Global village: mobile access to library resources
This paper describes an ongoing mobile library project for the National Library of Norway. The purpose is to develop a visual web service prototype providing mobile access to the library's growing repository of digital data.
The author has set up several test databases and developed a number of Android applications (apps) for testing purposes: image presentation; library's digital exhibition “in the pocket”; traditional free text search; location based search; barcode scan for ISBN search / QR encapsulation; and voice/spoken search.
These six approaches were found to be promising using mobile technology. Cloud technology has changed the mobile phone from a voice transmitter to a multi-purpose device connected to the network. Library resources may now be distributed in the cloud, with global mobile access, to really achieve a global library network.
The applications developed here are innovative and unique, and will add to the general body of use cases.
Hoivik, J. (2013), "Global village: mobile access to library resources", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 31 No. 3, pp. 467-477.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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