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Fire behaviour and resistance of cold-formed steel beams with sigma cross-sections

Flávio Arrais, Nuno Lopes, Paulo Vila Real

Journal of Structural Fire Engineering

ISSN: 2040-2317

Article publication date: 28 June 2021

Issue publication date: 30 September 2021




Sigma cross-section profiles are often chosen for their lightness and ability to support large spans, offering a favourable bending resistance. However, they are more susceptible to local, distortional and lateral-torsional buckling, as possible failure modes when compared to common I-sections and hollow cross-sections. However, the instability phenomena associated to these members are not completely understood in fire situation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyse the behaviour of beams composed of cold-formed sigma sections at elevated temperatures.


This study presents a numerical analysis, using advanced methods by applying the finite element software SAFIR. A numerical analysis of the behaviour of simply supported cold-formed sigma beams in the case of fire is presented considering different cross-section slenderness values, elevated temperatures, steel grades and bending moment diagrams. Comparisons are made between the obtained numerically ultimate bending capacities and the design bending resistances from Eurocode 3 Part 1–2 rules and its respective French National Annex (FN Annex).


The current design expressions revealed to be over conservative when compared with the obtained numerical results. It was possible to observe that the FN Annex is less conservative than the general prescriptions, the first having a better agreement with the numerical results.


Following the previous comparisons, new fire design formulae are analysed. This new methodology, which introduces minimum changes in the existing formulae, provides at the same time safety and accuracy when compared to the numerical results, considering the occurrence of local, distortional and lateral-torsional buckling phenomena in these members at elevated temperatures.



This research was partially funded by the Portuguese Government through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) under the PhD grant SFRH/BD/90455/2012 (POPH/FSE funding) awarded to the first author and was performed within the framework of the project “StaSteFi – Fire design of stainless steel members”, PTDC/ECI-EGC/30655/2017, supported by the Portuguese Operational Programme “Competitividade e Internacionalização”, in its FEDER/FNR component, as well as by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in its State Budget component (OE).


Arrais, F., Lopes, N. and Vila Real, P. (2021), "Fire behaviour and resistance of cold-formed steel beams with sigma cross-sections", Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 446-470.



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