Mexico state-central government tensions set to rise
State-central government relations.
President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) has defended a controversial proposal to replace national ministries’ delegations in Mexico's 32 states with state programme coordinators to oversee distribution of federal funds. AMLO insists the new positions will streamline public expenditure and reduce corruption, and is adamant they will not threaten the sovereignty of state governments. However, politicians and business groups have voiced concerns that the new officials could undermine state autonomy, particularly in the 27 administrations not controlled by AMLO’s National Regeneration Movement (Morena).
- Coordinators’ impact will vary from state to state depending on socio-economic development levels and governability.
- Administrative restructuring may lead to delays and erratic decision-making.
- Individual coordinators, however honest, will not end corruption if systemic drivers remain.
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