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Instant Archives: Social Media and Social Movement Research

Methodological Advances in Research on Social Movements, Conflict, and Change

ISBN: 978-1-80117-887-7, eISBN: 978-1-80117-886-0

Publication date: 12 July 2023


While social media data are used increasingly in studies of social movements, social media evolves far more rapidly than academic research and publication. This chapter argues that researchers should adopt historical and archival approaches to social media data. Treating social media data as an “instant archive” – one that is self-curated, is co-constituted, and changes rapidly – we caution researchers to pay attention to the features of this archive and their implications for working with the data therein. Applying insights from recent discussions of archival methods for social science research to the specific features of social media data, we explore how platform features, repressive effects, and user innovations affect the content of the instant archive. We then offer strategies for researchers' methodological approaches, including how best to select units of analysis and platforms, how to collect and interpret archival materials, and how to identify silences in the data.




We thank Marcus Mann, the RSMCC Special Issue editors, and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this chapter.


Rochford, E., Hudgens, B. and Einwohner, R.L. (2023), "Instant Archives: Social Media and Social Movement Research", Maher, T.V. and Schoon, E.W. (Ed.) Methodological Advances in Research on Social Movements, Conflict, and Change (Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, Vol. 47), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 93-117.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Elle Rochford, Baylee Hudgens and Rachel L. Einwohner. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited