Ramage, M. (2015), "Editorial advisory board changes at Kybernetes", Kybernetes, Vol. 44 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Editorial advisory board changes at Kybernetes
Article Type: Editorial From: Kybernetes, Volume 44, Issue 5.
Time moves on in all things, and this applies also to editorial support in an academic journal. We have many members of the Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) who have served the journal over a considerable number of years. Some of them are willing to continue, others feel that their time with the journal has come to an end.
We therefore announce that the following members of the EAB are retiring from service to the journal:
Professor Alain Bensoussan
Professor Han-Fu Chen
Professor George Klir
Professor Mohamed Mansour
Professor Kumpati Narendra
Professor Wolf Pearlman
We are enormously grateful for their long and faithful service to the journal, and wish them well in their future work.
In addition we are sad to announce that four members of the EAB have died in recent years, and so are also removed from the membership of the board:
Professor Amitava Ghosal
Professor Ranulph Glanville
Dr Keith McKee
Professor Igor Ushakov
We convey our deepest sympathies to their families.
We will be adding new members of the EAB over the coming months, and this will be announced in future issues; and we intend to introduce a system of associate editors who will also be introduced in future issues. We would be pleased to hear nominations from readers for potential new members of the EAB.
In addition to this, there is a change to announce in the editorial team of the journal. Professor Chris Bissell is stepping down from his role as co-editor, although he will be joining the EAB instead. I am grateful to Professor Bissell for his work and support in the transition to the new editorial process. He is replaced as a co-editor by Dr Patrick Wong, also in the Department of Computing and Communications at The Open University, who will work alongside David Chapman and myself to edit the journal.
Magnus Ramage