Festschrift in Honor of Norman K. Denzin
ISBN: 978-1-80382-842-8, eISBN: 978-1-80382-841-1
ISSN: 0163-2396
Publication date: 17 October 2022
(2022), "Index", Chen, S.-L.S. (Ed.) Festschrift in Honor of Norman K. Denzin (Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 55), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 183-187.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Shing-Ling S. Chen. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
About-ness, 82
academictree. org, 9
Activism, 107
Affect studies, 82
Alcoholic self, 42–44
Alcoholic Self, The
, 15, 72
Alcoholically divided self, 15–16
Alcoholics, 40
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 14, 16, 42, 72
Alcoholism, 15, 42–43, 72
American Educational Research Association (AERA), 49–50
American Sociological Association (ASA), 18–19, 65, 90
“Analytic induction”, 32
Anthropological Research
, 73
Arts-based research, 67
Audit culture, 4
Autoethnographic moment, 119
Autoethnographic performance, 121–122
Autoethnography, 60, 63, 161
ICQI, 61–62
soul music, 62–63
Bibliometrics, 4
Biographical tidbits, 173
#Black Lives Matter, 19–20
Bob Dylan, 102–103
“Book of friends”. See Liber amicorum
Boycott, Disinvestment, Sanctions movement (BDS movement), 75
Capacious approach, 82
Capaciousness, 82
Care, 5–6
Celebration, 84
Chicago school model, 169
Childhood Socialization
, 33
Cinematic representations, paradoxical agency and, 43–45
Cinematic Society: The Voyeurs Gaze, The
, 19–20
Clarification, 41
“Co-constructed narrative”, 57
CODA, 9–10
Coiled performance, 119
Community building, 6
Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, 68–69
Constitutive production of self/society, 136–142
Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD), 8, 86
Couch Stone Symposium, 169
Cowboys, 118
“Crisis of representation”, 18–19
Critical citizenship, 20–21, 107
Critical race interpretive communities, 20–21
Critical sociological imagination, 107, 134–135
Critical theory, 104
Cultural intelligence, 103
“Curriculum evaluation”, 48–49
Cypress room, 92
Decolonizing project, 110
Denzin, Norman K., 4, 6–7, 13, 25–26, 39–40, 47–48, 104, 167
“book of friends”, 4
alcoholics anonymous, 16–17
articles, 6–9
autoethnography, 60–63
builds worlds, 108
CODA, 9–10
Communication 414: Seminar in Advanced Interpretive Methods
, 4–5
conceptual framework, 26
conversation continues in 2021, 96–97
cultural studies, 19–20
Death of a Salesman
, 13
epiphany, 56–57
experience and research in AA, 21
experience of alcoholism, 15
Festschrift concept, 3–4
first impressions, 55–56
life in Safety Harbor, 99
lived experience, 97–98
meeting, 50–53
modernistic bent, 41
notion of paradoxical agency, 41–42
one day at a time: A four act play performed by Norman K. Denzin, 15
paradoxical agency and alcoholic self, 42–43
paradoxical agency and cinematic representations, 43–45
passionate discourse in 1990, 92–96
pedagogies of hope, 5–6
personal stories of, 57–58
qualitative inquiry, 59–60
reading, 47–50
SAGE, 21–22
sharing Kudos, 90–92
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 6
The Alcoholic Self
, 19
voice, 90, 108
Deviance, 32
Disability, 20–21
Diversion of Violent Emotions (D. O. V. E.), 16
Diversity, 30, 102
Dominant culture, 111
Dreams, 105
East Coast Sociological theory, 154
Egalitarian dialogue, 103
of autoethnography, 122
of feeling, 119
Emotions, 15, 32
Epiphany, 56–57
Equality of differences, 103
Ethnographic Alternatives Book Series, 60
Ethnographic drama, 67
Ethnography, 31
Ethnomethodology, 29, 47–48
, 85
Everyone, 105
Evocative autoethnography, 90
Fascism, 5–6
Feminist, 20–21
post-pragmatism, 5–6
Festschrift concept, 3–4, 6, 84
First Nations, 68–69
Forcefulness, 82
Forgiveness, 5–6
General Intercessions, 122–123
Generosity of spirit, 84
Goodness of humanity, 5–6
“Gravy” (Carver’s poem), 85
Greatest of All Time (GOAT), 9
“Grounded theory”, 32
Handbook of Qualitative Research
, 8, 49–50, 58, 61, 76, 108
“Hawthorne Effect”, 32
Hollywood Shot By Shot
, 19–20
Hope, 5–6
, 10
Human rights, 22–23
Humanity, goodness of, 5–6
Humility, 23
Images of Postmodernism: Social Theory and Contemporary Cinema
, 19–20
Imagination, 133–134
In-betweenness, 82
Inclusivity, 30
Institute for Communications Research (ICR), 140
Instrumental dimension, 103
Intellectual eurekas
, 85
Interactionism, 73
Interactionist theory, 29
Interactionist theory of emotions, 35
International Association of Qualitative Inquiry (IAQI), 104
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), 8, 18–19, 48–49, 52, 61–62, 85, 101–102, 105, 108, 134, 167
Interpretive Biography
, 18–19
Interpretive community, 98
Interpretive ethnography, 4
Interpretive Ethnography
, 7, 61
Interpretive methods, 9
Interpretive paradigm for qualitative inquiry, 60
Interrogate autoethnography, 121–122
Intersubjective communion, 119
Investigating subjectivity
, 93
Iowa School’s approach, 169
It’s a Wonderful Life
, 71–72
Justice-oriented research, 148–150
Leadership, 79–80
Liber amicorum
, 4
Litany of commitments, 122–130
Lost Weekend (modern alcoholism film), 43–44
Love, 5–6, 105
Materialism, 121–122
#Me Too, 19–20
Meaning creation, 103
Mentorship, 6, 161, 174
Methodology and voice, 142–147
Mixed-methods research, 136
Movements for Norman Denzin
“I Thought I Knew You, Two”, 118–122
litany of commitments, 122–130
“Ode to An Aging Cowboy”, 117–118
Native Americans, 20–21, 124
Naturalistic inquiry, 31–32, 73
“Need-to-be-developed” method, 135–136
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), 10
On Understanding Emotion
, 15
Pan-interactionism, 26
Paradoxical agency
and alcoholic self, 42–43
and cinematic representations, 43–45
Denzin’s notion of, 41–42
Paradoxical character of lived experience, 40
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid
, 103
Pedagogies of hope, 5–6
Performance autoethnography, 111
Performance Ethnography
, 20–21, 76
Performance studies paradigm, 107
Performing Ethnography
, 21
, 56
Pleated-ness, 82
Politics of global capitalist culture, 5–6
Post-Modern Interactionism, 169–170
Post-pragmatism, 5–6
“Postmodern turn”, 41
Postmodernism, 18–19, 59
Poststructural qualitative research, 67
Power of voices, 144–147
Praise of Norman Denzin
1989, 65, 67–68
1990, 67
2005, 68–69
2021, 67, 69
Prayers of the faithful, 122–123
“Program evaluation”, 48–49
Prophetic pragmatism, 147–148
Qualitative inquiry (QI), 4, 7, 59–60, 74, 79, 104, 109, 161–162
Qualitative Interest Group (QUIG), 74
Qualitative methods, 31, 73
Qualitative orientation, 17
Qualitative research, 48–51
community, 73–74, 103
Qualitative social science research methods, 48–49
“Qualitative turn”, 86
Queer, 20–21
Radical interactionism, 18–19
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs), 50–51
Reading Race: Hollywood and the Critique of Racial Violence
, 19–20
Recovering Alcoholic, The
, 15, 72
Recovering alcoholics, 40
“Relationships of substance”, 41–42
Research Act, The
, 17, 30–31, 48–49, 73, 135–136, 142, 153–154
methodology and voice, 142–147
sociological imagination in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of, 137–142
Research methods, 167
Research training, 49–50
Respect, 102
SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry
, 9–10
Screening Race: Hollywood and a Cinema of Violence 1980–1985, 19–20
Self, 32, 39–40
Self-development, 21
Self-lodging process, 41–42, 44
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
, 56
Situational determinism, 29
Social constructionism, 73
“Social identities”, 141
Social interaction, 27–28
methods, 29–32
research, 32–35
theory, 26–29
Social interaction, 32
Social justice, 102, 117
Social Psychology
, 26
Social psychology of human relationships, 27
Social science research training, 49–50
Sociality, 44
Socialization, 32
Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 90
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism (SSSI), 17
Sociological imagination, 118, 133–136
prophetic pragmatism and promise of, 147–148
in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of research act, 137–142
on voice, research, and ongoing development of, 143–147
Sociological research, 32
of emotions, 93
task of, 133–136
Sociology, 48–49
“Sociology of Subjectivity” Conference, 90
Solidarity, 103
Soul music, 62–63
Space theory, 104
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 102
Speculative thinking, 154
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
SSSI Stone Symposium
in Arizona, 8
in San Francisco, 7, 55
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 17–19
“Subjugated knowledges”, 111
Symbolic Interaction
, 18–19
Symbolic interaction theory, 28
Symbolic interactionism, 4, 17–19, 28, 47–48, 167
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
Capacious approach, 82
Capaciousness, 82
Care, 5–6
Celebration, 84
Chicago school model, 169
Childhood Socialization
, 33
Cinematic representations, paradoxical agency and, 43–45
Cinematic Society: The Voyeurs Gaze, The
, 19–20
Clarification, 41
“Co-constructed narrative”, 57
CODA, 9–10
Coiled performance, 119
Community building, 6
Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, 68–69
Constitutive production of self/society, 136–142
Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines (CEAD), 8, 86
Couch Stone Symposium, 169
Cowboys, 118
“Crisis of representation”, 18–19
Critical citizenship, 20–21, 107
Critical race interpretive communities, 20–21
Critical sociological imagination, 107, 134–135
Critical theory, 104
Cultural intelligence, 103
“Curriculum evaluation”, 48–49
Cypress room, 92
Decolonizing project, 110
Denzin, Norman K., 4, 6–7, 13, 25–26, 39–40, 47–48, 104, 167
“book of friends”, 4
alcoholics anonymous, 16–17
articles, 6–9
autoethnography, 60–63
builds worlds, 108
CODA, 9–10
Communication 414: Seminar in Advanced Interpretive Methods
, 4–5
conceptual framework, 26
conversation continues in 2021, 96–97
cultural studies, 19–20
Death of a Salesman
, 13
epiphany, 56–57
experience and research in AA, 21
experience of alcoholism, 15
Festschrift concept, 3–4
first impressions, 55–56
life in Safety Harbor, 99
lived experience, 97–98
meeting, 50–53
modernistic bent, 41
notion of paradoxical agency, 41–42
one day at a time: A four act play performed by Norman K. Denzin, 15
paradoxical agency and alcoholic self, 42–43
paradoxical agency and cinematic representations, 43–45
passionate discourse in 1990, 92–96
pedagogies of hope, 5–6
personal stories of, 57–58
qualitative inquiry, 59–60
reading, 47–50
SAGE, 21–22
sharing Kudos, 90–92
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 6
The Alcoholic Self
, 19
voice, 90, 108
Deviance, 32
Disability, 20–21
Diversion of Violent Emotions (D. O. V. E.), 16
Diversity, 30, 102
Dominant culture, 111
Dreams, 105
East Coast Sociological theory, 154
Egalitarian dialogue, 103
of autoethnography, 122
of feeling, 119
Emotions, 15, 32
Epiphany, 56–57
Equality of differences, 103
Ethnographic Alternatives Book Series, 60
Ethnographic drama, 67
Ethnography, 31
Ethnomethodology, 29, 47–48
, 85
Everyone, 105
Evocative autoethnography, 90
Fascism, 5–6
Feminist, 20–21
post-pragmatism, 5–6
Festschrift concept, 3–4, 6, 84
First Nations, 68–69
Forcefulness, 82
Forgiveness, 5–6
General Intercessions, 122–123
Generosity of spirit, 84
Goodness of humanity, 5–6
“Gravy” (Carver’s poem), 85
Greatest of All Time (GOAT), 9
“Grounded theory”, 32
Handbook of Qualitative Research
, 8, 49–50, 58, 61, 76, 108
“Hawthorne Effect”, 32
Hollywood Shot By Shot
, 19–20
Hope, 5–6
, 10
Human rights, 22–23
Humanity, goodness of, 5–6
Humility, 23
Images of Postmodernism: Social Theory and Contemporary Cinema
, 19–20
Imagination, 133–134
In-betweenness, 82
Inclusivity, 30
Institute for Communications Research (ICR), 140
Instrumental dimension, 103
Intellectual eurekas
, 85
Interactionism, 73
Interactionist theory, 29
Interactionist theory of emotions, 35
International Association of Qualitative Inquiry (IAQI), 104
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), 8, 18–19, 48–49, 52, 61–62, 85, 101–102, 105, 108, 134, 167
Interpretive Biography
, 18–19
Interpretive community, 98
Interpretive ethnography, 4
Interpretive Ethnography
, 7, 61
Interpretive methods, 9
Interpretive paradigm for qualitative inquiry, 60
Interrogate autoethnography, 121–122
Intersubjective communion, 119
Investigating subjectivity
, 93
Iowa School’s approach, 169
It’s a Wonderful Life
, 71–72
Justice-oriented research, 148–150
Leadership, 79–80
Liber amicorum
, 4
Litany of commitments, 122–130
Lost Weekend (modern alcoholism film), 43–44
Love, 5–6, 105
Materialism, 121–122
#Me Too, 19–20
Meaning creation, 103
Mentorship, 6, 161, 174
Methodology and voice, 142–147
Mixed-methods research, 136
Movements for Norman Denzin
“I Thought I Knew You, Two”, 118–122
litany of commitments, 122–130
“Ode to An Aging Cowboy”, 117–118
Native Americans, 20–21, 124
Naturalistic inquiry, 31–32, 73
“Need-to-be-developed” method, 135–136
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), 10
On Understanding Emotion
, 15
Pan-interactionism, 26
Paradoxical agency
and alcoholic self, 42–43
and cinematic representations, 43–45
Denzin’s notion of, 41–42
Paradoxical character of lived experience, 40
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid
, 103
Pedagogies of hope, 5–6
Performance autoethnography, 111
Performance Ethnography
, 20–21, 76
Performance studies paradigm, 107
Performing Ethnography
, 21
, 56
Pleated-ness, 82
Politics of global capitalist culture, 5–6
Post-Modern Interactionism, 169–170
Post-pragmatism, 5–6
“Postmodern turn”, 41
Postmodernism, 18–19, 59
Poststructural qualitative research, 67
Power of voices, 144–147
Praise of Norman Denzin
1989, 65, 67–68
1990, 67
2005, 68–69
2021, 67, 69
Prayers of the faithful, 122–123
“Program evaluation”, 48–49
Prophetic pragmatism, 147–148
Qualitative inquiry (QI), 4, 7, 59–60, 74, 79, 104, 109, 161–162
Qualitative Interest Group (QUIG), 74
Qualitative methods, 31, 73
Qualitative orientation, 17
Qualitative research, 48–51
community, 73–74, 103
Qualitative social science research methods, 48–49
“Qualitative turn”, 86
Queer, 20–21
Radical interactionism, 18–19
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs), 50–51
Reading Race: Hollywood and the Critique of Racial Violence
, 19–20
Recovering Alcoholic, The
, 15, 72
Recovering alcoholics, 40
“Relationships of substance”, 41–42
Research Act, The
, 17, 30–31, 48–49, 73, 135–136, 142, 153–154
methodology and voice, 142–147
sociological imagination in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of, 137–142
Research methods, 167
Research training, 49–50
Respect, 102
SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry
, 9–10
Screening Race: Hollywood and a Cinema of Violence 1980–1985, 19–20
Self, 32, 39–40
Self-development, 21
Self-lodging process, 41–42, 44
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
, 56
Situational determinism, 29
Social constructionism, 73
“Social identities”, 141
Social interaction, 27–28
methods, 29–32
research, 32–35
theory, 26–29
Social interaction, 32
Social justice, 102, 117
Social Psychology
, 26
Social psychology of human relationships, 27
Social science research training, 49–50
Sociality, 44
Socialization, 32
Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 90
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism (SSSI), 17
Sociological imagination, 118, 133–136
prophetic pragmatism and promise of, 147–148
in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of research act, 137–142
on voice, research, and ongoing development of, 143–147
Sociological research, 32
of emotions, 93
task of, 133–136
Sociology, 48–49
“Sociology of Subjectivity” Conference, 90
Solidarity, 103
Soul music, 62–63
Space theory, 104
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 102
Speculative thinking, 154
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
SSSI Stone Symposium
in Arizona, 8
in San Francisco, 7, 55
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 17–19
“Subjugated knowledges”, 111
Symbolic Interaction
, 18–19
Symbolic interaction theory, 28
Symbolic interactionism, 4, 17–19, 28, 47–48, 167
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
East Coast Sociological theory, 154
Egalitarian dialogue, 103
of autoethnography, 122
of feeling, 119
Emotions, 15, 32
Epiphany, 56–57
Equality of differences, 103
Ethnographic Alternatives Book Series, 60
Ethnographic drama, 67
Ethnography, 31
Ethnomethodology, 29, 47–48
, 85
Everyone, 105
Evocative autoethnography, 90
Fascism, 5–6
Feminist, 20–21
post-pragmatism, 5–6
Festschrift concept, 3–4, 6, 84
First Nations, 68–69
Forcefulness, 82
Forgiveness, 5–6
General Intercessions, 122–123
Generosity of spirit, 84
Goodness of humanity, 5–6
“Gravy” (Carver’s poem), 85
Greatest of All Time (GOAT), 9
“Grounded theory”, 32
Handbook of Qualitative Research
, 8, 49–50, 58, 61, 76, 108
“Hawthorne Effect”, 32
Hollywood Shot By Shot
, 19–20
Hope, 5–6
, 10
Human rights, 22–23
Humanity, goodness of, 5–6
Humility, 23
Images of Postmodernism: Social Theory and Contemporary Cinema
, 19–20
Imagination, 133–134
In-betweenness, 82
Inclusivity, 30
Institute for Communications Research (ICR), 140
Instrumental dimension, 103
Intellectual eurekas
, 85
Interactionism, 73
Interactionist theory, 29
Interactionist theory of emotions, 35
International Association of Qualitative Inquiry (IAQI), 104
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), 8, 18–19, 48–49, 52, 61–62, 85, 101–102, 105, 108, 134, 167
Interpretive Biography
, 18–19
Interpretive community, 98
Interpretive ethnography, 4
Interpretive Ethnography
, 7, 61
Interpretive methods, 9
Interpretive paradigm for qualitative inquiry, 60
Interrogate autoethnography, 121–122
Intersubjective communion, 119
Investigating subjectivity
, 93
Iowa School’s approach, 169
It’s a Wonderful Life
, 71–72
Justice-oriented research, 148–150
Leadership, 79–80
Liber amicorum
, 4
Litany of commitments, 122–130
Lost Weekend (modern alcoholism film), 43–44
Love, 5–6, 105
Materialism, 121–122
#Me Too, 19–20
Meaning creation, 103
Mentorship, 6, 161, 174
Methodology and voice, 142–147
Mixed-methods research, 136
Movements for Norman Denzin
“I Thought I Knew You, Two”, 118–122
litany of commitments, 122–130
“Ode to An Aging Cowboy”, 117–118
Native Americans, 20–21, 124
Naturalistic inquiry, 31–32, 73
“Need-to-be-developed” method, 135–136
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), 10
On Understanding Emotion
, 15
Pan-interactionism, 26
Paradoxical agency
and alcoholic self, 42–43
and cinematic representations, 43–45
Denzin’s notion of, 41–42
Paradoxical character of lived experience, 40
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid
, 103
Pedagogies of hope, 5–6
Performance autoethnography, 111
Performance Ethnography
, 20–21, 76
Performance studies paradigm, 107
Performing Ethnography
, 21
, 56
Pleated-ness, 82
Politics of global capitalist culture, 5–6
Post-Modern Interactionism, 169–170
Post-pragmatism, 5–6
“Postmodern turn”, 41
Postmodernism, 18–19, 59
Poststructural qualitative research, 67
Power of voices, 144–147
Praise of Norman Denzin
1989, 65, 67–68
1990, 67
2005, 68–69
2021, 67, 69
Prayers of the faithful, 122–123
“Program evaluation”, 48–49
Prophetic pragmatism, 147–148
Qualitative inquiry (QI), 4, 7, 59–60, 74, 79, 104, 109, 161–162
Qualitative Interest Group (QUIG), 74
Qualitative methods, 31, 73
Qualitative orientation, 17
Qualitative research, 48–51
community, 73–74, 103
Qualitative social science research methods, 48–49
“Qualitative turn”, 86
Queer, 20–21
Radical interactionism, 18–19
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs), 50–51
Reading Race: Hollywood and the Critique of Racial Violence
, 19–20
Recovering Alcoholic, The
, 15, 72
Recovering alcoholics, 40
“Relationships of substance”, 41–42
Research Act, The
, 17, 30–31, 48–49, 73, 135–136, 142, 153–154
methodology and voice, 142–147
sociological imagination in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of, 137–142
Research methods, 167
Research training, 49–50
Respect, 102
SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry
, 9–10
Screening Race: Hollywood and a Cinema of Violence 1980–1985, 19–20
Self, 32, 39–40
Self-development, 21
Self-lodging process, 41–42, 44
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
, 56
Situational determinism, 29
Social constructionism, 73
“Social identities”, 141
Social interaction, 27–28
methods, 29–32
research, 32–35
theory, 26–29
Social interaction, 32
Social justice, 102, 117
Social Psychology
, 26
Social psychology of human relationships, 27
Social science research training, 49–50
Sociality, 44
Socialization, 32
Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 90
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism (SSSI), 17
Sociological imagination, 118, 133–136
prophetic pragmatism and promise of, 147–148
in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of research act, 137–142
on voice, research, and ongoing development of, 143–147
Sociological research, 32
of emotions, 93
task of, 133–136
Sociology, 48–49
“Sociology of Subjectivity” Conference, 90
Solidarity, 103
Soul music, 62–63
Space theory, 104
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 102
Speculative thinking, 154
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
SSSI Stone Symposium
in Arizona, 8
in San Francisco, 7, 55
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 17–19
“Subjugated knowledges”, 111
Symbolic Interaction
, 18–19
Symbolic interaction theory, 28
Symbolic interactionism, 4, 17–19, 28, 47–48, 167
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
General Intercessions, 122–123
Generosity of spirit, 84
Goodness of humanity, 5–6
“Gravy” (Carver’s poem), 85
Greatest of All Time (GOAT), 9
“Grounded theory”, 32
Handbook of Qualitative Research
, 8, 49–50, 58, 61, 76, 108
“Hawthorne Effect”, 32
Hollywood Shot By Shot
, 19–20
Hope, 5–6
, 10
Human rights, 22–23
Humanity, goodness of, 5–6
Humility, 23
Images of Postmodernism: Social Theory and Contemporary Cinema
, 19–20
Imagination, 133–134
In-betweenness, 82
Inclusivity, 30
Institute for Communications Research (ICR), 140
Instrumental dimension, 103
Intellectual eurekas
, 85
Interactionism, 73
Interactionist theory, 29
Interactionist theory of emotions, 35
International Association of Qualitative Inquiry (IAQI), 104
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), 8, 18–19, 48–49, 52, 61–62, 85, 101–102, 105, 108, 134, 167
Interpretive Biography
, 18–19
Interpretive community, 98
Interpretive ethnography, 4
Interpretive Ethnography
, 7, 61
Interpretive methods, 9
Interpretive paradigm for qualitative inquiry, 60
Interrogate autoethnography, 121–122
Intersubjective communion, 119
Investigating subjectivity
, 93
Iowa School’s approach, 169
It’s a Wonderful Life
, 71–72
Justice-oriented research, 148–150
Leadership, 79–80
Liber amicorum
, 4
Litany of commitments, 122–130
Lost Weekend (modern alcoholism film), 43–44
Love, 5–6, 105
Materialism, 121–122
#Me Too, 19–20
Meaning creation, 103
Mentorship, 6, 161, 174
Methodology and voice, 142–147
Mixed-methods research, 136
Movements for Norman Denzin
“I Thought I Knew You, Two”, 118–122
litany of commitments, 122–130
“Ode to An Aging Cowboy”, 117–118
Native Americans, 20–21, 124
Naturalistic inquiry, 31–32, 73
“Need-to-be-developed” method, 135–136
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), 10
On Understanding Emotion
, 15
Pan-interactionism, 26
Paradoxical agency
and alcoholic self, 42–43
and cinematic representations, 43–45
Denzin’s notion of, 41–42
Paradoxical character of lived experience, 40
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid
, 103
Pedagogies of hope, 5–6
Performance autoethnography, 111
Performance Ethnography
, 20–21, 76
Performance studies paradigm, 107
Performing Ethnography
, 21
, 56
Pleated-ness, 82
Politics of global capitalist culture, 5–6
Post-Modern Interactionism, 169–170
Post-pragmatism, 5–6
“Postmodern turn”, 41
Postmodernism, 18–19, 59
Poststructural qualitative research, 67
Power of voices, 144–147
Praise of Norman Denzin
1989, 65, 67–68
1990, 67
2005, 68–69
2021, 67, 69
Prayers of the faithful, 122–123
“Program evaluation”, 48–49
Prophetic pragmatism, 147–148
Qualitative inquiry (QI), 4, 7, 59–60, 74, 79, 104, 109, 161–162
Qualitative Interest Group (QUIG), 74
Qualitative methods, 31, 73
Qualitative orientation, 17
Qualitative research, 48–51
community, 73–74, 103
Qualitative social science research methods, 48–49
“Qualitative turn”, 86
Queer, 20–21
Radical interactionism, 18–19
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs), 50–51
Reading Race: Hollywood and the Critique of Racial Violence
, 19–20
Recovering Alcoholic, The
, 15, 72
Recovering alcoholics, 40
“Relationships of substance”, 41–42
Research Act, The
, 17, 30–31, 48–49, 73, 135–136, 142, 153–154
methodology and voice, 142–147
sociological imagination in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of, 137–142
Research methods, 167
Research training, 49–50
Respect, 102
SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry
, 9–10
Screening Race: Hollywood and a Cinema of Violence 1980–1985, 19–20
Self, 32, 39–40
Self-development, 21
Self-lodging process, 41–42, 44
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
, 56
Situational determinism, 29
Social constructionism, 73
“Social identities”, 141
Social interaction, 27–28
methods, 29–32
research, 32–35
theory, 26–29
Social interaction, 32
Social justice, 102, 117
Social Psychology
, 26
Social psychology of human relationships, 27
Social science research training, 49–50
Sociality, 44
Socialization, 32
Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 90
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism (SSSI), 17
Sociological imagination, 118, 133–136
prophetic pragmatism and promise of, 147–148
in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of research act, 137–142
on voice, research, and ongoing development of, 143–147
Sociological research, 32
of emotions, 93
task of, 133–136
Sociology, 48–49
“Sociology of Subjectivity” Conference, 90
Solidarity, 103
Soul music, 62–63
Space theory, 104
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 102
Speculative thinking, 154
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
SSSI Stone Symposium
in Arizona, 8
in San Francisco, 7, 55
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 17–19
“Subjugated knowledges”, 111
Symbolic Interaction
, 18–19
Symbolic interaction theory, 28
Symbolic interactionism, 4, 17–19, 28, 47–48, 167
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
Images of Postmodernism: Social Theory and Contemporary Cinema
, 19–20
Imagination, 133–134
In-betweenness, 82
Inclusivity, 30
Institute for Communications Research (ICR), 140
Instrumental dimension, 103
Intellectual eurekas
, 85
Interactionism, 73
Interactionist theory, 29
Interactionist theory of emotions, 35
International Association of Qualitative Inquiry (IAQI), 104
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), 8, 18–19, 48–49, 52, 61–62, 85, 101–102, 105, 108, 134, 167
Interpretive Biography
, 18–19
Interpretive community, 98
Interpretive ethnography, 4
Interpretive Ethnography
, 7, 61
Interpretive methods, 9
Interpretive paradigm for qualitative inquiry, 60
Interrogate autoethnography, 121–122
Intersubjective communion, 119
Investigating subjectivity
, 93
Iowa School’s approach, 169
It’s a Wonderful Life
, 71–72
Justice-oriented research, 148–150
Leadership, 79–80
Liber amicorum
, 4
Litany of commitments, 122–130
Lost Weekend (modern alcoholism film), 43–44
Love, 5–6, 105
Materialism, 121–122
#Me Too, 19–20
Meaning creation, 103
Mentorship, 6, 161, 174
Methodology and voice, 142–147
Mixed-methods research, 136
Movements for Norman Denzin
“I Thought I Knew You, Two”, 118–122
litany of commitments, 122–130
“Ode to An Aging Cowboy”, 117–118
Native Americans, 20–21, 124
Naturalistic inquiry, 31–32, 73
“Need-to-be-developed” method, 135–136
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), 10
On Understanding Emotion
, 15
Pan-interactionism, 26
Paradoxical agency
and alcoholic self, 42–43
and cinematic representations, 43–45
Denzin’s notion of, 41–42
Paradoxical character of lived experience, 40
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid
, 103
Pedagogies of hope, 5–6
Performance autoethnography, 111
Performance Ethnography
, 20–21, 76
Performance studies paradigm, 107
Performing Ethnography
, 21
, 56
Pleated-ness, 82
Politics of global capitalist culture, 5–6
Post-Modern Interactionism, 169–170
Post-pragmatism, 5–6
“Postmodern turn”, 41
Postmodernism, 18–19, 59
Poststructural qualitative research, 67
Power of voices, 144–147
Praise of Norman Denzin
1989, 65, 67–68
1990, 67
2005, 68–69
2021, 67, 69
Prayers of the faithful, 122–123
“Program evaluation”, 48–49
Prophetic pragmatism, 147–148
Qualitative inquiry (QI), 4, 7, 59–60, 74, 79, 104, 109, 161–162
Qualitative Interest Group (QUIG), 74
Qualitative methods, 31, 73
Qualitative orientation, 17
Qualitative research, 48–51
community, 73–74, 103
Qualitative social science research methods, 48–49
“Qualitative turn”, 86
Queer, 20–21
Radical interactionism, 18–19
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs), 50–51
Reading Race: Hollywood and the Critique of Racial Violence
, 19–20
Recovering Alcoholic, The
, 15, 72
Recovering alcoholics, 40
“Relationships of substance”, 41–42
Research Act, The
, 17, 30–31, 48–49, 73, 135–136, 142, 153–154
methodology and voice, 142–147
sociological imagination in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of, 137–142
Research methods, 167
Research training, 49–50
Respect, 102
SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry
, 9–10
Screening Race: Hollywood and a Cinema of Violence 1980–1985, 19–20
Self, 32, 39–40
Self-development, 21
Self-lodging process, 41–42, 44
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
, 56
Situational determinism, 29
Social constructionism, 73
“Social identities”, 141
Social interaction, 27–28
methods, 29–32
research, 32–35
theory, 26–29
Social interaction, 32
Social justice, 102, 117
Social Psychology
, 26
Social psychology of human relationships, 27
Social science research training, 49–50
Sociality, 44
Socialization, 32
Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 90
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism (SSSI), 17
Sociological imagination, 118, 133–136
prophetic pragmatism and promise of, 147–148
in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of research act, 137–142
on voice, research, and ongoing development of, 143–147
Sociological research, 32
of emotions, 93
task of, 133–136
Sociology, 48–49
“Sociology of Subjectivity” Conference, 90
Solidarity, 103
Soul music, 62–63
Space theory, 104
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 102
Speculative thinking, 154
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
SSSI Stone Symposium
in Arizona, 8
in San Francisco, 7, 55
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 17–19
“Subjugated knowledges”, 111
Symbolic Interaction
, 18–19
Symbolic interaction theory, 28
Symbolic interactionism, 4, 17–19, 28, 47–48, 167
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
Leadership, 79–80
Liber amicorum
, 4
Litany of commitments, 122–130
Lost Weekend (modern alcoholism film), 43–44
Love, 5–6, 105
Materialism, 121–122
#Me Too, 19–20
Meaning creation, 103
Mentorship, 6, 161, 174
Methodology and voice, 142–147
Mixed-methods research, 136
Movements for Norman Denzin
“I Thought I Knew You, Two”, 118–122
litany of commitments, 122–130
“Ode to An Aging Cowboy”, 117–118
Native Americans, 20–21, 124
Naturalistic inquiry, 31–32, 73
“Need-to-be-developed” method, 135–136
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), 10
On Understanding Emotion
, 15
Pan-interactionism, 26
Paradoxical agency
and alcoholic self, 42–43
and cinematic representations, 43–45
Denzin’s notion of, 41–42
Paradoxical character of lived experience, 40
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid
, 103
Pedagogies of hope, 5–6
Performance autoethnography, 111
Performance Ethnography
, 20–21, 76
Performance studies paradigm, 107
Performing Ethnography
, 21
, 56
Pleated-ness, 82
Politics of global capitalist culture, 5–6
Post-Modern Interactionism, 169–170
Post-pragmatism, 5–6
“Postmodern turn”, 41
Postmodernism, 18–19, 59
Poststructural qualitative research, 67
Power of voices, 144–147
Praise of Norman Denzin
1989, 65, 67–68
1990, 67
2005, 68–69
2021, 67, 69
Prayers of the faithful, 122–123
“Program evaluation”, 48–49
Prophetic pragmatism, 147–148
Qualitative inquiry (QI), 4, 7, 59–60, 74, 79, 104, 109, 161–162
Qualitative Interest Group (QUIG), 74
Qualitative methods, 31, 73
Qualitative orientation, 17
Qualitative research, 48–51
community, 73–74, 103
Qualitative social science research methods, 48–49
“Qualitative turn”, 86
Queer, 20–21
Radical interactionism, 18–19
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs), 50–51
Reading Race: Hollywood and the Critique of Racial Violence
, 19–20
Recovering Alcoholic, The
, 15, 72
Recovering alcoholics, 40
“Relationships of substance”, 41–42
Research Act, The
, 17, 30–31, 48–49, 73, 135–136, 142, 153–154
methodology and voice, 142–147
sociological imagination in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of, 137–142
Research methods, 167
Research training, 49–50
Respect, 102
SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry
, 9–10
Screening Race: Hollywood and a Cinema of Violence 1980–1985, 19–20
Self, 32, 39–40
Self-development, 21
Self-lodging process, 41–42, 44
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
, 56
Situational determinism, 29
Social constructionism, 73
“Social identities”, 141
Social interaction, 27–28
methods, 29–32
research, 32–35
theory, 26–29
Social interaction, 32
Social justice, 102, 117
Social Psychology
, 26
Social psychology of human relationships, 27
Social science research training, 49–50
Sociality, 44
Socialization, 32
Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 90
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism (SSSI), 17
Sociological imagination, 118, 133–136
prophetic pragmatism and promise of, 147–148
in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of research act, 137–142
on voice, research, and ongoing development of, 143–147
Sociological research, 32
of emotions, 93
task of, 133–136
Sociology, 48–49
“Sociology of Subjectivity” Conference, 90
Solidarity, 103
Soul music, 62–63
Space theory, 104
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 102
Speculative thinking, 154
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
SSSI Stone Symposium
in Arizona, 8
in San Francisco, 7, 55
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 17–19
“Subjugated knowledges”, 111
Symbolic Interaction
, 18–19
Symbolic interaction theory, 28
Symbolic interactionism, 4, 17–19, 28, 47–48, 167
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
Native Americans, 20–21, 124
Naturalistic inquiry, 31–32, 73
“Need-to-be-developed” method, 135–136
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), 10
On Understanding Emotion
, 15
Pan-interactionism, 26
Paradoxical agency
and alcoholic self, 42–43
and cinematic representations, 43–45
Denzin’s notion of, 41–42
Paradoxical character of lived experience, 40
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid
, 103
Pedagogies of hope, 5–6
Performance autoethnography, 111
Performance Ethnography
, 20–21, 76
Performance studies paradigm, 107
Performing Ethnography
, 21
, 56
Pleated-ness, 82
Politics of global capitalist culture, 5–6
Post-Modern Interactionism, 169–170
Post-pragmatism, 5–6
“Postmodern turn”, 41
Postmodernism, 18–19, 59
Poststructural qualitative research, 67
Power of voices, 144–147
Praise of Norman Denzin
1989, 65, 67–68
1990, 67
2005, 68–69
2021, 67, 69
Prayers of the faithful, 122–123
“Program evaluation”, 48–49
Prophetic pragmatism, 147–148
Qualitative inquiry (QI), 4, 7, 59–60, 74, 79, 104, 109, 161–162
Qualitative Interest Group (QUIG), 74
Qualitative methods, 31, 73
Qualitative orientation, 17
Qualitative research, 48–51
community, 73–74, 103
Qualitative social science research methods, 48–49
“Qualitative turn”, 86
Queer, 20–21
Radical interactionism, 18–19
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs), 50–51
Reading Race: Hollywood and the Critique of Racial Violence
, 19–20
Recovering Alcoholic, The
, 15, 72
Recovering alcoholics, 40
“Relationships of substance”, 41–42
Research Act, The
, 17, 30–31, 48–49, 73, 135–136, 142, 153–154
methodology and voice, 142–147
sociological imagination in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of, 137–142
Research methods, 167
Research training, 49–50
Respect, 102
SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry
, 9–10
Screening Race: Hollywood and a Cinema of Violence 1980–1985, 19–20
Self, 32, 39–40
Self-development, 21
Self-lodging process, 41–42, 44
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
, 56
Situational determinism, 29
Social constructionism, 73
“Social identities”, 141
Social interaction, 27–28
methods, 29–32
research, 32–35
theory, 26–29
Social interaction, 32
Social justice, 102, 117
Social Psychology
, 26
Social psychology of human relationships, 27
Social science research training, 49–50
Sociality, 44
Socialization, 32
Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 90
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism (SSSI), 17
Sociological imagination, 118, 133–136
prophetic pragmatism and promise of, 147–148
in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of research act, 137–142
on voice, research, and ongoing development of, 143–147
Sociological research, 32
of emotions, 93
task of, 133–136
Sociology, 48–49
“Sociology of Subjectivity” Conference, 90
Solidarity, 103
Soul music, 62–63
Space theory, 104
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 102
Speculative thinking, 154
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
SSSI Stone Symposium
in Arizona, 8
in San Francisco, 7, 55
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 17–19
“Subjugated knowledges”, 111
Symbolic Interaction
, 18–19
Symbolic interaction theory, 28
Symbolic interactionism, 4, 17–19, 28, 47–48, 167
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
Pan-interactionism, 26
Paradoxical agency
and alcoholic self, 42–43
and cinematic representations, 43–45
Denzin’s notion of, 41–42
Paradoxical character of lived experience, 40
Pat Garret and Billy the Kid
, 103
Pedagogies of hope, 5–6
Performance autoethnography, 111
Performance Ethnography
, 20–21, 76
Performance studies paradigm, 107
Performing Ethnography
, 21
, 56
Pleated-ness, 82
Politics of global capitalist culture, 5–6
Post-Modern Interactionism, 169–170
Post-pragmatism, 5–6
“Postmodern turn”, 41
Postmodernism, 18–19, 59
Poststructural qualitative research, 67
Power of voices, 144–147
Praise of Norman Denzin
1989, 65, 67–68
1990, 67
2005, 68–69
2021, 67, 69
Prayers of the faithful, 122–123
“Program evaluation”, 48–49
Prophetic pragmatism, 147–148
Qualitative inquiry (QI), 4, 7, 59–60, 74, 79, 104, 109, 161–162
Qualitative Interest Group (QUIG), 74
Qualitative methods, 31, 73
Qualitative orientation, 17
Qualitative research, 48–51
community, 73–74, 103
Qualitative social science research methods, 48–49
“Qualitative turn”, 86
Queer, 20–21
Radical interactionism, 18–19
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs), 50–51
Reading Race: Hollywood and the Critique of Racial Violence
, 19–20
Recovering Alcoholic, The
, 15, 72
Recovering alcoholics, 40
“Relationships of substance”, 41–42
Research Act, The
, 17, 30–31, 48–49, 73, 135–136, 142, 153–154
methodology and voice, 142–147
sociological imagination in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of, 137–142
Research methods, 167
Research training, 49–50
Respect, 102
SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry
, 9–10
Screening Race: Hollywood and a Cinema of Violence 1980–1985, 19–20
Self, 32, 39–40
Self-development, 21
Self-lodging process, 41–42, 44
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
, 56
Situational determinism, 29
Social constructionism, 73
“Social identities”, 141
Social interaction, 27–28
methods, 29–32
research, 32–35
theory, 26–29
Social interaction, 32
Social justice, 102, 117
Social Psychology
, 26
Social psychology of human relationships, 27
Social science research training, 49–50
Sociality, 44
Socialization, 32
Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 90
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism (SSSI), 17
Sociological imagination, 118, 133–136
prophetic pragmatism and promise of, 147–148
in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of research act, 137–142
on voice, research, and ongoing development of, 143–147
Sociological research, 32
of emotions, 93
task of, 133–136
Sociology, 48–49
“Sociology of Subjectivity” Conference, 90
Solidarity, 103
Soul music, 62–63
Space theory, 104
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 102
Speculative thinking, 154
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
SSSI Stone Symposium
in Arizona, 8
in San Francisco, 7, 55
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 17–19
“Subjugated knowledges”, 111
Symbolic Interaction
, 18–19
Symbolic interaction theory, 28
Symbolic interactionism, 4, 17–19, 28, 47–48, 167
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
Radical interactionism, 18–19
Randomised Control Trials (RCTs), 50–51
Reading Race: Hollywood and the Critique of Racial Violence
, 19–20
Recovering Alcoholic, The
, 15, 72
Recovering alcoholics, 40
“Relationships of substance”, 41–42
Research Act, The
, 17, 30–31, 48–49, 73, 135–136, 142, 153–154
methodology and voice, 142–147
sociological imagination in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of, 137–142
Research methods, 167
Research training, 49–50
Respect, 102
SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Inquiry
, 9–10
Screening Race: Hollywood and a Cinema of Violence 1980–1985, 19–20
Self, 32, 39–40
Self-development, 21
Self-lodging process, 41–42, 44
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
, 56
Situational determinism, 29
Social constructionism, 73
“Social identities”, 141
Social interaction, 27–28
methods, 29–32
research, 32–35
theory, 26–29
Social interaction, 32
Social justice, 102, 117
Social Psychology
, 26
Social psychology of human relationships, 27
Social science research training, 49–50
Sociality, 44
Socialization, 32
Society for Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI), 90
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism (SSSI), 17
Sociological imagination, 118, 133–136
prophetic pragmatism and promise of, 147–148
in teaching/mentorship/sharing phase of research act, 137–142
on voice, research, and ongoing development of, 143–147
Sociological research, 32
of emotions, 93
task of, 133–136
Sociology, 48–49
“Sociology of Subjectivity” Conference, 90
Solidarity, 103
Soul music, 62–63
Space theory, 104
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 102
Speculative thinking, 154
SSSI cultural studies, 57–58
SSSI Stone Symposium
in Arizona, 8
in San Francisco, 7, 55
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
, 17–19
“Subjugated knowledges”, 111
Symbolic Interaction
, 18–19
Symbolic interaction theory, 28
Symbolic interactionism, 4, 17–19, 28, 47–48, 167
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
“Talk therapy”, 42
, 4–5
Teaching, 154
Temporality, 35
The Days of Wine and Roses (alcoholism film), 44
Theory construction, 29
Theory of Small Groups, 26
This-ness, 82
Time, attention to, 35
Transformation, 103
Treating Alcoholism
, 15
“Triangulation 2. 0”, 136
Triangulation in social research, 48
Tried-and-true formulaic model, 169–170
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 137
Unmade bed, 105
Utopian dreams, 118
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
Violence, 35
Wall Street
, 56
World building, 136–142
World Trade Center attack, 5
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
“Yellowstone trilogy”, 13
- Prelims
- Part I Festschrift in Honor of Norman K. Denzin: He Knew His Song Well
- Chapter 1 “We Are Not Alone”: An Introduction to Norman Denzin's “Book of Friends”
- Chapter 2 One Day at a Time: A Four Act Play Performed by Norman K. Denzin
- Chapter 3 My Apprenticeship on the Prairie: Theory, Method, and Research in the Naturalistic Study of Social Interaction
- Chapter 4 Norm Denzin's Empiricist Bent, Theory of the Self, and Focus on Paradoxical Agency
- Chapter 5 Norman Denzin: Building “A Bigger Tent”
- Chapter 6 A Case of You, Norman
- Chapter 7 In Praise of Norman Denzin
- Chapter 8 It's a Wonderful Qualitative Life: Norman Denzin and the Building of a Qualitative Community
- Chapter 9 Norman Denzin: Making Room for Capacious Inquiry
- Chapter 10 Celebrating Norman K. Denzin
- Chapter 11 Coming out With Norman: Connecting Our Voices
- Chapter 12 Norman Denzin or a Life Dedicated to Social Transformation From the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
- Chapter 13 I Seek You, ICQI
- Chapter 14 A Moral Discourse: What Norman K. Denzin Does or Simply a Love Letter to My Dear Boss
- Chapter 15 Three Movements for Norman Denzin
- Chapter 16 Denzin, Mills, and the Prophetic Pragmatic Promise and Task of the Sociological Imagination
- Chapter 17 Early Days in Champaign
- Chapter 18 Fishing With the GOAT: Honoring Norman K. Denzin
- Part II Reflections
- Chapter A Encounters at ICQI
- Chapter B Chance Encounters
- Chapter C Ishmael's Oatmeal
- Selected Publications by Norman K. Denzin
- Index