Guest editorial

Min-Ren Yan, Chia-Lin Hsu, Heng-Sheng Chen

Measuring Business Excellence

ISSN: 1368-3047

Article publication date: 11 May 2021

Issue publication date: 11 May 2021



Yan, M.-R., Hsu, C.-L. and Chen, H.-S. (2021), "Guest editorial", Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 25 No. 1, p. 1.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited

Data analytics and application for business excellence

Special issue: Measuring business excellence (MBE)

Enormous growth in data presents opportunities and challenges for industries, governmental agencies, academia and diverse organizations. Gathered data can be extracted, processed, analyzed and reported in time to provide better data insights, complex patterns and valuable predictions to decision-makers to achieve business competitive advantages and excellent development. Data-driven analytics has extensively penetrated both academic and practical spheres. By harnessing its power in processing large volumes of information, various data analytics techniques help to discover tacit knowledge and linkages between key variables for better decision-making. The focus of this special issue is the application of data analytics to support business excellence and social responsibility in different level of management and practices.

We aim to gain insight into analytics applications for business excellence and explain the rationale for evidence-based decision making with different case studies. Papers with disciplinary, multi-disciplinary and critical perspective are welcomed and invited. Case studies or examples of good practices, empirical, qualitative or quantitative contributions are also extensively invited as well. With five papers selected, the key driver of the Special Issue is to answer the question: “How data analytics and application improve organizational performance and excellent development?” The first paper, “Measuring project performance and dynamic risk management for engineering design alliance,” addresses the application of simulation technique and rule-based data analysis for supporting practical project management and dynamic risk management. The second paper, “A study on the relationship between project management competency, job performance and job motivation in e-commerce industry,” proposes a comprehensive analysis for the critical factors affecting project management and performance for e-business. The third paper, “A study on top managers from a resource-based perspective,” addresses the issue of top management, which is different from project-based operational management. The fourth paper, “How do you change the world? The role of working condition in quest for excellence in quality education: evidence from Bangladesh,” addresses relevant issue of organizational management for business excellence. The fifth paper, “Key factors influencing word-of-mouth intentions: the case of college freshmen in Taiwan,” addresses data-driven institutional research for educational management. The aforementioned papers demonstrate different applications of evidence-based, data-driven analysis for supporting business excellence.

About the authors

Min-Ren Yan is based at the MBA Program in Practicing, College of Business, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan and Institute for Innovation Economy, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan

Chia-Lin Hsu is based at the Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan

Heng-Sheng Chen is based at the Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan

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