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Joint Academic Libraries in Finland: Different Models of Integration

Vuokko Palonen, Sirkku Blinnikka, Ulla Ohvo, Susanna Parikka

Mergers and Alliances: The Operational View and Cases

ISBN: 978-1-78350-054-3

Publication date: 11 August 2014


Different operational models of joint libraries of universities and polytechnics are examined in this chapter. These joint academic libraries were founded in Finland during the 2000s. Although universities and polytechnics have different objectives, educational programs, and educational degrees, they are nevertheless expected to cooperate. Library services have become a well-functioning model of cooperation in four provincial centers. Joint libraries serve their parent organizations, but are also open to the public and in this way they support the availability of scientific and vocational information in their regional areas. The emphases of this case study are the administrative solutions and matters concerning personnel. In addition to this, electronic resources are dealt with. Since the electronic licenses are institution specific, they complicate the joint library services. Because the operational environments of the libraries differ, the models will not be placed in any order of supremacy. Regardless of the challenges that the joint libraries face, they still show how relatively small educational organizations can develop the library services within their own community through cooperation.




The authors would like to acknowledge Yvonne Bartley for the English translation of the text and Peter Ahlroos for editing the figures.


Palonen, V., Blinnikka, S., Ohvo, U. and Parikka, S. (2014), "Joint Academic Libraries in Finland: Different Models of Integration", Mergers and Alliances: The Operational View and Cases (Advances in Librarianship, Vol. 37), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 223-242.



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