Are acquirers different? Identifying firm precursors to acquisitions

David King, Elio Shijaku, Ainhoa Urtasun

Journal of Strategy and Management

ISSN: 1755-425X

Open Access. Article publication date: 18 April 2023

Issue publication date: 1 August 2023




The authors propose and test a theoretical framework that develops and analyzes precursors to firm acquisitions to determine if acquirers differ from other firms.


The authors use longitudinal, archival data from a sample of the largest firms in the global pharmaceutical industry from 1991 to 2012 with 1,327 firm-year observations.


The authors integrate prior research to show that the firm characteristics involving (1) R&D investment, (2) prior experience and (3) network centrality influence the likelihood that a firm will complete an acquisition.


In contrast to research focusing on the performance of acquiring firms, the authors show that firm characteristics predict acquisition activity by highlighting that acquiring firms differ from other firms. The authors also develop how network synergies can be realized by acquirers that have information advantages from more central network positions.



King, D., Shijaku, E. and Urtasun, A. (2023), "Are acquirers different? Identifying firm precursors to acquisitions", Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 554-575.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023, David King, Elio Shijaku and Ainhoa Urtasun


Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Acquisitions are everyday strategic actions that require preparation (), but most research focuses on completed acquisitions (). There are two reasons why there is a need to examine firm-level differences in acquisitions. First, there is a wide variance in the performance of firms that complete acquisitions. A consistent focus of research has been to examine factors associated with predicting differences in performance (e.g. ). While progress has been made, a second concern is that research broadly only examines completed acquisitions (). This problem is compounded by research examining acquisitions in isolation despite recognizing that they are used in conjunction with internal development and alliances (e.g. ). As a result, it is essential to identify whether firms that make acquisitions are different from firms using other forms of corporate development and restructuring.

One reason is that firm acquisition decisions may result from internal processes that make acquiring firms different from other firms, or acquirers may display inherent differences. While progress has been made in predicting acquisition performance (; ), a continuing need exists to understand acquisition decisions better. For example, ) state a need for an “examination of the processes and associated activities and decisions” before firms make acquisitions. To answer whether acquiring firms differ, we examine firm characteristics that influence the likelihood that a firm will complete an acquisition.

Our selection of precursors to firm acquisition decisions stems from firm characteristics associated with path dependence (e.g. ; ) and prior acquisition research. For example, we confirm that R&D investment and experience are associated with acquisition activity (e.g. ; ; ; ), but limited research includes these variables. Despite its confirmed importance, in a recent meta-analysis, only 21 studies out of 220 (9.5% of acquisition research) measured acquiring firm R&D (). Further, we extend prior research to consider acquiring firm centrality. Additionally, while research has developed that firms more central to alliance networks are more attractive targets (e.g. ; ), we show that more central firms are also more likely to acquire.

As a result, our research offers several contributions. First, our results confirm that firms making acquisitions have different identifiable strategic attributes and that precursors to acquisitions are associated with different firm resources and experience. For example, prior use of acquisitions is a significant predictor of acquisition activity (). While acquisition experience is often used as a measure of acquisition learning to predict performance with mixed support (; ), it does indicate that a firm will complete an acquisition again. Second, identifying firm precursors to acquisitions confirms that acquiring firms differ from other firms. For example, acquiring firms display lower investment in R&D or use acquisitions as a substitute for internal R&D (, ). As a result, firm precursors to acquisitions, including acquirer firm R&D, represent needed research controls that are largely absent in extant research. Third, we develop how network centrality can provide acquiring firms information advantages for screening and completing acquisitions. This develops how acquirers can realize network synergies ().

2. Theory and hypothesis development

Within resource-based theory (), resource orchestration describes how managers leverage and allocate a firm's resources, and associated decisions develop processes that can contribute to inertia (; ). This reflects that a firm's history of actions can develop path dependence in firm decisions (e.g. ; ). As firms tend to repeat activities where they experience success, time, and consistent behavior, they create routines (; ; ; ). Once started down a path, embedded routines can constrain firm decisions (; ). However, firms following different paths contribute to heterogeneity (). In considering what predicts firm acquisition activity, we focus on firm-level characteristics and investment decisions (; ), see .

2.1 R&D investment

Research and development (R&D) establish an absorptive capacity for external technology (). This is particularly important in the global pharmaceutical industry, as R&D represents a cost of doing business that creates an entry barrier (). As a result, R&D investment is partly fixed because it requires minimal continued investment to retain scientific personnel (; ). While the extent that firms invest in R&D is discretionary, increasing R&D spending is less efficient than stable funding (). This suggests that firms select a level of R&D investment or display path dependence. For example, differences in R&D investment create persistent heterogeneity in firms' technology resources (). Still, it can be detrimental for firms to be at the top or bottom in R&D investment (). We anticipate that lower levels of R&D investment are associated with acquisitions. We purposefully focus on lower levels of R&D investment for two reasons.

First, stable funding of R&D continues to be more efficient, as it requires consistent funding to maintain labs and researchers. Not investing in R&D in technology-dependent industries (such as pharmaceutical) threatens firm growth and survival (), as it relates to an innovation capability that results in patents (). Patents and innovation capability result from sustained funding over multiple years. For example, while an older study, a comprehensive examination of R&D funding and patents showed that 70% of patents occurred after three years of funding (). Second, a consistent finding of acquisition research is that acquiring firms spend less on R&D (; ) and this is interpreted as acquisitions of external technology substituting for internal R&D. However, firms still need to maintain some level of R&D funding to maintain an awareness of technology to the acquirer and then have an absorptive capacity to integrate it (e.g. ; ).

Lower levels of R&D investment can serve as an option that facilitates acquisitions (; ; ; ; ), and this relationship has been observed in the pharmaceutical industry (). While R&D investment is required to evaluate a target and provide an absorptive capacity (; ), R&D investment for acquirers can remain below industry averages and substitute for internal R&D (). Further, challenges from increasing R&D due to moving into new areas can make it easier to acquire knowledge externally through an acquisition (). For example, Merck cut staff and reduced investment in R&D as it shifted to acquiring other companies (). Therefore, we predict that:


R&D investment below the industry average is a predictor of additional acquisition activity.

2.2 Firm experience

Acquisitions are significant investments by firms that are followed by several years of integration. The acquisitions process requires sensemaking that is associated with reflection and development of acquisition capabilities through codification (; ). This can facilitate organizational routines that can reinforce prior decisions and lead to additional acquisitions (e.g. ; ; ). Completing an acquisition requires relevant knowledge and experience to be effective (; ). However, prior experience can create momentum or inertia to repeat prior strategic actions (; ). Prior acquisition experience influences subsequent actions by developing associated resources and routines (). As a result, the use of acquisitions by firms can become self-reinforcing (; ; ). For example, following a public shift in strategy by Merck in 2009 to acquire rival companies (), Merck completed 16 acquisitions between 2010 and 2020 (). Therefore, we predict:


Prior firm experience with acquisitions is a predictor of additional acquisition activity.

2.3 Network centrality

Firms also have access to resources through ties with partner firms, and firms more central to a network can derive more benefits (; ; ; ). Network centrality provides a positional advantage for resource access (; ; ; ). For example, increased network centrality makes a firm more attractive, offering access to resources and lowering opportunism-related risks (; ; ). For acquisitions, alliance networks can also provide information that increases the probability of acquisition completion (; ). For example, show on a dyadic level of analysis that high levels of alliance network centrality are positively associated with the subsequent acquisition of alliance partners. Acquisitions within an alliance network can also be self-reinforcing as they improve an acquirer's position in an alliance network (; ). Further, it can enable an acquirer to benefit from network synergies (). Therefore, we predict:


Network centrality is a predictor of additional acquisition activity.

3. Methods

The first author collected data from multiple databases as part of their dissertation research. The focus on the pharmaceutical industry was theory-driven, as it is known for investment barriers and active alliance and acquisition formation. The industry depends on patents that expire, driving continued innovation that depends on external knowledge () and significant investment (). For example, the pharmaceutical industry is an established knowledge-intensive industry with worldwide revenue exceeding 1 trillion dollars since 2014 (). Data on acquisition activity comes from the Pharma Intelligence (Citeline) database, and acquisitions reflect investments granting over 50% ownership. The database contains archival data from 68 top pharmaceutical firms that completed 12,030 alliances and 1,851 acquisitions between January 1, 1991, and December 31, 2012, to provide 1,327 firm-year observations. The largest pharmaceutical firms perform significant R&D and reflect most industry revenue () enabling financial data collection. Financial data were retrieved from Compustat, and Datastream supplied annual report information. In selecting measures for our variables, we build on prior research that establishes validity from logical arguments based on theory and supporting empirical evidence ().

3.1 Dependent variable

We use a dichotomous variable to predict whether a focal firm completed an acquisition each year. For each firm and year, a panel is created with zero value assigned for no activity and one assigned if an acquisition occurred (). Acquisitions are typically infrequent activities, so making a dichotomous variable is appropriate. Alternate models predicting acquisitions (i.e. multinomial models) also provide similar results.

3.2 Independent variables

Acquisition experience is calculated as the sum of acquisitions formed by the firm over the most recent five years (t-5 and t-1 discounted by 0.95; ).

R&D investment is measured using a firm's R&D expenses over total assets to compare the intensity of a firm's R&D investment (). To further recognize differences in investment, we separate whether a firm's R&D ratio is above (RDAI) or below (RDBI) industry peers for the last two years. Hence, RDAI has positive and zero values, whereas RDBI has negative and zero values. Negative values for measures below the industry average require a reverse interpretation of coefficient direction. We examine linear effects, as R&D is often path dependent, and there is continued pressure to innovate due to patent expiration.

Network centrality is modeled each year as a separate alliance network. We formally characterize it as a symmetric weight matrix to measure the interaction intensity between any two actors (i.e. zero if no link exists) consistent with network literature (). The result is 22 symmetric 68 × 68 matrices that measure the network centrality of firms for the given period over a five-year moving window period (i.e. 1991–1995, 1992–1996, 1993–1997) given that the traditional lifecycle of an alliance is usually five years (). We adopt betweenness, one of the most used network indicators in this context (; ; ). It represents the shortest paths between any two actors passing through a specific actor modified to consider that in weighted networks, the actors with the highest actor strength are more likely to be connected in networks from a range of different domains (). Alternative network indicators, such as degree, provide similar results (see ). Matrices and yearly betweenness measures are computed via R and Ucinet software.

3.3 Control variables

We include additional variables to control extraneous effects (). First, we control for firm performance by applying the approach used by () to distinguish industry aspirations (Ait=IndustryPerformanceit1) for firms below industry performance to slightly better than prior self-performance (Ait=1.05SelfPerformanceitt) from firms performing above industry performance. Such inclusion is prompted by the fact that R&D investment and acquisitions can be conceptualized as forms of search (local vs distant) following performance relative to aspirations (). Specifically, we computed performance relative to aspirations as the difference between the current firm's performance and its aspirations separately for firms that perform above aspiration, and for firms that perform below aspiration using Return on Equity (ROE) to measure performance for the preceding year. Performance above aspirations has positive and zero values, whereas performance below aspirations has only negative and zero values. Like our measure of R&D investment, negative values for measures performance below aspiration require reverse interpretation of coefficient direction. Results are robust to alternative aspiration measures, and problems of ratio correlation from using firm assets in multiple measures are minimized by using different periods.

Second, we measure a firm's sales and administration expenses over total assets ratio and separate it into whether a firm's investment is above (SAAI) or below (SABI) industry peers for the last two years, as this expense represents a trade-off with different effects than R&D (). Third, we control for liquidity as the current assets to current liabilities ratio. Fourth, we control for leverage with a debt-to-total assets ratio, as debt can provide a form of external governance (). Fifth, we control whether a firm is in Asia, as Japan and Korea have a greater tradition of firm interlocks to form business groups (i.e. Keiretsu and Chaebol) that limit acquisitions. Sixth, we control for firm size using the logarithm of total assets and firm age using the year the firm was founded, as these characteristics can influence a firm's risk-taking and resource attributes (e.g. ; ).

3.4 Analysis

We examine firm-level acquisition activity over 22 years for the top 68 firms in the pharmaceutical industry. We rely on logistic regression and discard fixed effects as firms in our dataset change little across time. In our model, we apply robust standard errors adjusted for firm-year groups, and we specify the average marginal effects (AME) to interpret our results, as it estimates the average behavior of our sample. Even though several variables in the models depend on total assets (although in different forms and dates), collinearity does not appear to be a problem due to the stability of coefficient values across models ().

4. Results

The descriptive statistics and correlations for our chosen variables are shown in and . Correlations are broadly consistent with our expectations. Further, there is a strong correlation between acquisition experience and network centrality (r = 0.470, p-value = 0.00). Controlling for firms located in Asia is sound, as firms in that region negatively correlate with acquisition activity (r = −0.190, p-value = 0.000).

displays the results of our analysis predicting acquisitions in hierarchical models with controls alone and then with variables for the hypothesized effects. We find that R&D below industry average is associated with increased acquisition activity (AME = −0.061, p = 0.042), supporting . Here the interpretation of a negative coefficient for R&D below industry (RDBI) average is reversed, as all values for RDBI are negative, and two negatives result in a positive. graphically depicts estimated odds ratios at sample means that show a decreasing probability of completing an acquisition for firms reaching R&D industry levels. predicts a significant relationship between prior acquisition experience and subsequent acquisitions, which is supported by our results (AME = 0.026, p = 0.000).

depicts the estimated odds ratio at sample means that show an increasing probability of completing an acquisition as a firm reaches performance aspirations. Note: values of performance below aspirations on the left represent lower performance compared to aspiration. anticipates a positive relationship between network centrality (betweenness) and acquisition activity and is strongly supported (AME = 0.018, p = 0.000). Firms with favorable network positions appear to have information advantages for completing acquisitions (e.g. ) and maintaining centrality (e.g. ; ).

4.1 Supplemental analysis

We conducted sensitivity analyses to test the robustness of our results. For example, we consider an alternative timeframe of 8 years for acquisition experience, and the results remain the same (see in ). We also consider alternative centrality measures, more specifically degree centrality (i.e. the number of ties a firm has with its partners), and findings are stable (see in ). We also estimated probit instead of logit, and again results are consistent (see in ). We also tested potential non-linear relationships (), and we found slight evidence of quadratic effects of organizational aspirations on acquisition activity (see in ). The quadratic effect examines whether slack pushes firms performing well above aspiration levels to engage in further acquisitions (). However, alternative approaches to measuring organizational aspirations are consistent with our results. Specifically, a weighted model that optimally combines both historical and social dimensions of performance feedback () or using ROE as an alternative performance measure provides similar results (see in ). Finally, we tested for potential problems of selection bias by running several Heckman probit models on potential problematic variables, such as network centrality, and no issues were identified.

5. Discussion

We provide greater insight into how firm strategies reflect prior decisions and demonstrate that acquiring firms differ from other firms. For example, our findings confirm that R&D investment below industry average is associated with a firm's acquisition activity (e.g. ). Additionally, acquisition experience providing learning has mixed research support (; ) and our results suggest it is a significant indicator that a firm will complete an acquisition again. This supports firms in developing processes that lead to path dependence. Further, our results demonstrate the importance of network centrality. Prior research has identified that network centrality makes firms more attractive targets (e.g. ), and we have developed how network centrality can facilitate acquisitions. Our results have additional implications for theory, research and management practice.

5.1 Research implications

Our research has implications for resource-based research. The resource-based theory holds that differences across firms exist because they own different assets (), and subsequent research has developed that differences result from firms making different investment decisions and developing different processes that can result in path dependence (; ). Our results support path dependence and acquisitions relying on distinct firm characteristics and experience (e.g. ) or that firms making acquisitions differ from other firms.

Meanwhile, acquisitions occur in a networked environment where centrally positioned firms can access the resources of connected firms and create synergy (; ; ). Acquisition activity is significantly influenced by a central network position, reflecting information benefits from strategic collaborations (; ). In addition to making a centrally located firm an acquisition target (), we show that network centrality also represents a valuable resource for acquiring firms in evaluating and completing acquisitions.

5.2 Managerial implications

Validating that a firm's characteristics, including R&D investment and experience, serve as precursors to firm acquisition activity has important managerial implications. For example, managers may develop cognitive models that can decrease flexibility (). Additionally, acquisitions allow for lower R&D investment. An advantage is that firms can acquire technology at lower risk than developing it. However, a disadvantage is that firms making lower R&D investment may become more reliant on acquisitions, as developed routines can reinforce prior decisions (). This may have greater impact in the pharmaceutical industry where stable funding is needed to maintain innovation. For example, in 2009, Merck signaled a change in its strategy from an internal development to acquisitions () that, by 2013, contributed to Merck laying off 20% of its employees to focus more on acquisitions (). Finally, a firm's central position in an alliance network may provide information on acquisitions (). In this sense, managers may obtain insights when pursuing acquisitions by tracking the position of firms in an alliance network.

5.3 Limitations and future research

As with all research, our study required multiple trade-offs associated with limitations, and we discussed several. A primary limitation is that we consider firm characteristics as drivers of strategic actions without considering the subsequent performance implications. However, acquisitions in the pharmaceutical industry have been observed to display positive performance (). An opportunity for future research is to examine whether different precursors of acquisitions have different or similar performance implications. Additionally, there is a need to develop and test additional precursors to firm acquisition decisions conceptually. For example, while we identify that performance aspirations influence managerial decisions, there is growing interest in behavioral implications for acquisitions (). This research stream may identify additional acquisition precursors.

Another limitation is that we focus on the characteristics of an acquiring firm and do not consider the impact of target selection (). A consistent focus of management research on acquisitions involves the fit between acquiring and target firms. For example, a prior alliance with a target firm can be a precursor to an acquisition (). Identifying additional precursors associated with combining firms, such as board interlocks, can be explored in future research. Further, the type of a firm's prior experience may matter. For example, experience has greater relevance when subsequent acquisitions display similarities in size, industry, and location (). Additional research can examine how acquisition capabilities develop from prior experience and investment (e.g. ). For example, in addition to path dependence, research identifies that organizational processes can generate change from reflection and improvisation (; ). Future research is needed to outline positive and negative implications of organizational processes.

Our archival data ended in 2012. While we agree that newer data would be helpful, it is known that the pharma industry is relatively stable (). As a result, we maintain that the observations from the data remain relevant. Further, we examine pre-acquisition relationships that remain understudied () and, for network centrality, have not been previously tested for acquirers.

A final notable limitation is our focus on a single industry, pharmaceuticals. While alliances and acquisitions are common in this industry, examining a single industry enables a better focus on firm-level differences that serve as precursors to acquisitions, our results may not generalize to other industries. For example, the pharmaceutical industry offers greater patent protection than other industries (). Additionally, our data range between 1991 and 2012 does not include more recent acquisition activity. While the underlying conditions in the pharmaceutical industry that contribute to acquisitions persist, confirming our results and expanding them to identify additional precursors or their performance implications represents a research opportunity.

In closing, we demonstrate that firm characteristics serve as precursors to acquisition activity, confirming strategic choices display path dependence and create differences between firms (; ). For example, it appears that firms pursuing acquisitions risk having less strategic flexibility as prior use of acquisitions leads to more acquisitions. However, an area representing a significant research opportunity is to develop what enables firms to use both alliances and acquisitions successfully (), so research needs to examine how a balance of different strategic options (e.g. alliances, acquisitions, internal development) can be achieved. We also confirm network centrality as a valuable resource (e.g. ). There is a need for further research into other network antecedents to strategic decisions () and how that impacts acquisition performance ().


Precursors to acquisitions

Figure 1

Precursors to acquisitions

R&D investment effects

Figure 2

R&D investment effects

Performance aspiration effects

Figure 3

Performance aspiration effects

Variable descriptive statistics

2R&D Above Industry11870.0440.580019.709
3R&D Below Industry1187−0.0370.048−0.2910
4Acquisition Experience12675.6057.108052.408
5Performance Above Aspirations8210.0560.40208.447
6Performance Below Aspirations821−0.1260.304−5.6640
7Network Centrality10768.3075.845026.959
8Sales and Admin. Above Industry10700.1070.55908.328
9Sales and Admin. Below Industry1070−0.1080.133−0.6850
13Firm Size12468.5041.7012.44712.269
14Firm Age12521923.19668.57016682005

Note(s): SD - standard deviation

Source(s): Author's own creation/work

Variable correlations (p-values)

2−0.05 (0.26)
3−0.02 (0.57)0.24 (0.00)
40.34 (0.00)−0.16 (0.00)0.05 (0.23)
5−0.09 (0.03)0.04 (0.38)0.01 (0.72)−0.05 (0.27)
60.15 (0.00)−0.02 (0.64)−0.01 (0.76)0.07 (0.08)0.08 (0.05)
70.34 (0.00)−0.05 (0.21)0.17 (0.00)0.47 (0.00)−0.06 (0.12)0.08 (0.05)
8−0.11 (0.01)0.22 (0.00)0.16 (0.00)−0.09 (0.02)0.03 (0.45)−0.07 (0.09)0.05 (0.26)
9−0.06 (0.17)0.20 (0.00)0.38 (0.00)0.03 (0.46)0.02 (0.66)−0.07 (0.07)0.26 (0.00)0.36 (0.00)
10−0.09 (0.03)0.13 (0.00)0.10 (0.02)−0.23 (0.00)0.05 (0.19)−0.02 (0.57)−0.17 (0.00)0.13 (0.00)0.07 (0.10)
110.00 (0.99)−0.10 (0.01)−0.11 (0.01)0.08 (0.06)−0.01 (0.77)−0.02 (0.62)0.08 (0.06)0.06 (0.13)−0.02 (0.61)−0.25 (0.00)
12−0.19 (0.00)0.09 (0.04)0.17 (0.00)−0.24 (0.00)0.12 (0.00)−0.22 (0.00)−0.08 (0.05)0.29 (0.00)0.19 (0.00)0.11 (0.01)−0.11 (0.01)
130.23 (0.00)−0.18 (0.00)−0.05 (0.23)0.47 (0.00)0.01 (0.78)0.04 (0.29)0.58 (0.00)−0.11 (0.01)0.24 (0.00)−0.39 (0.00)0.18 (0.00)−0.18 (0.00)
14−0.00 (1.00)0.13 (0.00)−0.01 (0.89)−0.23 (0.00)−0.02 (0.56)0.02 (0.62)−0.07 (0.09)0.14 (0.00)0.10 (0.02)0.26 (0.00)−0.10 (0.01)−0.12 (0.00)−0.31 (0.00)

Note(s): Instead of variable names, Indexes are reported for space reasons. shows the correspondence between indexes and variable name

Source(s): Author's own creation/work

Acquisition precursors

Variables Model 1Model 2
R&D Above IndustryAME 0.219
Clustered SE (0.263)
R&D Below Industry ()AME −0.061**
Clustered SE (0.030)
Acquisition Experience ()AME 0.026***
Clustered SE (0.005)
Network Centrality ()AME 0.019***
Clustered SE (0.004)
Performance Above AspirationsAME −0.154**
Clustered SE (0.060)
Performance Below AspirationsAME 0.344**
Clustered SE (0.161)
Sales and Admin. Above IndustryAME−0.201−0.249
Clustered SE(0.196)(0.183)
Sales and Admin. Below IndustryAME−0.052−0.268***
Clustered SE(0.199)(0.090)
Clustered SE(0.011)(0.010)
Clustered SE(0.020)(0.013)
Clustered SE(0.123)(0.072)
Firm SizeAME0.028***−0.013
Clustered SE(0.007)(0.009)
Firm AgeAME−0.000−0.001*
Clustered SE(0.001)(0.000)
Pseudo R-Squared 0.04950.1794

Note(s): Independent variables in italics. N = 587 for both models; Coefficients of variables containing total assets are stable across perturbations, suggesting collinearity is not an issue; *p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001

Source(s): Author's own creation/work

Acquisition precursors

Variables Model 1Model 2
R&D Above IndustryAME 0.200
Clustered SE (0.291)
R&D Below IndustryAME −0.048
Clustered SE (0.030)
Acquisition ExperienceAME 0.019***
Clustered SE (0.003)
Performance Above AspirationsAME −0.150**
Clustered SE (0.068)
Performance Below AspirationsAME 0.340**
Clustered SE (0.151)
Network CentralityAME 0.020***
Clustered SE (0.004)
Sales and Admin. Above IndustryAME−0.201−0.229
Clustered SE(0.196)(0.196)
Sales and Admin. Below IndustryAME−0.052−0.346***
Clustered SE(0.199)(0.080)
Clustered SE(0.011)(0.010)
Clustered SE(0.020)(0.013)
Clustered SE(0.123)(0.071)
Firm SizeAME0.028***−0.015*
Clustered SE(0.007)(0.009)
Firm AgeAME−0.000−0.001**
Clustered SE(0.001)(0.000)
Pseudo R-Squared 0.04950.1785

Note(s): N = 587 for both models; 8 most recent years instead of 5 are used for Acquisition Experience; *p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001. SE - standard errors

Source(s): Author's own creation/work

Acquisition precursors

Variables Model 1Model 2
R&D Above IndustryAME 0.249
Clustered SE (0.266)
R&D Below IndustryAME −0.075***
Clustered SE (0.025)
Acquisition ExperienceAME 0.027***
Clustered SE (0.005)
Performance Above AspirationsAME −0.165***
Clustered SE (0.062)
Performance Below AspirationsAME 0.369**
Clustered SE (0.168)
Network CentralityAME 0.920***
Clustered SE (0.218)
Sales and Admin. Above IndustryAME−0.201−0.235
Clustered SE(0.196)(0.199)
Sales and Admin. Below IndustryAME−0.052−0.226**
Clustered SE(0.199)(0.089)
Clustered SE(0.011)(0.010)
Clustered SE(0.020)(0.014)
Clustered SE(0.123)(0.074)
Firm SizeAME0.028***−0.010
Clustered SE(0.007)(0.008)
Firm AgeAME−0.000−0.001**
Clustered SE(0.001)(0.000)
Pseudo R-Squared 0.04950.1780

Note(s): N = 587 for both models; Network Centrality is measured by degree centrality instead of betweenness; *p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001

Source(s): Author's own creation/work

Acquisition precursors

Variables Model 1Model 2
R&D Above IndustryAME 0.225
Clustered SE (0.268)
R&D Below IndustryAME −0.056*
Clustered SE (0.030)
Acquisition ExperienceAME 0.026***
Clustered SE (0.005)
Performance Above AspirationsAME −0.153***
Clustered SE (0.058)
Performance Below AspirationsAME 0.342**
Clustered SE (0.152)
Network CentralityAME 0.019***
Clustered SE (0.004)
Sales and Admin. Above IndustryAME−0.211−0.239
Clustered SE(0.201)(0.180)
Sales and Admin. Below IndustryAME−0.050−0.280***
Clustered SE(0.202)(0.073)
Clustered SE(0.011)(0.010)
Clustered SE(0.018)(0.013)
Clustered SE(0.125)(0.074)
Firm SizeAME0.029***−0.013
Clustered SE(0.007)(0.009)
Firm AgeAME−0.000−0.001*
Clustered SE(0.001)(0.000)
Pseudo R-Squared 0.04980.1799

Note(s): N = 587 for both models; Probit instead of logit link is used; *p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001

Source(s): Author's own creation/work

Acquisition precursors

Variables AB
R&D Above IndustryAME 0.225
Clustered SE (0.267)
R&D Below IndustryAME −0.051
Clustered SE (0.032)
Acquisition ExperienceAME 0.026***
Clustered SE (0.005)
Performance Above AspirationsAME −0.126
Clustered SE (0.155)
Performance Below AspirationsAME 0.059
Clustered SE (0.237)
Performance Above Aspirations*Performance Above AspirationsAME −0.005
Clustered SE (0.057)
Performance Below Aspirations*Performance Below AspirationsAME −0.427
Clustered SE (0.300)
Network CentralityAME 0.019***
Clustered SE (0.004)
Sales and Admin. Above IndustryAME−0.211−0.245
Clustered SE(0.201)(0.174)
Sales and Admin. Below IndustryAME−0.050−0.285***
Clustered SE(0.202)(0.064)
Clustered SE(0.011)(0.010)
Clustered SE(0.018)(0.013)
Clustered SE(0.125)(0.074)
Firm SizeAME0.029***−0.016*
Clustered SE(0.007)(0.009)
Firm AgeAME−0.000−0.000*
Clustered SE(0.001)(0.000)
Pseudo R-Squared 0.04980.1816

Note(s): N = 587 for both models; Quadratic Aspirations included; *p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001

Source(s): Author's own creation/work

Acquisition precursors

Variables Model 1Model 2
R&D Above IndustryAME 0.198
Clustered SE (0.269)
R&D Below IndustryAME −0.051
Clustered SE (0.032)
Acquisition ExperienceAME 0.025***
Clustered SE (0.005)
Performance Above AspirationsAME −0.283***
Clustered SE (0.032)
Performance Below AspirationsAME 0.208*
Clustered SE (0.122)
Network CentralityAME 0.020***
Clustered SE (0.004)
Sales and Admin. Above IndustryAME−0.233−0.268
Clustered SE(0.198)(0.180)
Sales and Admin. Below IndustryAME−0.020−0.263**
Clustered SE(0.202)(0.112)
Clustered SE(0.013)(0.011)
Clustered SE(0.018)(0.012)
Clustered SE(0.126)(0.077)
Firm SizeAME0.029***−0.015*
Clustered SE(0.007)(0.008)
Firm AgeAME−0.000−0.000**
Clustered SE(0.001)(0.000)
Pseudo R-Squared 0.04790.1762

Note(s): N = 583 for both models; Aspirations calculated as a weighted model that optimally combines both historical and social dimensions of performance; *p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001

Source(s): Author's own creation/work



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The authors thank the reviewers for their helpful comments that improved the manuscript.

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