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Map cataloguing training at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

Yacoob Hosein (Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago)
Portia Bowen-Chang (Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago)

Library Review

ISSN: 0024-2535

Article publication date: 1 July 2014




This paper aims to provide a study of a structured approach at map cataloguing training by a team of cataloguers at the Alma Jordan Library of the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago.


The methodology is a case study which underscores the value of the experiences of cataloguers at training themselves in a particular cartographic format.


The collaborative efforts of the cataloguers facilitated the further development of institutional expertise and provided the required skills set for increasing bibliographic access in a specialised format.


The paper brings to bear the uniqueness of the cataloguing of Caribbean cartographic materials in a team-teaching setting which serves as a model for other academic libraries and information centres.



Hosein, Y. and Bowen-Chang, P. (2014), "Map cataloguing training at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine", Library Review, Vol. 63 No. 4/5, pp. 340-351.



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