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Has change really come to America? A black feminist critique of Barack Obama's social justice agenda

Race in the Age of Obama

ISBN: 978-0-85724-167-2, eISBN: 978-0-85724-168-9

Publication date: 31 December 2010


Democratic candidate Barack Obama campaigned for the office of President of the United States on a message of hope and change. Included in this message was an avowed commitment to fighting for equality and social justice. This chapter evaluates the Obama administration's record on social justice issues from a black feminist perspective. I find that although the administration has made some notable achievements, the universalist paradigm from which it operates may cause policymakers to overlook multiply oppressed groups. It might likewise blind them to the processes that generate and maintain social inequality. I argue that the results could hinder Obama from succeeding with much of his social justice agenda. I conclude by discussing how examining inequality through a black feminist prism would enable the Obama administration to speed up its program and develop and implement more effective policies. Finally, I also recommend a social justice project that might help the president create a legacy that will promote his goals long after he leaves office.


Newsome, Y.D. (2010), "Has change really come to America? A black feminist critique of Barack Obama's social justice agenda", Cunnigen, D. and Bruce, M.A. (Ed.) Race in the Age of Obama (Research in Race and Ethnic Relations, Vol. 16), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 215-243.



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