
Financial Issues in Emerging Economies: Special Issue Including Selected Papers from II International Conference on Economics and Finance, 2019, Bengaluru, India

ISBN: 978-1-83867-960-6, eISBN: 978-1-83867-959-0

ISSN: 0196-3821

Publication date: 10 November 2020

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(2020), "Index", Biswas, R. and Michaelides, M. (Ed.) Financial Issues in Emerging Economies: Special Issue Including Selected Papers from II International Conference on Economics and Finance, 2019, Bengaluru, India (Research in Finance, Vol. 36), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. XXX-XXX.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited


Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.


accounting based variables
, 111

accounting-based approach
, 104

accounting-based firm performance measures
, 196

, 222

, 106, 108–109, 112, 120

Advanced economies (AEs)
, 70, 74

Advanced techniques
, 206

“Afrocentric” strategy
, 4

Agency cost
, 222

Agency theory
, 192

Aggregate risk
, 177, 181

Altman’s Z score models
, 109–110

American depository receipts (ADRs)
, 147–148

change in prime interest rate
, 157

change in SDRs
, 157

contributors to ADR risks and returns
, 151–153

, 161

country segments
, 158–160

cross-sectional regression model
, 154–155

excess holding period returns
, 158

independent variables and expectations
, 155

issue date
, 155–156

issue level
, 156–157

literature review
, 148

market indexes
, 155

region of issue
, 156

regional samples and segments
, 160–161

, 161–166

return performance
, 149–151

sample and return computations
, 153–154

total sample and segments
, 158

type of issue
, 156

American Express (AMEX)
, 149

Analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
, 177

ANN model
, 108

ARCH/GARCH process
, 82–83

Asset purchase programs
, 75

Audit Committee (AC)
, 192, 222

Augmented Dickey–Fuller test (ADF test)
, 50, 81

Augmented external control variable AR(k)-GARCH (p, q) framework
, 72, 82

Autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL model)
, 47, 50–51

“Availability payment model”
, 130, 137

Bag-of-words model
, 209

Balance sheet normalization (BSN)
, 71, 78, 84, 86–87

Bangalore International Airport (BIAL)
, 135–136

Bank Age (BA)
, 10

Bank assets
, 10

Bank internationalization
, 1 (see also Corporate governance; Public private partnerships (PPPs))

empirical model and sources of data
, 11

firm-level determinants of
, 9–11

literature review
, 8–9

MNBs emergence in India and Nigeria
, 2–8

policy implications and future research
, 14–15

, 11–13

robustness check
, 13–14

Bank of Japan (BoJ)
, 46

Bank regulation
, 9

Banking business, Tech-pro paradox in
, 23–25

Banking Regulations Act (1949)
, 20

, 102–103

Banks profitability

optimal model estimation across
, 31–35

short-run and long-run effects of
, 30

Behavioral finance
, 205, 207

Binary-choice decision-making process
, 11

Board characteristics
, 221

and firm value
, 224–225

impact on firm value
, 230–231

Board Independence (ID)
, 226, 236

Board size (BS)
, 226, 236

Board subcommittees
, 190

Bond market spillover
, 79

Build-operate-transfer toll (BOT toll)
, 130

Build-own-operate models (BOO models)
, 130

Build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT)
, 130

Capital adequacy ratio (CAR)
, 9–10

Cash flow
, 110

Central bank asset
, 72

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Prowess Database
, 193–194

Chief executive officer (CEO)
, 191, 224

, 221, 236


CEO duality
, 230

corporate governance supervisory mechanism in
, 222–223

descriptive statistics and correlation matrix of
, 227

financial distress in
, 108–109

firm value and
, 230

global banks in
, 2

Codes of conduct
, 222

Collection risk
, 137

Companies Act (2013)
, 222

Competitors-driven losses
, 104

Comprehensive model
, 106, 109–112, 120–121

Compute cumulative sum test (CUSUM test)
, 53

Concave utility
, 170

Construction cost efficiency
, 127

Continuous income
, 170

Control techniques
, 131–133

Conventional model
, 171–172

Conventional thinking
, 132

Corporate Board Subcommittees

data and methodology
, 193–194

empirical results and analysis
, 194–198

literature review
, 191–193

, 193

, 190

Corporate fraud
, 222

Corporate governance
, 190–191, 193–194, 220–221

board characteristics impact on firm value
, 230–231

, 225

descriptive statistics
, 226

, 222

and firm value
, 223–225

good corporate practices
, 220–221

institutional background
, 221

, 225–226

ownership structure impact on firm value
, 226–230

robustness checking
, 231–233

supervisory mechanism in China
, 222–223


cost-benefit trade-off
, 20

, 127

of capital
, 127

, 130–131, 136

Cross-sectional regression model
, 154–155

Crowd intelligence of Indian investor
, 216

Cumulative excess return process
, 153

Customer deposits (CD)
, 10

Customer-driven losses
, 104

Debit cards
, 22

Deep learning
, 206

Demand for insurance
, 176

Demand/revenue risk
, 130, 135, 136–137

Dependent variable-defining profitability, computation of
, 137

Deregulation of markets
, 222

Descriptive statistics
, 211, 212

, 20

Discipline of capital market
, 222

Distressed stocks
, 109

Domestic asset price movement
, 79

Durbin Watson test
, 53, 142

DXY index
, 87n4

Earnings per share (EPS)
, 137–138

Earnings press releases (EPR)
, 206

, 4

Economic models
, 101–102

Economic value added (EVA)
, 137–138

Egyptian Stock Exchange
, 111

Emerging market economies (EMEs)
, 70–71, 74

Employee-driven losses
, 104

Engineering, procurement and construction contractor (EPC contractor)
, 132

“Engineering consultancy”
, 132

Environmental risk
, 176

Ernst & Young IPO readiness survey (EY IPO readiness survey)
, 205

Error correction mechanism (ECM)
, 53

, 51–52

Error correction term (ECT)
, 51

European Central Bank (ECB)
, 71

Exchange rate stability
, 48

Extensive technology-driven schemes
, 20

External measure-based control
, 132

F statistics
, 35

Factor analysis
, 112–115

Federal Reserve (Fed)
, 46

, 78

taper tantrum
, 87n1

Financial distress
, 101–104

in British companies
, 109

contradiction between recent research papers regarding main drivers of
, 108–110

, 111

descriptive statistics and empirical results
, 115–117

in Egypt
, 105

factor analysis
, 112–115

formulate financial distress models
, 106–108

literature review
, 106–110

logistic regression model
, 106, 115

, 111

prediction models
, 104

research hypotheses
, 110–111

results of logistic analysis
, 117–121

Financial failure
, 102

Financial indicators
, 108

Financial openness
, 48

“Financial repression”
, 3

Financial services
, 2

Financial statements
, 104

Financial Times Stock Exchange index (FTSE index)
, 151

Financial variables
, 209

Firm age (FAGE)
, 194

Firm performance
, 191

Firm size
, 194, 226

Firm value
, 191

board characteristics and
, 224–225

board characteristics impact on
, 230–231

corporate governance and
, 223

firm-level determinants of bank internationalization
, 9–11

ownership structure
, 224

ownership structure impact on
, 226–230

, 9, 115

Fiscal policy
, 46

Fixed effect model (FE model)
, 27

“Follow-thy-customer” model
, 8

Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 6

Foreign investment/foreign institutional investors (FIIs)
, 84

Foreign investors
, 220

Formal techniques
, 132

Formulate financial distress models
, 106–108

Formulated distress model
, 109

Forward guidance
, 70

Fuzzification of AHP method
, 177

Fuzzy analytic hierarchical process (FAHP)
, 177–180

“Galactic Network” concept
, 204

Global financial crisis (GFC)
, 46, 70, 223

, 22

Good corporate governance
, 221

Goodness-of-fit evaluation
, 119

Great Depression (GD)
, 45

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 48, 73, 110

Hausman test
, 27, 31, 225

Health insurance
, 176

H–L criterion
, 118–119, 121

, 22, 37


bank internationalization
, 2–14

corporate board subcommittees and firm performance
, 190–199

extensive technology-driven schemes
, 20

fifth-largest economy
, 20

MNBs emergence in
, 2–8

technology evolution and Indian Banks
, 22–23

Indian Companies Act (2013)
, 190, 192

Indian Stock exchanges
, 205

Informal techniques
, 132

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
, 9

, 128

Initial public offerings (IPOs)
, 148, 204–205

, 207

Innovative technologies
, 20

, 102–103

Institutional investor (INSTI)
, 221, 226, 236

Insurance models
, 171

, 172

, 180–183

conventional model
, 171–172

fuzzy analytic hierarchical process
, 179–180

insurance companies
, 170–171

, 179

mutual insurance
, 172–174

selection criteria of
, 174–179

social insurance
, 174

Internal corporate governance mechanisms
, 192

Internal rate of return (IRR)
, 137

Internal value-based control
, 132

, 204

Interstate 595 Express Corridor Improvements project
, 130

Investment in technology
, 20

data analysis
, 27

descriptive statistics for all selected banks
, 29

empirical analysis
, 27

innovative technologies
, 20–21

optimal model estimation
, 31–35

policy suggestions to boost technology spend
, 37–40

rationale for indicators selection
, 25–27

research methodology
, 25

, 35–37

selected banks for study
, 28

short-run and long-run effects of technology spends and banks profitability
, 30

Tech-pro paradox in banking business
, 23–25

technological advancements in Indian banking sector
, 21–22

technology evolution and Indian Banks
, 22–23

Jarque–Berra normality test
, 53

Keynesian model
, 45–46

Kurtosis coefficients
, 80

Lag length criteria
, 65–66

Lagrange multiplier test
, 53

Large Engineering Projects (LEPs)
, 128

Large-scale asset purchase (LSAP)
, 47–48

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
, 209

Latent space modeling
, 206

Leverage (LEVE)
, 194, 236

, 110

Liberalization of markets
, 222

Life insurance Corporation of India
, 179

Lifespan uncertainty
, 175

Linear probability model (LPM)
, 18

Liquidity channel
, 72

Ljung–Box Q-statistic test (LB Q-statistic test)
, 81, 87n5

Logistic regression model
, 106, 115

Logit regression models
, 106, 108–109, 209

, 211–214

Machine learning-based approach
, 206, 209

data and methodology
, 208–211

descriptive statistics
, 211, 212

, 204–205

literature review
, 206–208

logit regression results
, 211–214

topic modeling results
, 214

Macro-economic policies
, 130

Macroeconomic variables
, 104–106, 108–112, 119

Management control systems (MCS)
, 131–133

for profitability
, 138


, 116

, 105

market-based approach
, 104–105

market-based variables
, 109, 111–112, 119

, 106

, 170

Message boards
, 204–205

Midlife capital expenditure
, 131

Ministry of Corporate Affairs
, 222

Modern banking system
, 22

Monetary autonomy
, 48

Monetary policy events
, 71

Morgan Stanley Capital International Index for Europe (MSCI Europe Index)
, 153

Multi-attribute value theory
, 177

Multi-criteria decision-making methods (MCDM)
, 177

Multi-level multi-tiered process
, 220

Multinational banks (MNBs)
, 2

emergence in India and Nigeria
, 2–8

Multiple control
, 132

Multiple discriminant analysis (MDA)
, 106

Mutual insurance
, 172–174

National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)
, 149

National Stock Exchange (NSE)
, 225

Natural language processing
, 206

Negative interest rates
, 70–71

Net banking
, 22

Net present value (NPV)
, 128

Net profit margin (NPM)
, 194

New India Assurance Limited
, 179

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
, 149

Nigeria, MNBs emergence in
, 2–8

Nomination committee
, 192

Non-normality property
, 80

Null hypothesis
, 133, 142

Number of domestic branches (NDB)
, 11

Ohlson’s model
, 109

“Operating and maintenance risk”
, 130

Operating cost efficiency
, 127

Operating expenses (OPEX)
, 130

Operations and maintenance risk (O&M risk)
, 137

Optimization failure of market
, 176

Ordinary least square estimate (OLSE)
, 142

Ordinary least square regression (OLS regression)
, 13, 49

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 223

Ownership structure
, 221

and firm value
, 224

impact on firm value
, 226–230

Panel data models
, 27, 194, 225

Panel data regression analysis
, 30

“Pareto optimality”
, 128

Performance measures
, 196

Phillips–Perron test (PP test)
, 50

“Policy normalization shock”
, 73

Pre-GFC policy actions
, 72

Private financing institutions (PFI)
, 126

Private insurance market
, 170–171, 177

Private market of insurance
, 175

Probabilistic approach
, 215

Profit after Tax (PAT)
, 10


analysis results
, 138

, 110

related controls
, 138

Promoter ownership (PROMO)
, 236

Public private partnerships (PPPs)
, 126

management control systems
, 131–133

, 133–138

model interpretation and insights
, 142–143

PPP-wise details of samples
, 139–140

, 138

risk factors and risk allocation
, 129–131

subsector-wise profitability related controls
, 141

validation of regression output
, 142

Qualitative information
, 206

Quantitative easing (QE)
, 46, 70–71, 77

Ramsay RESET specification test
, 53

Random effect model (RE model)
, 27

Random sampling
, 133

, 171, 175

Regression model
, 133, 138, 148, 154–155, 161–166

Remuneration committee
, 192

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
, 8, 20, 47

Resource dependence theory
, 225

Resource-based view (RBV)
, 2, 9, 15n3

Return on assets (ROA)
, 27, 35, 137–138, 194

Return on equity (ROE)
, 27, 35, 137–138, 194

Return on investment (ROI)
, 137


, 129–131

, 176, 180

, 129

, 79

risk-neutral component
, 47

Sales indicators
, 27

Seasoned equity offerings (SEOs)
, 148

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
, 190, 192–193, 222

Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)
, 225

, 191, 220–224

Shareholders-owned private insurance
, 171–172

SIZE variable
, 236

, 22

Social insurance
, 174, 180–181

Special drawing rights (SDRs)
, 152

Spillovers of monetary policy
, 77

Sponsor (SP)
, 128

in PPP
, 133

risk factors impacting profitability of
, 130

, 220

State Bank of India
, 22

Statutory audits
, 222

Stock manipulation
, 206

Stock market
, 102

Stock message boards
, 204

Taper tantrum
, 73, 87n1

TARCH models
, 83–84

TCP/IP protocols
, 204

Technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS)
, 177, 183

, 37

domain effects through
, 25

impact’s duration on banking business
, 30


optimal model estimation across technology spends
, 31–35

short-run and long-run effects of technology spends
, 30

trends in Indian banks
, 21, 35

Technology evolution and Indian Banks
, 22–23

Technology-productivity paradox (Tech-pro paradox)
, 21, 35

in banking business
, 23–25

Term premia
, 79

Text-based data analysis
, 206

Textual analysis
, 206

Time efficiency
, 126–127

Tobin’s Q model (TQ model)
, 193, 226, 236

Toll collection systems
, 130

Total assets (TA)
, 10

Total liabilities (TL)
, 10

Transfer learning
, 206

Treasury Bill (T Bill)
, 47, 50

Unbalanced panel data
, 194

Unconventional monetary policy (UMP)
, 70–71

autocorrelation and LB Q-statistic
, 90–97

, 79

empirical findings
, 83–86

kernel density
, 98

, 82–83

news impact and volatility persistence
, 99

related literature
, 72–78

stylized facts of return
, 79–82

Unit root test
, 67

United Bank for Africa (UBA)
, 4

US QE impact on Indian money market
, 47

CUSUM Test of T Bil
, 60–61

data source
, 49

diagnostic test results of T Bill Model
, 59

estimation methodology
, 50–51

Keynesian model
, 45–46

lag length criteria
, 65–66

literature review
, 47–49

model for three-month T Bill
, 56–59

model for WACR
, 53–56

model specification
, 52–53

transmission of QE
, 46–47

unit root test
, 67

User-generated content
, 206

Value for Money (VfM)
, 127, 130

, 132

Variance inflation factor analysis (VIF analysis)
, 195

Variance inflation factors (VIFs)
, 162

Vector auto regression model (VAR model)
, 27, 30, 41n7

Vector error correction model (VECM model)
, 27, 30, 41n7

Viability risk
, 137

Virtual communities
, 206

, 79, 87, 87n3

, 105

Wald test
, 27, 31, 41n11

Weighted average call rate (WACR)
, 47, 49–50

model for
, 53–56

X-inefficiency theory
, 126

“Yield curve control approach”
, 75

Z score model
, 105, 107, 109–110

Zenith Bank
, 4

Zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP)
, 46