The Pursuit of Sustainability of Homeownership Schemes for First-Time Buyers
A large portion of first-time homebuyers lack adequate means to meet their needs of housing owing to home price inflation in Malaysian cities. One way to address the housing needs of urban household is to provide affordable quality homes. Drawing upon a case study of Greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, this study attempts to discuss the cloud of issues related to different homeownership schemes available for first-time homebuyers. Results suggest that affordable housing should be made available at the price and locations that can be accepted by first-time homeowners. In line with the principle of sustainability, homeownership schemes for first-time homebuyers should be economically viable, socially acceptable and technically feasible.
Hong, T.T. (2015), "The Pursuit of Sustainability of Homeownership Schemes for First-Time Buyers", Open House International, Vol. 40 No. 1, pp. 81-88.
:Open House International
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