Becoming a sociologist: One woman's journey
Studies in Symbolic Interaction
ISBN: 978-1-84855-784-0, eISBN: 978-1-84855-785-7
Publication date: 30 October 2009
Growing up in a small (l,000) Nevada town in the l930s and 1940s, I acquired a neophyte's sociological eye and sensibility, though, of course, not an analytical framework from which to make sense of that social world. The everyday life in that little town encouraged perception of subtle, but nevertheless very sharp social, cultural, economic, racial, gender, and class differences among its residents.
Olesen, V. (2009), "Becoming a sociologist: One woman's journey", Denzin, N.K. (Ed.) Studies in Symbolic Interaction (Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 33), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 75-94.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited