Rahman, A. (2014), "From the Editors", Pacific Accounting Review, Vol. 26 No. 1/2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
From the Editors
Article Type: From the Editors From: Pacific Accounting Review, Volume 26, Issue 1/2
We wish our Pacific Accounting Review (PAR) authors, reviewers, readers and editorial board members a happy, healthy and productive 2014. We look forward to your contributions to and support for PAR as we move from a three issues format to a four issues format in 2015.
Professor Mike Bradbury has decided to step down from being one of our editors. He will continue as a valued member of the Editorial Board. Mike has twice been an Editor for PAR: from 1990 to 1993 and from 2011 to 2013. As a leading academic in the areas of financial reporting, financial analysis and international financial reporting standards, Mike has made an outstanding contribution towards the editorial activities of PAR. He has been committed to increasing the quality of the papers accepted for publication.
Professor Paul Rouse (University of Auckland) has joined the team of editors. Paul has special interests in costing and performance measurement systems which will strengthen the management accounting interest in PAR. Paul brings with him years of experience as an author and a reviewer of management accounting papers.
Asheq Rahman, Glenn Boyle and Jill Hooks