
Scott Sikes

Toward New Possibilities for Library and Information Science: The Use of Social Media in the 2018 West Virginia Teachers' Strike

ISBN: 978-1-80382-380-5, eISBN: 978-1-80382-379-9

ISSN: 0065-2830

Publication date: 1 March 2023

This content is currently only available as a PDF


Sikes, S. (2023), "Index", Toward New Possibilities for Library and Information Science: The Use of Social Media in the 2018 West Virginia Teachers' Strike (Advances in Librarianship, Vol. 51), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 147-150.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Scott Sikes


Academic disciplines, question of
, 17–19

Academic specialization
, 131

American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
, 90

, 70–71

, 62–64

Appalachian dichotomy
, 63

Appalachian identity and resistance
, 35–37

Appalachian region, research and
, 4–6

Appalachian Regional Commission
, 4, 62

Arab Spring
, 34

, 19

Bigger picture
, 102–103

Black Lives Matter
, 34

, 72

using qualitative and interpretivist methods for critical inquiry
, 73–74

spirit of ethnography
, 74–77

Collective action
, 35, 41–50, 61

implications for
, 53–54

and LIS
, 38–39

, 30–32, 54

Collective identity
, 58–59

importance of
, 116–118

and LIS
, 39–40

sense of
, 109

Comps process
, 124–125

Comte's philosophy
, 67

Constructivist grounded theory concept
, 81

Contemporary social movements
, 50, 52–53

, 127–129

Critical inquiry
, 20–23

using qualitative and interpretivist methods for
, 73–74

Critical self-reflection
, 23

Critical theory
, 49, 69, 73

and LIS
, 37–38

Crowd-sourced strike
, 28

Data analysis process
, 66, 79–81

Democracy, promise of
, 54–55

Democratic process
, 108

Dialectical thinking
, 20–23

and critical perspective
, 48–50

Digital communications technologies
, 54

Digital information and communication technologies
, 20, 119

Digital technologies
, 28, 55

, 103

issues of social justice in LIS scholarship and
, 3–4


, 67

, 67

Ethnography, spirit of
, 74–77

, 57, 93–94, 97, 106–107, 115

False dichotomies
, 46–48

Feminist scholarship
, 68

, 99–101

Frankfurt School
, 38

Global pandemic, research in midst of
, 122–124

Graduate school
, 9

Grassroots model
, 47

Great Refusal
, 49

Grounded theory
, 79

Higher education
, 11–12

Humanity, embracing our
, 126–127

Immanent transcendence
, 68–70

, 18, 127, 129

, 44

, 19

Information and communication technologies (ICTs)
, 28, 31, 41, 59, 111

, 92–93

, 57

Interpretivist methods for critical inquiry
, 73–74

Interview process
, 77

iSchool movement
, 19

Knowledge, pursuit of
, 15–17

Labor strike
, 20

Labor unions
, 63

Library and information sciences (LIS)
, 1

collective action and
, 38–39

collective identity and
, 39–40

critical theory and
, 37–38

issues of social justice in LIS scholarship and education
, 3–4

question of academic disciplines and LIS perspective
, 17–19

theoretical implications for field of
, 37

, 11–12

Methodological conundrum critical perspective and
, 67–72

, 45

, 19

Mystery and wonder

contradictions of my own position
, 13–15

dialectical thinking, critical inquiry, and transcendence
, 20–23

higher education and marketplace
, 11–12

pursuit of knowledge
, 15–17

question of academic disciplines and LIS perspective
, 17–19

reflective journey
, 23–26

Occupy movement
, 116

Occupy Wall Street
, 34, 47

Online social networking
, 59

, 52

Personal interviews
, 77

, 61

Place-based identity
, 60–62

Positive philosophy
, 66

Postmodern philosophical paradigm
, 16

Private group Facebook pages
, 113

Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA)
, 92, 102, 106

Public libraries
, 38–39, 44

Puzzle of academic research

building bricolage
, 72–77

critical perspective and methodological conundrum
, 67–72

data analysis
, 79–81

immanent transcendence
, 68–70

methods of research
, 77–81

sampling and procedures
, 78–79

slaying positivist father
, 66–67

sociopolitical positionality
, 70–72

unruly doubts and tumultuous realities
, 81–84

Qualitative methods
, 67

for critical inquiry
, 73–74

Quantitative method
, 67

Rational thought models
, 44


importance of collective identity
, 116–118

social media and strike
, 113–114

strike as successful failure
, 114–116

transcendent moment
, 118–119

, 131

Recruitment process
, 82

Reduction in force (RIF)
, 91

Reflective journey

embracing connection
, 129–132

embracing creativity
, 127–129

embracing our humanity
, 126–127

particular form of torture
, 124–126

research in midst of global pandemic
, 122–124

toward new possibilities
, 126

, 62–64

Resistance, appalachian identity and
, 35–37

, 97

Right-to-work laws
, 28

Self-interest, overcoming problem of
, 42–44

Social justice in LIS scholarship and education, issues of
, 3

Social media
, 6, 19–20, 34, 52–56, 60, 112–114, 119

Appalachian identity and resistance
, 35–37

critical perspective of social media and protest
, 55–58

decline of institutions and rise of social media
, 32–35

and identity
, 59–60

impact on strike
, 107–108

, 31

, 115

role in strike
, 105–106

theoretical implications for field of LIS
, 37–40

understanding collective action
, 30–32

Social movements
, 41–59, 119

Social networking sites
, 52

Sociopolitical positionality
, 70–72


, 87–88

, 105

role of social media in strike
, 105–106

sense of collective identity
, 109

impact of social media on strike
, 107–108

, 89

, 89

bigger picture
, 102–103

caught in middle
, 91–92

, 93–94

, 99–101

importance of
, 85–87

, 95–96

, 92–93

, 103–105

on strike
, 93

talking about union can be complicated
, 90–91

, 28, 113–114

impact of social media on
, 107–108

social media role in
, 105–106

as successful failure
, 114–116

Striking teachers
, 109

Techno-centrism and modern world
, 50–51

, 50–58

technology-driven networks
, 32

Theoretical and epistemological frameworks

collective action and social movements
, 41

collective identity, place, and refusal
, 58

collective identity and social movements
, 58–59

critical perspective of social media and protest
, 55–58

false dichotomies
, 46–48

imagined Appalachia and refusal/resistance
, 62–64

implications for collective action
, 53–54

meaning in contradiction
, 48–50

overcoming problem of self-interest
, 42–44

place-based identity
, 60–62

rationalism, modernity, and discontents
, 44–46

social media and contemporary social movements
, 52–53

social media and identity
, 59–60

social media and promise of democracy
, 54–55

techno-centrism and modern world
, 50–51

technology and social movements
, 50

Traditional information organizations
, 19

, 20–23

Transcendent moment
, 118–119

Two-county regional library system
, 2

Union leaders
, 113

University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK)
, 2

West Virginia Education Association (WVEA)
, 90

West Virginia teachers’ strike (2018)
, 6–7, 19, 25, 27, 41, 105, 111–112, 116

West Virginia's identity
, 64

Wildcat strike
, 28

Witnessing contemporary movements
, 72

Zoom online meeting platform
, 79