Empowering professional and ethical balance in digital record management

Miftachul Huda

Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People

ISSN: 2635-0270

Open Access. Article publication date: 14 September 2021

Issue publication date: 19 April 2022




This paper aims to examine the professional skills and ethical values balanced to generate policies and procedures with significant guidance to give insights into systematic control of integrating simultaneous integrity between the use and maintenance in digital-based recordkeeping.


The investigation was conducted using keywords responsibilities engagement, professional and ethical balance, and records management. Descriptive analysis was applied with the initiative on integrating, evaluating and interpreting the findings of multiple types of research from recent grounded theory.


The finding reveals that determining the potential value of foregoing effort to provide an ultimate application guideline as a counter measure against the emerging challenges of the dynamic records management system needs to adopt appropriate professional and ethical empowerment across the procedural stage in underlying the demand and the response with the express purpose of promoting appropriate and wise usage for the sustainable positive benefit of responsibilities on recording management.


As a pivotal role in determining the potential value of foregoing effort as aimed in this paper, the initiative to provide an ultimate application guideline as a counter measure against the emerging challenges of the dynamic records management system needs to bring along with urging for an appropriate professional and ethical empowerment across the procedural stage proposed referring to the demand and the response with the express purpose of promoting appropriate and wise usage for the sustainable positive benefit of responsibilities on recording management.



Huda, M. (2022), "Empowering professional and ethical balance in digital record management", Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 60-73. https://doi.org/10.1108/OCJ-06-2021-0016



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Miftachul Huda


Published in Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode


In the last decade, the technological advancements have been emerged to transmit into the digital development supported with the utility in terms of service, educational setting and even business transaction, where all these would produce a number of data (). In the attempts to enhance in managing the procedural stage in documenting information, recordkeeping should be taken into consideration through enabling the human potentials with influential and critical setting integrated into principles and guidelines. As a result, the recordkeeping management in this valuable insight to ensure records management (RM) could be managed appropriately through the systems which are suitably fit to the purpose with an entire engagement widely in enhancing the integration between ethical and professional balance. Addressing the pervasiveness engaged into technological development in the recordkeeping may have opportunities vis-à-vis challenges in the way which needs to cooperate with possessing both positive and negative impact (; ).

With this regard, the most likely viewed chances to optimise the extent of utilising it appropriately and wisely would have a valuable insight in creating substantial foundation to nurture the human conviction assigned with adaptive engagement skills in recordkeeping management. In particular, the issues of trust, for example, in digital records is very important for the discipline in getting better understanding of ethical issues in the context of the use of media technologies. This would have a positive feedback in utilising the idea of promoting a professional and ethical balance in RM whether there were both electronic and document basis which has a significant role to preserve information management. At this point of view, the potential value of RM has the significant attribution into the practical basis in the way which gives the idea to promote professional and ethical balance to integrate the simultaneous integrity between the use and maintenance.

In terms of the recorded information organised by the classification of such a way to enable the process quickly, the point of this initiative could be referred to the changing technology, work practices, devolution of recordkeeping responsibilities to users, their growing expectations and increasing organisational concerns for RM accountability (). This aims to achieve the sufficient guideline provided in considering the particular attribution to ensure the systematic approach on the records management responsibilities. In line with the need to have a sufficient procedure stage on the capability in creating new document volumes and archives along with the multipurpose such as business information independently of each other, attempts to the reconsideration particularly in fulfilling the challenges of poor organisational skills could be enlarged through elaborating the significant guidance necessarily in implementing the system approach which could incorporate all employee records (; ). As a result, the necessity of elaborating the potential value of professional and ethical balance should be taken into consideration as an attempt to ensure the significant guidance in applying for the records responsibility being committed to the discipline. This initiative refers to enhance the very important quality in underlying the recordkeeping along through implementing the systemic approach in incorporating the records management.

As a result, enhancing the discipline in the sense to adopt wisely on media technologies should be carried out getting better understanding in promoting professional and ethical balance in records management system whether there were both electronic and document basis which has the significant role to preserve information management (; ). At this point of view, the entirely ethical issues to give insights into underlying the positive effect in the records management basis has to be involved with utilising it wisely and appropriately in the sense that can transmit the potential value of digital and document-based recordkeeping. However, apart from the significant attribution of recordkeeping responsibilities, the emerging issues have been widely viewed along with the potential impact on the practical basis such as lack of integrity, transparency, and trusty emphasis in the way which needs to have a good balance between professional and ethical competency basis (). In this view, the emphasis in adopting the records management to obtain the potential value in enhancing the idea of promoting a balance in records management basis is necessary to integrate the simultaneous integrity between the use and maintenance.

In addition, this paper attempts to examine the particular insights of empowering professional and ethical balance in contributing to the recordkeeping management, whether they are both document and explore professional skills associated with ethical values required within records management, mainly in the recordkeeping initiation. The wide range of such dimensions is supposed to incorporate the initiative in building the goodness with pointing out the inherent negative effects of records management (). With the emerging challenges, the point to enhance the ethical engagement and professional skills could be supposed in achieving the good of individuals, groups and broader society as the users' record keeping responsibilities. Moreover, the policies engaged to have the extensive procedures about the metadata standards should be established with paying special attention towards the security issue which need to concern the wide range of monitoring process together with auditing procedure. This indicates that the way which can be initiated into classifying both retention and disposition to the records management basis.

Through demonstrating the way on the management performance which can be adopted among the users in recordkeeping, significant contribution could be obtained through making it appropriately and widely along with the procedural stage well deigned in terms of demand and need among the organisational basis. As a result, the key point of view determined to be the initiative to provide an ultimate application guideline as a counter measure against the emerging challenges of the dynamic records management system needs to bring along with urging for an appropriate professional and ethical empowerment across the procedural stage proposed referring to the demand and the response with the express purpose of promoting appropriate and wise usage for the sustainable positive benefit of responsibilities on recording management. In an attempt to support this approach, this paper proposes the theoretical framework or guideline for empowering both professional and ethical foundations associated with recordkeeping initiative.

Emerging issues in electronic records management system (ERMS)

In the last decade, the issues of trust become the serious concern which needs to expand its valuable insight into the digital records, mainly to be achieved in the evidence. It is important to manage the potential value of the discipline in making sure about the trust in the recordkeeping. The emerging issues in the digital records management have been widely emerged seemingly along with accountability, transparency and information security (). These three core parts to manage the records process may have a key role in giving insights into the data management under any institution in the sense that could be connected referring to the context of records or archives. The interconnection between the two mentioned should bring along with the recordkeeping discipline in the sense that the particular guideline needs to update suitably. Working with effective recordkeeping systems to create, capture and manage information can deliver significant productivity improvement with pointing out the plan set up through systematic approach to deliver information among government, stakeholders and business manager in order to create their decision ().

In this view, the wide range of information decisions could be made along with managing the digital data together with behavioural shift in supporting the better access in their information assets. In order to corporate information leading to provide the organisations, attempts to recognise the procedural stage like use and re-use of the value should focus on information governance and strategic planning to achieve in protecting data to be more accessible once operational system change (). It is important to note that both control and managing information refers to provide reliability within the basis of timely access in recordkeeping innovation. As a result, strengthening strategic plan with delivering practical, innovative and effective approaches to enhance the attempt to manage information across the wide range of industries, government agencies, utilities, property developers, health care and pharmaceutical companies, and education and infrastructure agencies within corporate rules plays a key role in constructing the records management with experiencing the expertise consultants (; ) (see ).

The capability and commitment to work with assessing the performance of information management systems could be integrated into attempting the review with compliance on information risk. As the attempts to point out defining the frameworks of information governance, determining the information policies assigned with guidelines and training has to do with underlining the extensive basis of designing digital preservation together with considering legacy data strategies. Managing the framework in recognising the management access with taking responsible awareness mainly in meeting the issues of the extent of ownership and custody in claiming the digital resources should be taken into consideration to commit the authenticity and integrity towards the shift paradigm within the change and advent of truly distributed electronic systems (). In particular, the application procedure should be enhanced with taking a practical approach to manage daily business and data across technology changes to be integrated into recordkeeping.

Managing recordkeeping security for organisational sustainability

In addition, the management of recordkeeping recognised into the functional basis held within the organisational element has been widely devoted to identifying, classifying, storing, securing, retrieving, tracking and destroying or permanently preserving records (). Moreover, the management of information in the way which can be incorporated along with organisation throughout its life cycle could begin with the time of creating the data contained in the storage to its eventual disposition. The process of this inscription could be managed into the records management with getting more responsible to be more efficient and systematic control in the information management. The particular stage applied along with creating, receipting, maintaining and using the records refers to storage record, record (database), and boot record (), in the sense that could be transmitted into the basic input or output structure together with taking the set of fields in the database liked into the one entity record exerted through starting the operating system (). The wide range of entire processes begins with capturing the data storage and maintaining the evidence of data information to determine the particular way in retaining the records together with strengthening the capacity for re-use to be more coherent and practical.

In terms of activities aligned with running business and transactions through adopting the management basis on the form of records, preserving the aspect of institutional memory to obtain the wide range of evidences including activities, transactions and decisions to give the percentage of pieces in an organisation's recordkeeping needs to concern in particular way to make transmission on initiation with the aspects of others document what happened and why (). The purposeful management to achieve the standard of recordkeeping initiation needs to gather the potential value with an organisation's broader function in terms of Governance sector and public administration. Along with the risk management in the attempts to comply primarily with creating, receiving and maintaining the evidence concerned with managing the organisational activities, the extent of risk management could be mitigated through archival maintenance (; ).

As a result, the trusted sources would be tracked in the attempts to save the evidence together with information management within the organisation initiation in the sense that play key role in ensuring the data well managed. In terms of the pursuance of legal obligations in transmitting the wide range of activities including transaction or negotiation of business, addressing the benefit with setting number of purposes which records management can enhance is mainly incorporated to have the ability to serve as evidence of an event within the key feature of records that can assist the documentation and archives.

In line with preserving the feature of records in an appropriate way, the necessity to highlight the records management has to be considered in particular to properly give an insightful value to preserve the recent and comprehensive feature of records. Moreover, the quality of persistent representations resulted from the wide range of activities transmitted into the recordkeeping would need to produce the model basis to ensure in the process of the determination of records created by the users to emphasise the significance of contextual archives (; ). In this view, attempts to emphasise the value of emerging trust to underlie the process of informational properties and evidential records would assist the archival contexts in pursuit of the legal obligations complied with the materials derived from organisation activities where this would create the recordkeeping discipline. Through receiving the record stems aligned from the archives with early theorisation of administrative body assigned into the official data transmission from the users, archives determined as organic aggregations of records written from the wide range of documents or printed matter and drawings might be officially attributed into producing the contextual basis of records related to the major potential gained from the users' activities. With this regard, the quality of management in paying this particular attention to have a look at the critical risk to think further in providing the solving approach needs to gather in pointing out problematic occurrence with such rapid expansion of complexity to decision process (; ). With acculturating the decision-making from taking note about the archival management which lead to the recordkeeping consequence, the management quality of thinking and applying for the entire task should be paid serious attention in ensuring the future direction to combat the doubtful issue due to the lack of documentation in the archival management basis.

This attainment would lead to enhance the emerging trust in ensuring the wide process of expanding information and communication through advancement of technology devices in the attempt to support the evidence forms in fostering the maximum access to promote transparency and accountability through developing the recordkeeping audit techniques (). As a result of actual inclusion on maximising the integrity acceptable into the ways governed referring to the principle of the archives management acceptable in underlying the process of decision making constructed within the organisation context and communities. In particular, paying special attention with addressing the challenging issues emerged into the recordkeeping should be taken into consideration in constructing the balance between professional skills in driving the instruction and ethical concern in guiding the way of approach in records management appropriately. Moreover, the fundamental principle to deliver the information from the existing archives within the types of evidence to take into the use for decision making should bring along with getting the balance right between keeping the rules with the instructions of records management in general.

Records management from document basis to digital electronic version

RM basis would need to gather the potential for impact on practice towards the emerging technological advancements in the field of social media platform, since this platform could have abundant number of data storage, which is volunteer basis (). This initiative aims to enhance the balance between professional and ethical engagement associated with proposing the necessary guidelines to reconsider the way and manner records management could be utilised along with different cultures at all times. Within the records management basis, practical basis could consequently be enhanced in giving the model in contributing to the broader societal goodness and peaceful coexistence (). Moreover, the negotiated balance between ethical and professional skills should be engaged to strengthen the ability in solving the issues through proposing the theoretical framework guideline. With particular emphasis on empowering both professional and ethical dimensions on records management, this initiative keenly adhered with a more coherent explanation assigned into the initiative in engaging the records management should bring along with classifying the beneficial value transmitted into the golden rule carried out in the application procedure ().

In this regard, the need to enhance the consistency of both practice and skill has to be combined in particular to enhance the pivotal role in transmitting records and information management to bring wide range of significant benefits to an organisation. It is necessary to point out gathering the potential value and the impact on the practical stage in the records management. In addition, when properly applied, records information has been generated by the organisation classified and organised, in such a way that it can be found quickly and used successfully to aid in decision processes undertaken by workers and management (). The decision making from this perspective will lead to give an insightful value particularly in creating digital recordkeeping management systematised through combining the professional skills with the capable qualities among the users and ethical values to generate the particular attainment on broadening the recordkeeping responsibility. This would particularly give the direction in the area of records management basis within the information science in the sense that can be employed through the wide combination of capability in creating the business information through enhancing of poor skill in the organisation.

The entire process with the strategic management on the recordkeeping should bring along with working the systematic attribution in both electronic basis and document one in the sense that could determine the records systems. Through bringing simultaneously between the review and upgrade process, this purposeful support with an innovative exposure towards the digital-based working within the recordkeeping is supposed to enhance the records management with being committed to the integrated application from the innovations of current processes developed into the work process of documentation within the recordkeeping system (; ). In particular, the records continuum model (RCM) is potentially attributed into classifying the secure supporting process in supporting the project involved within designing records management (; Upward). Moreover, the potential attributions should be incorporated into accountabilities and risk together required for the review process into the rules of records management. This RCM can also give an insightful value to transmit the regulatory functions into the electronic records management system ().

The emerging raise of awareness on the quality in terms of communication records and interaction basis refers to ensure that the authorisation process of transactions and actions deriving from all types could be traced with designing the services system. In the attempts to assess these actions and transactions occurred in many different digital systems, the capability of enhancing the potential value from information governance within the records disposal and staff training across working with the consultative approach into the recordkeeping. With regards to pointing out the necessity on making archival documentation, attempts to protect both organisations and individuals need to keep maintain in transforming the wide range of approaches in assisting to ensure electronic document and records management (EDRM) in the allocation in leading the edge analysis of work processes within defining and selecting systems dedicated into the digital recordkeeping (see ).

In addition, the entire attempts to enhance the recordkeeping initiation with pointing out determining what records including the packaged data should bring along with the necessary point into the wide range of activities such as business, regulatory and social purposes (). With regards to enhancing the approach on electronic content management systems (ECMS), this recordkeeping attainment should be engaged into the basis of maintaining the records management together with assisting the form of specification within traceability into data fields with pre-packaging of data fields in the effort to extract the storage environment in the documents basis and digital version (). The link of both versions needs to ensure the system in a whole process in the accessibility into the auditable design with appropriate recordkeeping engaged in the basis of maintaining the abundant of database. It requires possessing the skilful thinking with attempting to manage appropriately in the way how to document in such file. The trends of getting accessible with the audit trails should be incorporated to the balance in the way of interventions in enhancing the better results to help advance the activities. Required to the audit trails, attempts to entirely think of managing the recordkeeping system have to be stored into expanding archive of data information. The engagement process here could be applied among the partnership including records professional, the records manager and the archivist, administration efficiency etc. (, ).

Coherency and consistency in record-keeping management

In the attempts to give insights in getting the benefit for the records management, there should be managed with providing the basis of coherency and consistency in ensuring the management service as required to the standard. This attainment plays a key role in providing the valuable insights about the need and demand to meet along with the chance for the records managers and archivists worldwide to have a look at the wide range of challenging issues around the digital world (; ). Moreover, the more timely access provided in enabling the attempt to get reliable, accurate and authentic significance should bring along with highlighting the complete and readable archives with pointing out the principle of the records over time to make sure in the wide process with consistent and coherent regime of management commitment (). Along with behaving the significances in expanding the major roles of archives and records, the key principles in governing the regulation within the organisational structure should pay serious attention in giving the substantial value through contributing the decision making attributed from the document process in bringing along with creating the retention and use in the basis of archives.

In terms of the principles continued to gather the records lifecycle process in creating the design of recordkeeping systems, the essential attempt on the preservation in managing the use of records as archives throughout an ideal integration for documents, records and archives management, which has the significant interconnection into the procedural stage, would need to enhance the way of consistent and coherent process interrelated to form within the continuum development within the recordkeeping systems (). In particular, the way of records management to go through creating the archival document with preserving the records in working collaboratively with thinking strategically about recurring and reverberating wide range of practical basis in the context of archives and records management. The variety of degree in terms of skills and key strategic initiation to play a pivotal role to deliver the information data throughout the ongoing management of recorded information within the lifecycle stages in which the number of delegations, namely records managers and archivists might be incorporated to involve, should be supposedly coordinated to integrate into the inclusiveness of continuing value in the records management system. It is important to note in the attempts to sustaining the records continuum in underlying the service function integrated to link into the formulation in the archival record principle.

The particular essence of the factor in continuing the evidentiary and transactional attribution should be maintained into the approaches of archiving and recordkeeping management service. Moreover, the memory purposes with unifying the records determined into the split second assigned into focusing on document and digital records is required to enhance the logical worldwide value in conceptualising the institutionalisation of recordkeeping profession's role. In this view, the point of view in the physical entities like the one from the document base and electronic form is required to perform the model continuum concept with a coherent worldwide into the particular emphasis on the demand which should be supplied in the recordkeeping into business and societal processes and purposes (). As a result, the integration is needed to bring along with the archival science in framing the particular issues organised in providing the significant contribution of the knowledge in the basis of past, present and future direction as the potential tool in building partnerships with stakeholders. The wide range of major concern in the efficiency should be widely engaged into the records management with a whole continuum concept simulated into the administration process created to serve as archives administration.

Metadata in electronic document record management and archives software selection

In the way to determine the archives documentation, attempts to illustrate in managing both electronic and document records has to be involved with paying serious attention in supporting the extensive of corporate management control in the sense that can determine the distribution of information gathered in the digital world. In particular, there should be paid particular engagement in the effort to elaborate the electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) to ensure the archival records in the data capture become more efficient in supporting the corporate control in the information distributed into the digital world to support good recordkeeping (). The patterns of market and consuming basis in terms of ensuring the user acceptance would need to capture the recordkeeping processes to meet the complex diversity inclusion with being more functional specifications delivered into the service model approach. As a result, assessing the recordkeeping innovation with being generated into the functionality in providing the support from the basis of developing the security and access becomes more widely accessible towards archival industry standards (). In this view, the support selection to differentiate between facing the need and solving the complexity on the data reside should interface the point of value on the existing systems to run the wide range of activities and business. For instance, the digital model supplied through supporting the mobile based service to work with helping navigate the abundant of data to deliver the abstraction to give insight into the decisions making should adopt the experiential exposure in ensuring the rise of the market leading products on software basis.

In addition, the essential point of view in understanding the functionality on what is necessary to support the informed acquisition of selecting between the difference and the significance of records management should bring along with engaging the efficient systems on product requirements in the basis of EDRMS approaches (). As an attempt to maintain the whole recommendations within the emerging trust for instance, acquiring the strategic enhancement in meeting the complexity of managing diverse requirements in expanding the large and small coverage of wide range of agencies should be aligned with compromising configuration on the functionality arranged to support implementation strategies with the trends on licensing process. Moreover, archiving software acquisition in enhancing the additional information within the metadata basis is required to insure that electronic based-files could be maintained through legality. In keeping the records management, the balance incorporated between space and time in order to potentially limit the risk from such challenges is entirely the essential value to deliver the accessibility to make the retrieval basis with accessing the appropriate decision. It refers to the categories distinguished into maintaining the access of an electronic and document record based on accessing appropriately to describe the potential value of metadata with its relationship of other objects in locating and evaluating within the procedural stage.

Metadata in expanding any aspect used to give a clear picture of the particular object, whether it is digital or document, is mainly engaged in the way to manage in discovering the structured format to allow the users in the control basis with the comprehensive exposure and the precise inquiry to achieve the recordkeeping management (). As a result, the entire treating within the over time basis would need to incorporate the basic element of the value about the essentials of precise metadata in the sense that would enable the users to have such control with the wide attempts on exercising the relevant format about the recordkeeping. In particular, the information data gathered both from the Internet search engine and in the document file should do with the use of intermediary hardware and software in particular attribution to protect the wide arrangements of confidentiality mainly in the digital format. It is important to point out the legibility in containing the record data to play a pivotal role in metadata basis along with adopting information technology properly and wisely following the fundamental principle with its important consideration to let the process well (, ). This attainment should be maintained to provide the information inquiry in the sense to present it as evidence in providing the user engagement so that the fundamental skills may be improved referring to the broadcasting process with its particular arrangement including the feasibility in the way to conceive the metadata based effectively in applying the standard.

Utilising metadata for security sustenance in recordkeeping management

In line with utilising the number of significance of metadata to offer in associating with the use of its particular standard to apply appropriately referring to the demand, the entire basis of records retention should be underlined with following the particular guideline to maintain the recordkeeping from the risk possibly occurred, such as destroy due to the over place of device, in the sense that metadata with specified period of time would ensure in being kept properly. In this view, the essentials of metadata in expanding the valuable insights about context, content and structure of recordkeeping management basis has to be conceived simplistically in the way to expand the wide range of structured information together with its particular characteristics of document basis and digital version resources of information (). Moreover, record metadata properties would need to provide the potential attribution of managing the number of components such as date of creation, author, document or record title together with its classification scheme in providing the labels of recordkeeping metadata.

In particular, the registration procedure managed into both electronic documents and records can give insights into addressing the content and its particular component in the scheme of search engine and retrieval process. The discovery exposure from the information delivery has a pivotal role in the management of the complete lifecycle of recordkeeping management with ensuring the integrated authenticity incorporated into the reliable basis within the usability of file arranged from document and electronic file (). In particular, the wide range of information discovery together with continuing the particular set of elements in the metadata would have the number of data knowingly necessary and important in terms of the effectivity and efficiency in the context of retrieval of information registered in the system in the record to assist the activities process (). It plays a key role in delivering the metadata within the context of machine-readable formats such as document and digital electronic version embedded in the setting of recordkeeping. In particular, the attempts to enable the electronic information in possessing the linked data referring to the semantic search engines where the users can enjoy in search for the wide range of information needed on their inquiry might behave the skills with particular behaviours embedded with metadata.

With regards to the patterns of information preference referring to the existing resources of information in the web for instance, the users' attention should be mainly underlined at the coherent view in the scheme of users' records expansion in the basis of form and function with the corporate classification to present automatically captured metadata in the document and digital basis. The format of metadata in this essential view should bring along with describing the need in exploring the wide range of helpful metadata in emphasising the continued importance together with comprehensive and accurate information of metadata (). In order to maintain the protection with the integrity of the records management, the reliance in reducing the risk potentially occurred is necessary to assign the metadata among the users within the information which can be created and received in collaborating with the critical inquiry in the basis of recordkeeping task. Desirably in the need of simplifying the automated exposure, the need to inquire the possible integration achievable through implementing the control basis of metadata within the records retention and disposal guidelines would have great chance in providing the rules to consolidate the specific tasks within industry and business trend area. The number of record management task to be applied among the users has to be integrated with the wide expansion of automated indexing strategies confidently being kept in the right exposure (). In this view, the records in the retention policy with the planned and authorised basis need the certainty based on skilful thinking and strategic planning for records disposal implementation projects provided in the archival document task.


The need to elaborate the emerging issue in records management should be taken into consideration since there has been widely emerged along with the lack of procedures and policies to systematically control the recorded information effectiveness and efficiency. For instance, the issues of trust in digital records need to seriously concern with an outstanding component to underlie in properly applying the information records transmitted to aid in decision processes. This paper did elaborate the professional skills and ethical values balanced to generate policies and procedures with significant guidance to give insights into systematic control successfully undertaken to integrate the simultaneous integrity between the use and maintenance in digital-based recordkeeping. Through building on the professional and ethical balance in giving insight into the records management in both electronic and document basis, an attempt to configure the basis of professional and ethical engagement in underlying the records management system, addressing such marriage dimension could promote in facilitating the capture, organisation and management of digital records. Such dimensions could be also incorporated in building the goodness in pointing out the inherent negative effects of records management. The point to enhance the ethical engagement and professional skills could be supposed in achieving the good of individuals, groups, and broader society as the users' record keeping responsibilities. As a pivotal role in determining the potential value of foregoing effort as aimed in this paper, the initiative to provide an ultimate application guideline as a counter measure against the emerging challenges of the dynamic records management system needs to bring along with urging for an appropriate professional and ethical empowerment across the procedural stage proposed referring to the demand and the response with the express purpose of promoting appropriate and wise usage for the sustainable positive benefit of responsibilities on recording management. The positive expected result from this balance is the valuable insights on managing policies and procedures with significant guidance to give insights into systematic control of the negative effects of digital recordkeeping in theory and application for the social-wellbeing of individuals, groups and broader societies across the globe. With creating the environmental-based human personal and social enhancement, this could enhance the added advantage of ensuring the archival access on recordkeeping responsibilities in minimising the risk of challenges in terms of trusty, integrity, effectiveness and efficiency which may lead to the criminal behaviour in records management.


Emerging issues in electronic records management system (ERMS)

Figure 1

Emerging issues in electronic records management system (ERMS)

Records management from document basis to digital electronic version

Figure 2

Records management from document basis to digital electronic version


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Further reading

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Jones, M. and Vines, R. (2016), “Cultivating capability: the socio-technical challenges of integrating approaches to records and knowledge management”, Records Management Journal, Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 242-258.

Katuu, S. (2016a), “Managing digital records in a global environment: a review of the landscape of international standards and good practice guidelines”, The Electronic Library, Vol. 34 No. 5, pp. 869-894.

Katuu, S. (2016b), “Assessing the functionality of the enterprise content management maturity model”, Records Management Journal, Vol. 26 No. 2, pp. 218-238.

Liu, Z. (2004), “Perceptions of credibility of scholarly information on the web”, Information Processing and Management, Vol. 40 No. 6, pp. 1027-1038.

Marciano, R., Lemieux, V., Hedges, M., Esteva, M., Underwood, W., Kurtz, M. and Conrad, M. (2018), “Archival records and training in the age of big data”, Re-envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 179-199.

McLeod, J. (2015), “Themed issue: justice records across national boundaries”, Records Management Journal, Vol. 25 No. 3.

Oliver, G. and Foscarini, F. (2014), Records Management and Information Culture: Tackling the People Problem, Facet Publishing, London.

Oliver, G. and Foscarini, F. (2015), “The value of international standards for records management: perspectives from education and training”, Archives and Manuscripts, Vol. 43 No. 3, pp. 181-193.


This research was supported by University Research Grant for Special Interest Group (GPU-SIG), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia, with the reference number 2020-0148-106-01.

Corresponding author

Miftachul Huda can be contacted at: miftachul@fsk.upsi.edu.my

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