 89
Exchange-value-setting-labor, 77, 78, 82–83
Factual disagreements, 104
Fanon, Frantz, 154–155
anticolonial imagination, 176
breaking with knowledge structures through practice, 160–162
experiences in colonial struggle, 158–160
Fanon’s theory of colonial subjectivity, 160
language, 178n1
practice against history, 162–165
theorization of self-formation, 178n2
transboundary experiences, 155–158
Fascism, 42–43, 112, 115
Federalism, 190, 196
Figurative content, 104
Florida Assembly, 196–197
Foucault’s archeological approach, 11, 16
Franco-Haitian Revolution, 26
Franklin, Benjamin, 75
French Empire, 156, 157, 192, 194
French Revolution, 26–27, 186
Genealogy, 68–69
of capitalist value, 73–83
General Assembly Resolutions on Friendly Relations, 217
Geneva Conventions (1949), 3, 206, 209, 213, 218
Geneva Law. See Hague law
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
German Ideology
, 73, 91–92n6
German particularism, 114
Giddens, Anthony, 183
Golden Law (1888), 195
Greater Britain, 128, 131–133
Great War, 144
Grotius, Hugo, 209, 234
, 71–72, 73
Hague Conferences (1899 and 1907), 210–213, 227n4
Hague law, 213
Haitian independence, 192–194
Hall’s theory
cultural theory, 172–173
of identification, 172
of subject-making, 171
Hall, Stuart, 154–155
anticolonial imagination, 176
diasporic insights, 167–169
identification and making of subject, 169–172
ideology, conjunctures, and ruptures, 172–176
transboundary experiences, 165–167
Hannah Arendt’s historical method, 54–55
“African colonial possessions”, 43–44
analysis in terms of history, 45–49
biological life needs, 53
boomerang thesis, 44
European fascism, 43
fascism, 42–43
German-American Jewish political theorist, 38
historical-political work, 52
historiographical method, 54–55
international position, 40–41
modern historiography, 49–52
phenomenological analysis, 53
political and historical thought, 39
political consequences of nuclear annihilation, 57
“Political fable”, 56
political theory, 42, 54
post-totalitarian alternatives, 40
post-totalitarian world, 56
The Origins of Totalitarianism
, 40, 43, 47
totalitarianism, 44–45
Historical reinterpretation as strategic imperative, 109–111
Historical sociology, 10, 183, 186
Historicism, 19, 103
Historicizing history/theory, 21
age of revolution, 22
concept of sovereignty, 28
“empire of liberty”, 27
empires, 23
expansionist policies of empires, 24–25
Franco-Haitian Revolution, 26
freedom and empire, 27
imperialism, 28–29
modern episteme, 29
principle of “occupation”, 24
Historiography, modern, 49–52
Arendt’s analysis, 45–49
of colonialism and racial slavery, 162–163
IR and, 11–16, 21
modern discipline of, 19
practice against, 162–165
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
between theory and practice, 114–117
and theory relationship, 2–5
Hobsbawm, Eric, 183
Human condition, 51, 53, 59
, 246
Hyeonjong (King) (1641–1674), 246, 248
Hyojong (King) (1619–1659), 246, 248
Hyu, Yun, 247
Identification and making of subject, 169–172
Ideology, 172–176
Illiad, The
, 57
, 52
“Imperial ambivalence”, 211
Imperial expansion, 188
Imperialism, 28–29, 42–43, 196, 207, 209, 210, 211, 216, 217
Imperialists, 218
Imperial origins of social and political thought
Foucault’s archeological approach, 11
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
history and IR, 11–16
modern episteme, 11
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory and history, 10
Imperial unity, 143
“Industrial organism”, 136
Industry and Trade (IT), 134, 137, 140, 142, 144
Informal empire, 28, 191
Inseon (Queen) (1619–1674), 249
Internalizing, 158
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), 214, 218–219, 224
International Conference of Experts in Support of Victims of Colonialism and Apartheid in Southern Africa, 217
International humanitarian law, 206, 208, 219, 225
Internationalist nationalism, 215
International law, 28, 208
International Relations (IR), 10, 11, 28, 129–130, 182
history and, 11–16, 21
“Invention into existence”, 163
ius ad bello
, 209
ius in bello
, 209
Jamaican Letter, 190, 198n9
Jamaica Tribune
, 194
Jangryeol, Queen Dowager, 246, 249–250
Jefferson, Thomas, 187
Jewish Palestine (1942–1943), 100
anti-Semitism, 102
figurative content, 104
Friedrich Meinecke, 103
historical reinterpretation as strategic imperative, 109–111
history between theory and practice, 114–117
, 100, 101
Meinecke’s “German catastrophe”, 111–114
, 104–109
utile form, 101
“Juridically organized exclusion”, 208
Koryo (918–1392) dynasty, 247
“Labor-power”, 93n16, 93–94n18
Labor, 65, 86–90
Labor theory of value (LTV), 5, 64, 90n1
capitalism, 67–70, 86–90
“form of value” under capitalism, 83–86
genealogy of capitalist value, 73–83
generalizing theory, 66
labor, 65, 86–90
value, 65, 67–70, 86–90
See also Marx, Karl
Late-Victorian empire, 131–133
Late-Victorian worlds, 128
Eurocentrism of international theory, 129–130
Greater Britain, 131–133
late-Victorian empire, 131–133
missing economists, 131–133
neoclassical synthesis, 130
political economy, 129
Laws of war, 206
Diplomatic Conferences, 218–224
national liberation movements, 213–217
superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering, 209–213
, 247
Life of the Mind, The
, 56–57
Locke, John, 240
Long Distance Company. See Compagnie van Verre
Louverture, Toussaint, 192, 193, 196
, 100, 101, 117–118n1
Marshall’s economics, 133
biological analogy, competition, and character, 134–142
Great Anglosaxondom and preserving empire, 142–146
Industry and Trade
, 134
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
Marx, Karl, 2, 5, 64–67, 129
and capitalism, 81
as genealogist, 70–73
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Mass machiavellism”, 113
Meinecke, Friedrich, 103–104
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
Methodological nationalism, 169, 236–241
Microeconomic theory, 67–68
Ming dynasty, 234, 237
fall of, 245–246, 251
Ming Legal Code
, 248
“Modern” nation-state, 183
Monroe Doctrine, 187–188
Monroe, James, 187–188
Multicentric imperial polity, 188
Multiculturalism, 167
“Multiform standardization” techniques, 145
Mutua, Makau, 208
, 247–249
Napoleon’s occupation of Portugal, 191
“Nation-form”, 185, 186
National liberation, 214
movements, 213–217, 226n3
National Liberation Front (FLN), 159
Nazi extermination camps, 45–46
Neo-Confucianism, 247
Neoclassical economics, 87
Neoclassical synthesis, 130
Neue Marx-Lektüre (NML). See Value-form theory (VFT)
“Never-quite-belonging”, Hall’s experience of, 167
New International Economic Order, 217
Newly decolonized states, 226n3
1907 Hague Convention IV (Article 22), 207, 210
1977 Protocol Additional I, 206, 207
Nomothetic approach, 12
“Noncontiguous representative polity”, 132
One-drop rule, 196
Origins of Totalitarianism, The
, 40, 42, 43, 47
Palmer, R. R., 185
Peace, 214
“Peace pact”, 187
Pedro, Prince Regent Dom, 191
Pétion, Alexandre, 194
Political economy, 69–70, 92n8, 129
Political experiments, 187–194
“Political fable”, 56
Political realism, 42, 102, 116
Political science, 20, 45, 130
Political theory, 42, 54
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Political wars, 57
Portuguese carrack, 234
Post-totalitarian world, 56
Post-Zionists, 42
Power, 239
Practically abstract labor, 95n24
breaking with knowledge structures through, 160–162
against history, 162–165
reading, 184–185
theory and, 114–117
Prince Maurice of Nassau, 244
Principle of “occupation”, 24
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
“Problem of history”, 15
Procedural-methodological disagreements, 104
Prohibited Methods of Warfare (Article 14), 214
Protestant Reformation, 234, 236, 241
“Public conscience”, 220
, 247
Qing dynasty, 234, 241
Race/racism, 42–43, 165, 166, 174
racial hierarchy, 183
racialization, 165
racial slavery, 162
Rainsford, Michael, 193
Ranciére, Jacques, 207
Reading practice as theory, 184–185
Republicanism, 196
Republic of Spanish Haiti, 193
Revolutionary moment, 185–186
Revolutionary network, 226n1
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, 192
“Rubrics of rule”, 206
Ruptures, 172–176
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
Economic chivalry, 137
Economic nationality, 141
1844 Manuscripts
, 73
Empire(s), 23, 24
black Atlantic empire, 193
Brazilian Empire, 191–192, 195
British Empire in Americas, 191
Colonial subjects in British Empire, 155
continuity of, 194–198
expansionist policies, 24–25
French Empire, 156, 166, 169, 174, 192
historiography on US empire, 187
informal empire, 191
of law, 212
of liberty, 27
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish Empire, 194
Encountering, 158
Enlightenment histories, 17, 18
Episteme, 16–17, 21, 29
Epistemic ruptures
transboundary experiences of Fanon, 155–176
transboundary experiences of Hall, 165–176
“Equalization”, 81
Eurocentric “hierarchizing frame of comparison”, 210
Eurocentrism of international theory, 129–130
European fascism, 43
Exchange-value-positing-labor, 83–84, 89
Exchange-value-setting-labor, 77, 78, 82–83
Factual disagreements, 104
Fanon, Frantz, 154–155
anticolonial imagination, 176
breaking with knowledge structures through practice, 160–162
experiences in colonial struggle, 158–160
Fanon’s theory of colonial subjectivity, 160
language, 178n1
practice against history, 162–165
theorization of self-formation, 178n2
transboundary experiences, 155–158
Fascism, 42–43, 112, 115
Federalism, 190, 196
Figurative content, 104
Florida Assembly, 196–197
Foucault’s archeological approach, 11, 16
Franco-Haitian Revolution, 26
Franklin, Benjamin, 75
French Empire, 156, 157, 192, 194
French Revolution, 26–27, 186
Genealogy, 68–69
of capitalist value, 73–83
General Assembly Resolutions on Friendly Relations, 217
Geneva Conventions (1949), 3, 206, 209, 213, 218
Geneva Law. See Hague law
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
German Ideology
, 73, 91–92n6
German particularism, 114
Giddens, Anthony, 183
Golden Law (1888), 195
Greater Britain, 128, 131–133
Great War, 144
Grotius, Hugo, 209, 234
, 71–72, 73
Hague Conferences (1899 and 1907), 210–213, 227n4
Hague law, 213
Haitian independence, 192–194
Hall’s theory
cultural theory, 172–173
of identification, 172
of subject-making, 171
Hall, Stuart, 154–155
anticolonial imagination, 176
diasporic insights, 167–169
identification and making of subject, 169–172
ideology, conjunctures, and ruptures, 172–176
transboundary experiences, 165–167
Hannah Arendt’s historical method, 54–55
“African colonial possessions”, 43–44
analysis in terms of history, 45–49
biological life needs, 53
boomerang thesis, 44
European fascism, 43
fascism, 42–43
German-American Jewish political theorist, 38
historical-political work, 52
historiographical method, 54–55
international position, 40–41
modern historiography, 49–52
phenomenological analysis, 53
political and historical thought, 39
political consequences of nuclear annihilation, 57
“Political fable”, 56
political theory, 42, 54
post-totalitarian alternatives, 40
post-totalitarian world, 56
The Origins of Totalitarianism
, 40, 43, 47
totalitarianism, 44–45
Historical reinterpretation as strategic imperative, 109–111
Historical sociology, 10, 183, 186
Historicism, 19, 103
Historicizing history/theory, 21
age of revolution, 22
concept of sovereignty, 28
“empire of liberty”, 27
empires, 23
expansionist policies of empires, 24–25
Franco-Haitian Revolution, 26
freedom and empire, 27
imperialism, 28–29
modern episteme, 29
principle of “occupation”, 24
Historiography, modern, 49–52
Arendt’s analysis, 45–49
of colonialism and racial slavery, 162–163
IR and, 11–16, 21
modern discipline of, 19
practice against, 162–165
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
between theory and practice, 114–117
and theory relationship, 2–5
Hobsbawm, Eric, 183
Human condition, 51, 53, 59
, 246
Hyeonjong (King) (1641–1674), 246, 248
Hyojong (King) (1619–1659), 246, 248
Hyu, Yun, 247
Identification and making of subject, 169–172
Ideology, 172–176
Illiad, The
, 57
, 52
“Imperial ambivalence”, 211
Imperial expansion, 188
Imperialism, 28–29, 42–43, 196, 207, 209, 210, 211, 216, 217
Imperialists, 218
Imperial origins of social and political thought
Foucault’s archeological approach, 11
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
history and IR, 11–16
modern episteme, 11
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory and history, 10
Imperial unity, 143
“Industrial organism”, 136
Industry and Trade (IT), 134, 137, 140, 142, 144
Informal empire, 28, 191
Inseon (Queen) (1619–1674), 249
Internalizing, 158
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), 214, 218–219, 224
International Conference of Experts in Support of Victims of Colonialism and Apartheid in Southern Africa, 217
International humanitarian law, 206, 208, 219, 225
Internationalist nationalism, 215
International law, 28, 208
International Relations (IR), 10, 11, 28, 129–130, 182
history and, 11–16, 21
“Invention into existence”, 163
ius ad bello
, 209
ius in bello
, 209
Jamaican Letter, 190, 198n9
Jamaica Tribune
, 194
Jangryeol, Queen Dowager, 246, 249–250
Jefferson, Thomas, 187
Jewish Palestine (1942–1943), 100
anti-Semitism, 102
figurative content, 104
Friedrich Meinecke, 103
historical reinterpretation as strategic imperative, 109–111
history between theory and practice, 114–117
, 100, 101
Meinecke’s “German catastrophe”, 111–114
, 104–109
utile form, 101
“Juridically organized exclusion”, 208
Koryo (918–1392) dynasty, 247
“Labor-power”, 93n16, 93–94n18
Labor, 65, 86–90
Labor theory of value (LTV), 5, 64, 90n1
capitalism, 67–70, 86–90
“form of value” under capitalism, 83–86
genealogy of capitalist value, 73–83
generalizing theory, 66
labor, 65, 86–90
value, 65, 67–70, 86–90
See also Marx, Karl
Late-Victorian empire, 131–133
Late-Victorian worlds, 128
Eurocentrism of international theory, 129–130
Greater Britain, 131–133
late-Victorian empire, 131–133
missing economists, 131–133
neoclassical synthesis, 130
political economy, 129
Laws of war, 206
Diplomatic Conferences, 218–224
national liberation movements, 213–217
superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering, 209–213
, 247
Life of the Mind, The
, 56–57
Locke, John, 240
Long Distance Company. See Compagnie van Verre
Louverture, Toussaint, 192, 193, 196
, 100, 101, 117–118n1
Marshall’s economics, 133
biological analogy, competition, and character, 134–142
Great Anglosaxondom and preserving empire, 142–146
Industry and Trade
, 134
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
Marx, Karl, 2, 5, 64–67, 129
and capitalism, 81
as genealogist, 70–73
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Mass machiavellism”, 113
Meinecke, Friedrich, 103–104
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
Methodological nationalism, 169, 236–241
Microeconomic theory, 67–68
Ming dynasty, 234, 237
fall of, 245–246, 251
Ming Legal Code
, 248
“Modern” nation-state, 183
Monroe Doctrine, 187–188
Monroe, James, 187–188
Multicentric imperial polity, 188
Multiculturalism, 167
“Multiform standardization” techniques, 145
Mutua, Makau, 208
, 247–249
Napoleon’s occupation of Portugal, 191
“Nation-form”, 185, 186
National liberation, 214
movements, 213–217, 226n3
National Liberation Front (FLN), 159
Nazi extermination camps, 45–46
Neo-Confucianism, 247
Neoclassical economics, 87
Neoclassical synthesis, 130
Neue Marx-Lektüre (NML). See Value-form theory (VFT)
“Never-quite-belonging”, Hall’s experience of, 167
New International Economic Order, 217
Newly decolonized states, 226n3
1907 Hague Convention IV (Article 22), 207, 210
1977 Protocol Additional I, 206, 207
Nomothetic approach, 12
“Noncontiguous representative polity”, 132
One-drop rule, 196
Origins of Totalitarianism, The
, 40, 42, 43, 47
Palmer, R. R., 185
Peace, 214
“Peace pact”, 187
Pedro, Prince Regent Dom, 191
Pétion, Alexandre, 194
Political economy, 69–70, 92n8, 129
Political experiments, 187–194
“Political fable”, 56
Political realism, 42, 102, 116
Political science, 20, 45, 130
Political theory, 42, 54
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Political wars, 57
Portuguese carrack, 234
Post-totalitarian world, 56
Post-Zionists, 42
Power, 239
Practically abstract labor, 95n24
breaking with knowledge structures through, 160–162
against history, 162–165
reading, 184–185
theory and, 114–117
Prince Maurice of Nassau, 244
Principle of “occupation”, 24
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
“Problem of history”, 15
Procedural-methodological disagreements, 104
Prohibited Methods of Warfare (Article 14), 214
Protestant Reformation, 234, 236, 241
“Public conscience”, 220
, 247
Qing dynasty, 234, 241
Race/racism, 42–43, 165, 166, 174
racial hierarchy, 183
racialization, 165
racial slavery, 162
Rainsford, Michael, 193
Ranciére, Jacques, 207
Reading practice as theory, 184–185
Republicanism, 196
Republic of Spanish Haiti, 193
Revolutionary moment, 185–186
Revolutionary network, 226n1
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, 192
“Rubrics of rule”, 206
Ruptures, 172–176
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
Genealogy, 68–69
of capitalist value, 73–83
General Assembly Resolutions on Friendly Relations, 217
Geneva Conventions (1949), 3, 206, 209, 213, 218
Geneva Law. See Hague law
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
German Ideology
, 73, 91–92n6
German particularism, 114
Giddens, Anthony, 183
Golden Law (1888), 195
Greater Britain, 128, 131–133
Great War, 144
Grotius, Hugo, 209, 234
, 71–72, 73
Hague Conferences (1899 and 1907), 210–213, 227n4
Hague law, 213
Haitian independence, 192–194
Hall’s theory
cultural theory, 172–173
of identification, 172
of subject-making, 171
Hall, Stuart, 154–155
anticolonial imagination, 176
diasporic insights, 167–169
identification and making of subject, 169–172
ideology, conjunctures, and ruptures, 172–176
transboundary experiences, 165–167
Hannah Arendt’s historical method, 54–55
“African colonial possessions”, 43–44
analysis in terms of history, 45–49
biological life needs, 53
boomerang thesis, 44
European fascism, 43
fascism, 42–43
German-American Jewish political theorist, 38
historical-political work, 52
historiographical method, 54–55
international position, 40–41
modern historiography, 49–52
phenomenological analysis, 53
political and historical thought, 39
political consequences of nuclear annihilation, 57
“Political fable”, 56
political theory, 42, 54
post-totalitarian alternatives, 40
post-totalitarian world, 56
The Origins of Totalitarianism
, 40, 43, 47
totalitarianism, 44–45
Historical reinterpretation as strategic imperative, 109–111
Historical sociology, 10, 183, 186
Historicism, 19, 103
Historicizing history/theory, 21
age of revolution, 22
concept of sovereignty, 28
“empire of liberty”, 27
empires, 23
expansionist policies of empires, 24–25
Franco-Haitian Revolution, 26
freedom and empire, 27
imperialism, 28–29
modern episteme, 29
principle of “occupation”, 24
Historiography, modern, 49–52
Arendt’s analysis, 45–49
of colonialism and racial slavery, 162–163
IR and, 11–16, 21
modern discipline of, 19
practice against, 162–165
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
between theory and practice, 114–117
and theory relationship, 2–5
Hobsbawm, Eric, 183
Human condition, 51, 53, 59
, 246
Hyeonjong (King) (1641–1674), 246, 248
Hyojong (King) (1619–1659), 246, 248
Hyu, Yun, 247
Identification and making of subject, 169–172
Ideology, 172–176
Illiad, The
, 57
, 52
“Imperial ambivalence”, 211
Imperial expansion, 188
Imperialism, 28–29, 42–43, 196, 207, 209, 210, 211, 216, 217
Imperialists, 218
Imperial origins of social and political thought
Foucault’s archeological approach, 11
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
history and IR, 11–16
modern episteme, 11
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory and history, 10
Imperial unity, 143
“Industrial organism”, 136
Industry and Trade (IT), 134, 137, 140, 142, 144
Informal empire, 28, 191
Inseon (Queen) (1619–1674), 249
Internalizing, 158
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), 214, 218–219, 224
International Conference of Experts in Support of Victims of Colonialism and Apartheid in Southern Africa, 217
International humanitarian law, 206, 208, 219, 225
Internationalist nationalism, 215
International law, 28, 208
International Relations (IR), 10, 11, 28, 129–130, 182
history and, 11–16, 21
“Invention into existence”, 163
ius ad bello
, 209
ius in bello
, 209
Jamaican Letter, 190, 198n9
Jamaica Tribune
, 194
Jangryeol, Queen Dowager, 246, 249–250
Jefferson, Thomas, 187
Jewish Palestine (1942–1943), 100
anti-Semitism, 102
figurative content, 104
Friedrich Meinecke, 103
historical reinterpretation as strategic imperative, 109–111
history between theory and practice, 114–117
, 100, 101
Meinecke’s “German catastrophe”, 111–114
, 104–109
utile form, 101
“Juridically organized exclusion”, 208
Koryo (918–1392) dynasty, 247
“Labor-power”, 93n16, 93–94n18
Labor, 65, 86–90
Labor theory of value (LTV), 5, 64, 90n1
capitalism, 67–70, 86–90
“form of value” under capitalism, 83–86
genealogy of capitalist value, 73–83
generalizing theory, 66
labor, 65, 86–90
value, 65, 67–70, 86–90
See also Marx, Karl
Late-Victorian empire, 131–133
Late-Victorian worlds, 128
Eurocentrism of international theory, 129–130
Greater Britain, 131–133
late-Victorian empire, 131–133
missing economists, 131–133
neoclassical synthesis, 130
political economy, 129
Laws of war, 206
Diplomatic Conferences, 218–224
national liberation movements, 213–217
superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering, 209–213
, 247
Life of the Mind, The
, 56–57
Locke, John, 240
Long Distance Company. See Compagnie van Verre
Louverture, Toussaint, 192, 193, 196
, 100, 101, 117–118n1
Marshall’s economics, 133
biological analogy, competition, and character, 134–142
Great Anglosaxondom and preserving empire, 142–146
Industry and Trade
, 134
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
Marx, Karl, 2, 5, 64–67, 129
and capitalism, 81
as genealogist, 70–73
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Mass machiavellism”, 113
Meinecke, Friedrich, 103–104
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
Methodological nationalism, 169, 236–241
Microeconomic theory, 67–68
Ming dynasty, 234, 237
fall of, 245–246, 251
Ming Legal Code
, 248
“Modern” nation-state, 183
Monroe Doctrine, 187–188
Monroe, James, 187–188
Multicentric imperial polity, 188
Multiculturalism, 167
“Multiform standardization” techniques, 145
Mutua, Makau, 208
, 247–249
Napoleon’s occupation of Portugal, 191
“Nation-form”, 185, 186
National liberation, 214
movements, 213–217, 226n3
National Liberation Front (FLN), 159
Nazi extermination camps, 45–46
Neo-Confucianism, 247
Neoclassical economics, 87
Neoclassical synthesis, 130
Neue Marx-Lektüre (NML). See Value-form theory (VFT)
“Never-quite-belonging”, Hall’s experience of, 167
New International Economic Order, 217
Newly decolonized states, 226n3
1907 Hague Convention IV (Article 22), 207, 210
1977 Protocol Additional I, 206, 207
Nomothetic approach, 12
“Noncontiguous representative polity”, 132
One-drop rule, 196
Origins of Totalitarianism, The
, 40, 42, 43, 47
Palmer, R. R., 185
Peace, 214
“Peace pact”, 187
Pedro, Prince Regent Dom, 191
Pétion, Alexandre, 194
Political economy, 69–70, 92n8, 129
Political experiments, 187–194
“Political fable”, 56
Political realism, 42, 102, 116
Political science, 20, 45, 130
Political theory, 42, 54
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Political wars, 57
Portuguese carrack, 234
Post-totalitarian world, 56
Post-Zionists, 42
Power, 239
Practically abstract labor, 95n24
breaking with knowledge structures through, 160–162
against history, 162–165
reading, 184–185
theory and, 114–117
Prince Maurice of Nassau, 244
Principle of “occupation”, 24
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
“Problem of history”, 15
Procedural-methodological disagreements, 104
Prohibited Methods of Warfare (Article 14), 214
Protestant Reformation, 234, 236, 241
“Public conscience”, 220
, 247
Qing dynasty, 234, 241
Race/racism, 42–43, 165, 166, 174
racial hierarchy, 183
racialization, 165
racial slavery, 162
Rainsford, Michael, 193
Ranciére, Jacques, 207
Reading practice as theory, 184–185
Republicanism, 196
Republic of Spanish Haiti, 193
Revolutionary moment, 185–186
Revolutionary network, 226n1
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, 192
“Rubrics of rule”, 206
Ruptures, 172–176
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
Identification and making of subject, 169–172
Ideology, 172–176
Illiad, The
, 57
, 52
“Imperial ambivalence”, 211
Imperial expansion, 188
Imperialism, 28–29, 42–43, 196, 207, 209, 210, 211, 216, 217
Imperialists, 218
Imperial origins of social and political thought
Foucault’s archeological approach, 11
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
history and IR, 11–16
modern episteme, 11
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory and history, 10
Imperial unity, 143
“Industrial organism”, 136
Industry and Trade (IT), 134, 137, 140, 142, 144
Informal empire, 28, 191
Inseon (Queen) (1619–1674), 249
Internalizing, 158
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), 214, 218–219, 224
International Conference of Experts in Support of Victims of Colonialism and Apartheid in Southern Africa, 217
International humanitarian law, 206, 208, 219, 225
Internationalist nationalism, 215
International law, 28, 208
International Relations (IR), 10, 11, 28, 129–130, 182
history and, 11–16, 21
“Invention into existence”, 163
ius ad bello
, 209
ius in bello
, 209
Jamaican Letter, 190, 198n9
Jamaica Tribune
, 194
Jangryeol, Queen Dowager, 246, 249–250
Jefferson, Thomas, 187
Jewish Palestine (1942–1943), 100
anti-Semitism, 102
figurative content, 104
Friedrich Meinecke, 103
historical reinterpretation as strategic imperative, 109–111
history between theory and practice, 114–117
, 100, 101
Meinecke’s “German catastrophe”, 111–114
, 104–109
utile form, 101
“Juridically organized exclusion”, 208
Koryo (918–1392) dynasty, 247
“Labor-power”, 93n16, 93–94n18
Labor, 65, 86–90
Labor theory of value (LTV), 5, 64, 90n1
capitalism, 67–70, 86–90
“form of value” under capitalism, 83–86
genealogy of capitalist value, 73–83
generalizing theory, 66
labor, 65, 86–90
value, 65, 67–70, 86–90
See also Marx, Karl
Late-Victorian empire, 131–133
Late-Victorian worlds, 128
Eurocentrism of international theory, 129–130
Greater Britain, 131–133
late-Victorian empire, 131–133
missing economists, 131–133
neoclassical synthesis, 130
political economy, 129
Laws of war, 206
Diplomatic Conferences, 218–224
national liberation movements, 213–217
superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering, 209–213
, 247
Life of the Mind, The
, 56–57
Locke, John, 240
Long Distance Company. See Compagnie van Verre
Louverture, Toussaint, 192, 193, 196
, 100, 101, 117–118n1
Marshall’s economics, 133
biological analogy, competition, and character, 134–142
Great Anglosaxondom and preserving empire, 142–146
Industry and Trade
, 134
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
Marx, Karl, 2, 5, 64–67, 129
and capitalism, 81
as genealogist, 70–73
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Mass machiavellism”, 113
Meinecke, Friedrich, 103–104
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
Methodological nationalism, 169, 236–241
Microeconomic theory, 67–68
Ming dynasty, 234, 237
fall of, 245–246, 251
Ming Legal Code
, 248
“Modern” nation-state, 183
Monroe Doctrine, 187–188
Monroe, James, 187–188
Multicentric imperial polity, 188
Multiculturalism, 167
“Multiform standardization” techniques, 145
Mutua, Makau, 208
, 247–249
Napoleon’s occupation of Portugal, 191
“Nation-form”, 185, 186
National liberation, 214
movements, 213–217, 226n3
National Liberation Front (FLN), 159
Nazi extermination camps, 45–46
Neo-Confucianism, 247
Neoclassical economics, 87
Neoclassical synthesis, 130
Neue Marx-Lektüre (NML). See Value-form theory (VFT)
“Never-quite-belonging”, Hall’s experience of, 167
New International Economic Order, 217
Newly decolonized states, 226n3
1907 Hague Convention IV (Article 22), 207, 210
1977 Protocol Additional I, 206, 207
Nomothetic approach, 12
“Noncontiguous representative polity”, 132
One-drop rule, 196
Origins of Totalitarianism, The
, 40, 42, 43, 47
Palmer, R. R., 185
Peace, 214
“Peace pact”, 187
Pedro, Prince Regent Dom, 191
Pétion, Alexandre, 194
Political economy, 69–70, 92n8, 129
Political experiments, 187–194
“Political fable”, 56
Political realism, 42, 102, 116
Political science, 20, 45, 130
Political theory, 42, 54
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Political wars, 57
Portuguese carrack, 234
Post-totalitarian world, 56
Post-Zionists, 42
Power, 239
Practically abstract labor, 95n24
breaking with knowledge structures through, 160–162
against history, 162–165
reading, 184–185
theory and, 114–117
Prince Maurice of Nassau, 244
Principle of “occupation”, 24
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
“Problem of history”, 15
Procedural-methodological disagreements, 104
Prohibited Methods of Warfare (Article 14), 214
Protestant Reformation, 234, 236, 241
“Public conscience”, 220
, 247
Qing dynasty, 234, 241
Race/racism, 42–43, 165, 166, 174
racial hierarchy, 183
racialization, 165
racial slavery, 162
Rainsford, Michael, 193
Ranciére, Jacques, 207
Reading practice as theory, 184–185
Republicanism, 196
Republic of Spanish Haiti, 193
Revolutionary moment, 185–186
Revolutionary network, 226n1
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, 192
“Rubrics of rule”, 206
Ruptures, 172–176
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
Koryo (918–1392) dynasty, 247
“Labor-power”, 93n16, 93–94n18
Labor, 65, 86–90
Labor theory of value (LTV), 5, 64, 90n1
capitalism, 67–70, 86–90
“form of value” under capitalism, 83–86
genealogy of capitalist value, 73–83
generalizing theory, 66
labor, 65, 86–90
value, 65, 67–70, 86–90
See also Marx, Karl
Late-Victorian empire, 131–133
Late-Victorian worlds, 128
Eurocentrism of international theory, 129–130
Greater Britain, 131–133
late-Victorian empire, 131–133
missing economists, 131–133
neoclassical synthesis, 130
political economy, 129
Laws of war, 206
Diplomatic Conferences, 218–224
national liberation movements, 213–217
superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering, 209–213
, 247
Life of the Mind, The
, 56–57
Locke, John, 240
Long Distance Company. See Compagnie van Verre
Louverture, Toussaint, 192, 193, 196
, 100, 101, 117–118n1
Marshall’s economics, 133
biological analogy, competition, and character, 134–142
Great Anglosaxondom and preserving empire, 142–146
Industry and Trade
, 134
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
Marx, Karl, 2, 5, 64–67, 129
and capitalism, 81
as genealogist, 70–73
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Mass machiavellism”, 113
Meinecke, Friedrich, 103–104
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
Methodological nationalism, 169, 236–241
Microeconomic theory, 67–68
Ming dynasty, 234, 237
fall of, 245–246, 251
Ming Legal Code
, 248
“Modern” nation-state, 183
Monroe Doctrine, 187–188
Monroe, James, 187–188
Multicentric imperial polity, 188
Multiculturalism, 167
“Multiform standardization” techniques, 145
Mutua, Makau, 208
, 247–249
Napoleon’s occupation of Portugal, 191
“Nation-form”, 185, 186
National liberation, 214
movements, 213–217, 226n3
National Liberation Front (FLN), 159
Nazi extermination camps, 45–46
Neo-Confucianism, 247
Neoclassical economics, 87
Neoclassical synthesis, 130
Neue Marx-Lektüre (NML). See Value-form theory (VFT)
“Never-quite-belonging”, Hall’s experience of, 167
New International Economic Order, 217
Newly decolonized states, 226n3
1907 Hague Convention IV (Article 22), 207, 210
1977 Protocol Additional I, 206, 207
Nomothetic approach, 12
“Noncontiguous representative polity”, 132
One-drop rule, 196
Origins of Totalitarianism, The
, 40, 42, 43, 47
Palmer, R. R., 185
Peace, 214
“Peace pact”, 187
Pedro, Prince Regent Dom, 191
Pétion, Alexandre, 194
Political economy, 69–70, 92n8, 129
Political experiments, 187–194
“Political fable”, 56
Political realism, 42, 102, 116
Political science, 20, 45, 130
Political theory, 42, 54
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Political wars, 57
Portuguese carrack, 234
Post-totalitarian world, 56
Post-Zionists, 42
Power, 239
Practically abstract labor, 95n24
breaking with knowledge structures through, 160–162
against history, 162–165
reading, 184–185
theory and, 114–117
Prince Maurice of Nassau, 244
Principle of “occupation”, 24
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
“Problem of history”, 15
Procedural-methodological disagreements, 104
Prohibited Methods of Warfare (Article 14), 214
Protestant Reformation, 234, 236, 241
“Public conscience”, 220
, 247
Qing dynasty, 234, 241
Race/racism, 42–43, 165, 166, 174
racial hierarchy, 183
racialization, 165
racial slavery, 162
Rainsford, Michael, 193
Ranciére, Jacques, 207
Reading practice as theory, 184–185
Republicanism, 196
Republic of Spanish Haiti, 193
Revolutionary moment, 185–186
Revolutionary network, 226n1
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, 192
“Rubrics of rule”, 206
Ruptures, 172–176
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
, 100, 101, 117–118n1
Marshall’s economics, 133
biological analogy, competition, and character, 134–142
Great Anglosaxondom and preserving empire, 142–146
Industry and Trade
, 134
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
Marx, Karl, 2, 5, 64–67, 129
and capitalism, 81
as genealogist, 70–73
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Mass machiavellism”, 113
Meinecke, Friedrich, 103–104
“German catastrophe”, 111–114
Methodological nationalism, 169, 236–241
Microeconomic theory, 67–68
Ming dynasty, 234, 237
fall of, 245–246, 251
Ming Legal Code
, 248
“Modern” nation-state, 183
Monroe Doctrine, 187–188
Monroe, James, 187–188
Multicentric imperial polity, 188
Multiculturalism, 167
“Multiform standardization” techniques, 145
Mutua, Makau, 208
, 247–249
Napoleon’s occupation of Portugal, 191
“Nation-form”, 185, 186
National liberation, 214
movements, 213–217, 226n3
National Liberation Front (FLN), 159
Nazi extermination camps, 45–46
Neo-Confucianism, 247
Neoclassical economics, 87
Neoclassical synthesis, 130
Neue Marx-Lektüre (NML). See Value-form theory (VFT)
“Never-quite-belonging”, Hall’s experience of, 167
New International Economic Order, 217
Newly decolonized states, 226n3
1907 Hague Convention IV (Article 22), 207, 210
1977 Protocol Additional I, 206, 207
Nomothetic approach, 12
“Noncontiguous representative polity”, 132
One-drop rule, 196
Origins of Totalitarianism, The
, 40, 42, 43, 47
Palmer, R. R., 185
Peace, 214
“Peace pact”, 187
Pedro, Prince Regent Dom, 191
Pétion, Alexandre, 194
Political economy, 69–70, 92n8, 129
Political experiments, 187–194
“Political fable”, 56
Political realism, 42, 102, 116
Political science, 20, 45, 130
Political theory, 42, 54
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Political wars, 57
Portuguese carrack, 234
Post-totalitarian world, 56
Post-Zionists, 42
Power, 239
Practically abstract labor, 95n24
breaking with knowledge structures through, 160–162
against history, 162–165
reading, 184–185
theory and, 114–117
Prince Maurice of Nassau, 244
Principle of “occupation”, 24
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
“Problem of history”, 15
Procedural-methodological disagreements, 104
Prohibited Methods of Warfare (Article 14), 214
Protestant Reformation, 234, 236, 241
“Public conscience”, 220
, 247
Qing dynasty, 234, 241
Race/racism, 42–43, 165, 166, 174
racial hierarchy, 183
racialization, 165
racial slavery, 162
Rainsford, Michael, 193
Ranciére, Jacques, 207
Reading practice as theory, 184–185
Republicanism, 196
Republic of Spanish Haiti, 193
Revolutionary moment, 185–186
Revolutionary network, 226n1
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, 192
“Rubrics of rule”, 206
Ruptures, 172–176
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
One-drop rule, 196
Origins of Totalitarianism, The
, 40, 42, 43, 47
Palmer, R. R., 185
Peace, 214
“Peace pact”, 187
Pedro, Prince Regent Dom, 191
Pétion, Alexandre, 194
Political economy, 69–70, 92n8, 129
Political experiments, 187–194
“Political fable”, 56
Political realism, 42, 102, 116
Political science, 20, 45, 130
Political theory, 42, 54
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Political wars, 57
Portuguese carrack, 234
Post-totalitarian world, 56
Post-Zionists, 42
Power, 239
Practically abstract labor, 95n24
breaking with knowledge structures through, 160–162
against history, 162–165
reading, 184–185
theory and, 114–117
Prince Maurice of Nassau, 244
Principle of “occupation”, 24
Principles of Economics
, 133–134
“Problem of history”, 15
Procedural-methodological disagreements, 104
Prohibited Methods of Warfare (Article 14), 214
Protestant Reformation, 234, 236, 241
“Public conscience”, 220
, 247
Qing dynasty, 234, 241
Race/racism, 42–43, 165, 166, 174
racial hierarchy, 183
racialization, 165
racial slavery, 162
Rainsford, Michael, 193
Ranciére, Jacques, 207
Reading practice as theory, 184–185
Republicanism, 196
Republic of Spanish Haiti, 193
Revolutionary moment, 185–186
Revolutionary network, 226n1
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, 192
“Rubrics of rule”, 206
Ruptures, 172–176
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
, 247
Qing dynasty, 234, 241
Race/racism, 42–43, 165, 166, 174
racial hierarchy, 183
racialization, 165
racial slavery, 162
Rainsford, Michael, 193
Ranciére, Jacques, 207
Reading practice as theory, 184–185
Republicanism, 196
Republic of Spanish Haiti, 193
Revolutionary moment, 185–186
Revolutionary network, 226n1
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, 192
“Rubrics of rule”, 206
Ruptures, 172–176
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
Santa Catarina (Portuguese carrack), 234, 243
defense of Santa Catarina’s seizure, 236–237
1603 seizure, 241, 244
Saint-Domingue, 195
French colony of, 192
restoration of French imperial authority, 192–193
revolution in, 192
Santo Domingo, 195
Spain’s recolonization, 194
Spanish colony of, 193
, 246, 247
Schism, 27, 114, 191
Self-determination, 103, 141, 155, 213, 215
Seven Years War (1756–1763), 24, 25
, 104
European intellectual traditions, 105
Rubashov’s interpretive framework, 107
self-defense, 109
“unmasterability” of, 106
, 108
Slavery, 27, 142, 188, 195, 196
Smith, Adam, 144
Social and political theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Social classes, 238–239
Social science, 12–14, 20, 45, 47
Social system creation, 239
Social theory
history/theory, 2–5
social scientists, 2
theory-practice, 5
Sociological imagination, 166
Sohyeon, Crown Prince, 248
, 247–249
, 251
Sovereign societies, 235
Confucian world crisis, 245–250
Dutch challenge to Spanish authority, 241–245
methodological nationalism, 236–241
state-centrism, limits of, 236–241
Sovereignty, 182, 190–191, 195, 197
Spanish Americas, revolutions in, 189
Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, 193
Spanish Empire, 190, 194
State-centrism, limits of, 236–241
State formation, 183
St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), 210, 211, 227n4
Subject-making, Hall’s theory of, 171
“Subversive representations”, 173
Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering
history, 209–213
national liberation movements, 213–217
prohibition against, 206
Systemic racial violence, 192
Tauschwert setzende Arbeit
, 76, 82
Tempest, The
, 56–57
Temporal single-sector interpretation (TSSI), 90n3
Thatcherism, 167, 173, 175
Thawara al-Kubra
, 100–101
Theories of Surplus Value
, 91n6
Theorizing history/theory, 16–21
historicizing history/theory, 21–29
and history relationship, 2–5
and practice, 5, 114–117
reading practice as, 184–185
theorizing history/theory, 16–21
theory-practice, 5
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
“Third World”, 226n1
Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), 208
Time-honored historical method, 184
Totalitarianism, 39, 44–45, 47–49
Trans-continental composite polity, 132
Transboundary experiences, 4, 154
of Fanon, 155–165
of Hall, 165–176
“Transnational culture of Third World liberation”, 207
Transnational forces, 240
“Transnational idiom”, 215
Treaty of Chateau-Cambrésis, 241
Tricontinental Conference, 215
“Typical of imperialism”, 244
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
United Dutch East India Company. See Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, 217
United Provinces
17th century political and social elites, 235
domestic/international bifurcation, 236
emergence, 241
free seas discussion in, 237
UNSCG, 227n8
Utile form, 101, 108–109
Value-form theory (VFT), 85–87, 95n23
Value, 86–90
capitalism and, 67–70
form under capitalism, 83–86
theory, 90n3
Value theory of labor. See Labor theory of value (LTV)
van Heemskerck, Jacob, 234, 240, 242–244
van Neck, Jacob, 242
Varnhagen, Rahel, 41
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), 243–244
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
War of American Independence, 25
War of Spanish Succession (1702–1713), 25
Wars of decolonization, 214
Weapon development, 213
“Weapon of theory”, 216
“Web of human relationships”, 53
, 185
Western Hemisphere, 3, 182, 188, 190, 195, 197
Haiti, 193
revolutionary powers of, 187
Wretched of the Earth, The
, 159, 160
Xi, Zhu, 247
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
, 248, 249
, 100, 101
Zalman Rubashov (Shazar), 100
Zionists, 107, 218
Zur Kritik
, 71–72, 86, 92n7, 93n13
See also Labor theory of value (LTV)
Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
, 71–72
- Prelims
- The International Origins of Social and Political Theory
- The Imperial Origins of Social and Political Thought
- The International Origins of Hannah Arendt’s Historical Method
- What Kind of Theory is the Labor Theory of Value? Marx as Genealogist in Zur Kritik
- “These Days of Shoah”: History, Habitus, and Realpolitik in Jewish Palestine, 1942–1943
- Late-Victorian Worlds: Alfred Marshall on Competition, Character, and Anglo-Saxon Civilization
- Epistemic Ruptures: History, Practice, and the Anticolonial Imagination
- Empire and Violence: Continuity in the Age of Revolution
- Superfluous Injury and Unnecessary Suffering: National Liberation and the Laws of War
- The Sovereign Society: Historical Rupture and the Emergence of the “Domestic” in 17th Century Europe and East Asia
- About the Editors
- Index