Performance evaluation of auditors: a constructive or a destructive tool of audit output
The purpose of this paper is to investigate factors leading to dysfunctional behavior. The role of auditors has been under scrutiny during recent accounting scandals. Auditors, among other parties, are sometimes to be blamed as a result of economic crisis periods. The paper highlights certain auditors’ behavior leading to dysfunctional acts.
The survey of this paper is made up of statements extracted from the performance appraisal templates used at the Big Four firms in the UK. Big Four auditors are expected to be under pressure more than non-Big Four auditors. The sample is stratified into non-experienced/experienced auditors to highlight any changes in the perception of dysfunctional behavior when the experience factor exists.
The paper finds that certain performance appraisal procedures are leading to dysfunctional acts. Accordingly, audit firms should develop other evaluation techniques that should serve their goals without pushing auditors for dysfunctional behavior.
This study links procedures embedded in the performance appraisals at the Big Four audit firms to dysfunctional behavior. Also, the study covers all lines of auditors to understand how the perception toward dysfunctional behavior differs when auditors gain experience.
Nehme, R. (2017), "Performance evaluation of auditors: a constructive or a destructive tool of audit output", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 215-231.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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