Vibro-acoustic characteristics analysis of the rotary composite plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system

Hong Zhang, Tianlin Chen

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment

ISSN: 2633-6596

Open Access. Article publication date: 22 March 2022

Issue publication date: 10 May 2022




The purpose of the study is to obtain and analyze vibro-acoustic characteristics.


A unified analysis model for the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system is established. The related parameters of the unified model are determined by isoparametric transformation. The modified Fourier series are applied to construct the admissible displacement function and the sound pressure tolerance function of the coupled systems. The energy functional of the structure domain and acoustic field domain is established, respectively, and the structure–acoustic coupling potential energy is introduced to obtain the energy functional. Rayleigh–Ritz method was used to solve the energy functional.


The displacement and sound pressure response of the coupled systems are acquired by introducing the internal point sound source excitation, and the influence of relevant parameters of the coupled systems is researched. Through research, it is found that the impedance wall can reduce the amplitude of the sound pressure response and suppress the resonance of the coupled systems. Besides, the composite laminated plate has a good noise reduction effect.


This study can provide the theoretical guidance for vibration and noise reduction.



Zhang, H. and Chen, T. (2022), "Vibro-acoustic characteristics analysis of the rotary composite plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 67-96.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Hong Zhang and Tianlin Chen


Published in Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and noncommercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Rotary laminated plate structures based on fiber reinforced composite materials have been widely applied in aerospace, marine and other fields. In engineering practice, it is inevitable to produce the coupled system between rotary composite laminated plate and acoustic cavities. Taking the submarine as an instance, the two cabins inside the hull of the submarine can be regarded as a rotary acoustic cavity coupled system, and the two cabins are separated by the cabin door composed of composite laminated plate. Noise in each cabin causes the variation of sound pressure, which leads to the vibration of the cabin door. Meanwhile, this vibration also contributes to noise, forming the composite laminated plate and double acoustic cavities coupled system. To compare the vibro-acoustic characteristics of structure–acoustic coupled system containing rotary composite laminated plate and acoustic cavity coupled system, it is important to conduct in-depth research on the vibro-acoustic characteristics of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double acoustic cavities coupled system and reveal the vibro-acoustic coupling mechanism, which can provide the theoretical basis for structural optimization and low noise design.

The acoustic field characteristics of acoustic cavity coupled system under different conditions have been investigated by many scholars in recent years. derived the eigenpairs, which verified the validity by an experiment of coupled rectangular cavity, and investigated the fundamental properties of the eigenpairs derived. demonstrated an acoustical analog of a circuit quantum electrodynamics system that leverages acoustic properties to enable strong multimode coupling in the dispersive regime, and the operating frequencies where this emission rate is suppressed are identified. proposed a simplified modeling approach for numerical simulation of a coupled cavity-resonator system, and the influence of damping and resonator volume fraction on the coupled system performance is shown. A high-order doubly asymptotic open boundary for modeling scalar wave propagation in two-dimensional unbounded media was presented by , which can handle domains with arbitrary geometry by using a circular boundary to divide these into near field and far field. Through modal energy analysis (MODENA), defined a dimensionless coupling quotient, which is equal to the ratio of the gyroscopic coupling coefficient and the critical coefficient at modal frequencies. presented a domain decomposition method to predict the acoustic characteristics of an arbitrary enclosure made up of any number of sub-spaces and revealed the effect of coupling parameters between sub-spaces on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the overall enclosure. Based on the energy principle in combination with a 3D modified Fourier cosine series approach, studied the modeling and acoustic eigen analysis of coupled spaces with a coupling aperture of variable size. It can be seen from the existing literature that the current research on acoustic cavity coupled system is mostly for rectangular cavity. However, the research on the acoustic characteristic model of the rotary acoustic cavity is rarely involved, let alone the research on the modeling of rotary acoustic cavity coupled system. At the same time, most of the investigations are based on the coupling mechanism analysis between acoustic cavities, while no analysis model has been established specifically.

Unlike the acoustic cavity coupled system, the coupling of rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double acoustic cavities belongs to structure–acoustic coupling. Many scholars have researched the coupling mechanism of structure–sound coupled system. On the foundation of these investigations, the models of sectional structure–sound coupled system are established, and the vibro-acoustic characteristics of the coupled system are analyzed. presented a newly developed hybrid simulation technique for coupled structural–acoustic analysis, which applies a wave-based model for the acoustic cavity and a direct or modally reduced finite element (FE) model for the structural part. By invoking the energy distribution approach, proposed a similitude for the analysis of the dynamic response of acoustic–elastic assemblies and discussed the FE modeling of a flexural plate coupled to an acoustic room and an infinite cylinder containing a fluid. developed a coupled smoothed finite element method (S-FEM) to deal with the structural–acoustic problems consisting of a shell configuration interacting with the fluid medium; numerical examples of a cylinder cavity attached to a flexible shell and an automobile passenger compartment were conducted to illustrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the coupled S-FEM for structural–acoustic problems. proposed a level set-based structural topology optimization method for the optimal design of coupled structural–acoustic system with a focus on interior noise reduction. Some scholars have also studied the vibro-acoustic coupling characteristics of the composite laminated plate–double cavity coupled system and obtained some achievements. demonstrated the theoretical formulation and the FE implementation of vibro-acoustic problems with piezoelectric composite structures connected to electric shunt circuits. , presented the results of modal structure–sound coupling analysis for rectangular plates with different composite parameters and compared with the performance of isotropic plate systems. , and established a theoretical model of rectangular composite laminated plate and constructed a rectangular cavity model based on the FE formula of sound field under standard pressure. In the existing literature, the research object of the composite laminated plate-cavity coupled system is mostly concentrated on the rectangular composite laminated plate-cavity coupled system, while the rotary composite laminated plate-cavity coupled system is rarely studied, much less the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double acoustic cavities coupled system.

In view of the shortcomings of existing research, the vibro-acoustic characteristics analysis of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double acoustic cavities coupled system are conducted in this paper. First, the expressions of admissible displacement function and sound pressure function of laminated plate are constructed. Second, the energy functional of the structure domain and sound field domain is established, respectively, and the coupling potential energy is added to acquire the energy functional of the whole coupled system. Then, Rayleigh–Ritz method is applied to gain the equation of the vibro-acoustic characteristics of the system. Finally, based on the fast convergence and accuracy of the model, the effect mechanism of relevant parameters on the vibro-acoustic characteristics is analyzed, and the response of the coupled system is investigated by introducing internal point force and point source excitation.

2. Unified analysis model of the coupled systems

2.1 Model description

demonstrates the rotating cross-section geometrical parameters and coordinate system of the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system and rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system. As shown in , the coordinate of conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system is composed of two local coordinate systems (os1, θ1, r1) and (os2, θ2, r2). R1 and R2 separately represent the short radius and long radius of conical cavity 1, and α and L1 are the cone-apex angle and the length of generatrix of conical cavity 1. R2 and R3 denote the inner radius and outer radius of cylindrical cavity 2, and the height of cylindrical cavity 2 is marked as L1. Thickness of the acoustic cavity coupled system is represented as H. Compared with the coupled system in , the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double acoustic cavities coupled system add a composite plate between the two acoustic cavities. It can be found from that the coordinate of rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system is composed of three local coordinate systems (os1, θ1, r1), (os2, θ2, r2) and (os3, θ3, r3). Lp is the thickness of composite laminated plate, and other geometric parameters have the same meanings as in . The shapes of rotary acoustic cavity coupled system at different rotation angles are given in . The parameter ϑ is introduced here to express the rotation angles of coupled systems, and whether rotation angles are 2π is related to the number of acoustic walls in the coupled systems. In order to study the vibro-acoustic characteristics of the coupled systems, a monopole point sound source Q is placed.

In , the general boundary conditions on the edge of rotary composite laminated plate are represented by introducing three groups of linear springs ku, kv, kw along u, v, w directions and two groups of torsion springs Kr and Kθ, which are continuously distributed along the boundary. u, v and w denote r, θ and s directions, respectively. kθ0u, kθ0v, kθ0w, Kθ0r and Kθ0θ are introduced to represent the five groups of boundary springs at the boundary θ = 0, and the boundary springs at θ = ϑ, r = 0 and r = H can also be expressed in a similar way. When the rotation angle ϑ = 2π, the coupling boundary shown in is generated for the rotary composite laminated plate. Three groups of linear coupling springs kuc, kvc and kwc and two groups of torsion springs Krc and Kθc are uniformly set on the coupling boundary (θ = 0 and θ = 2π). Therefore, the coupling of the rotating composite laminated plate can be realized.

2.2 Related parameter of unified model

To ensure that the systems can be coupled during the modeling process, the parallelogram section in conical acoustic cavity is necessary to be transformed into a square section. It can be found from that the plane ros coordinate system is transformed to plane ξoη coordinate system by iso-parametric transformation, where each vertex in plane ξoη coordinate system has been determined as (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1) and (0, 1).

Using the four-node coordinate transformation in the FE method, the coordinate transformation equations are as follows:

in which (r(i), s(i)) and (ξ(i), η(i)) separately denote the coordinate of the ith vertex in the plane ros coordinate system and plane ξoη coordinate system, and Ni (ξ, η) is the shape function of the ith vertex of the plane ros coordinate system.

The specific coordinate system transformation process is expressed in the matrix form:


is frequently expressed in the inverse form:

where |J| is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix.

shows the related parameters between the local coordinate systems of conical and cylindrical acoustic cavity and the coordinate system of double curvature cavity element (αβ, z). In addition, the Lame coefficient of the cavity and the value range of the corresponding coordinate axis are also given:

2.3 Construction of admissible displacement and sound pressure functions

Based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and two-dimensional modified Fourier series theory, the admissible displacement function of rotary composite laminated plate is established. The admissible sound pressure functions of conical and cylindrical cavities are constructed by three-dimensional modified Fourier series. The expression is the superposition of a cosine function and six sines and cosines functions. The specific expressions can be written as follows (, , ):

in which u (r, θ, t), v (r, θ, t) and w (r, θ, t) separately represent the admissible displacement function of the surface in the r, θ and z directions of the rotary composite laminated plate, and ϕr(r,θ,t) and ϕθ(r,θ,t) denote the lateral rotation in the r and θ directions, respectively. pn (n = 1, 2) is the expression of the admissible sound pressure function for the nth cavity in the coupled system. The displacement supplement polynomials of rotary composite laminated plate can be expressed as ΦM and ΦNq (Nq = 1, 2), and the sound pressure supplement polynomials of the nth cavity are written as PnΩ and PnΘq (Θq = 1, 2, … ,6). While Amn, Bmn, Cmn, Dmn and Emn represent the unknown two-dimensional Fourier coefficient vectors and unknown three-dimensional Fourier coefficient vectors. These parameters can be expressed as follows:
where λmα=mπ/α, λnβ=nπ/β, λmtαn=mtπ/αn, λntαn=ntπ/αn, λltαn=ltπ/αn (n = 1, 2).

2.4 Stress–strain and displacement relationship

The normal strain and shear strain at any point on the composite laminated plate can be defined by the changes of strain and curvature in midplane:

where εr0, εθ0, γrθ0, γrz0 and γθz0 are the strain components on the middle surface of the laminated plate, and χr, χθ and χrθ are the curvature variation components on the middle surface. The specific expressions are as follows:

According to Hooke's law, the corresponding stress–strain relationship at the k-layer can be obtained as follows:

where the stiffness coefficients of laminated plate can be denoted by Qijk (i, j = 1, 2, …, 6), and they can be acquired from the following equations:

In , T is the transformation matrix, which is defined as follows, where θ is the included angle between the main direction and the r direction of the layer, namely, the layer laying direction:

in which Qijk (i, j = 1, 2, …, 6) denotes the material coefficient of the k-layer of plate, and its value can be obtained by the engineering constant:

The forces and torques applied to the laminated plate are obtained by integrating the stresses in the plane. From one layer of laminated plate to another layer, the thickness is integrated to obtain the following equation:

where Nr, Nθ and Nrθ are the resultant forces in the plane, Mr, Mθ and Mrθ represent bending and torsional torque and Qθ, Qr denote the resultant forces of horizontal shear. Shear correction factor which can guarantee the strain energy caused by transverse shear stress is expressed as κs, and NL represents the number of layers.

2.5 Energy equation and solution procedure

The Lagrange equation of t the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system and rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system can be expressed as follows:

where TP and TCn (n = 1, 2) are the total kinetic energy of the rotary composite plate and the nth acoustic cavity in the coupled systems, respectively. UP and UCn separately denote the total potential energy in the plate and the nth acoustic cavity. UP-coupling and UCn-coupling represent the coupling potential energy of the composite laminated plate and acoustic cavities when rotation angle ϑ = 2π. The boundary spring potential energy of plate can be expressed as USP. WP&C1, WP&C2 WC1&P and WC2&P are the coupling potential energy generated when the composite plate is coupled with acoustic cavity 1 and acoustic cavity 2, and WP&C1=WC1&P, WP&C2=WC2&P. WCnwall represents the impedance potential energy caused by the impedance wall of the nth acoustic cavity in the coupled systems. WC1&C2 and WC2&C1 denote the coupling potential energy between acoustic cavity 1 and acoustic cavity 2, in which WC1&C2=WC2&C1. WF is the work done by harmonic point force F on the composite laminated plate, and WQn is the work done by the monopole point sound source in the nth acoustic cavity of the coupled systems.

For the two coupled systems, partial energy equations do not exist completely: (1) the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system: LP=0, WP&C1=WC1&P=0, WP&C2=WC2&P=0; (2) the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system: WC1&C2=WC2&C1=0.

The total kinetic energy of the rotating composite laminated plate and the nth acoustic cavity represented by TP and TCn can be written as follows:

in which Nl represents the number of layers of rotary composite laminated plate. Zk is the coordinate value of bottom surface thickness of k-layer, and Z+ 1 is the coordinate value of upper surface thickness. The material density of k-layer can be expressed as ρk, and ρCn denotes the density of acoustic media in nth acoustic cavity.

The specific expressions of the total potential energy UP and UCn are as follows:

In the formula, the total potential energy of rotary composite laminated plate includes tensile potential energy Ustretch, bending potential energy Ubend, tensile and bending coupling potential energy Us-b, whose expressions have also been given, and cn is the propagation speed of sound in the acoustic medium of the nth cavity.

As the boundary conditions of the rotary composite laminated plate model established in this paper are determined by the boundary springs, the boundary spring potential energy USP will be generated, and the expressions are as follows:


When 0 < ϑ < 2π, the impedance wall dissipation energy of the nth sound cavity in the coupled systems is as follows:

where j represents a pure imaginary number. Sr denotes the area of the rth uncoupled acoustic wall, and the corresponding acoustic wall impedance value is expressed by Zr.

When ϑ = 2π, the coupling potential energy of the middle plate UP-coupling and the nth acoustic cavity of the coupled systems UCn-coupling can be written as follows:


The coupling potential energy between acoustic cavity 1 and acoustic cavity 2 WC1&C2 can be expressed as follows:

WP&C1 and WP&C2 are the coupling potential energy when the laminated plate is coupled with acoustic cavity 1 and 2, respectively, and the expressions are as follows:

The expressions of the work WF done by the harmonic point force F on the composite laminated plate and the work WF done by the monopole point sound source Q in the nth acoustic cavity in the coupled systems are as follows:

where fi (i = uj, vj, wj) is the function of external load distribution, and the action position of harmonic point force F is (r0, θ0). Qsn represents the distribution function of the point sound source acting on the nth cavity, the amplitude of the point sound source is A (kg/s2) and the specific position of the point sound source Q is (re, θe, se). δ and δc are two-dimensional and three-dimensional Dirac functions.

Each energy equation is substituted into . According to Rayleigh–Ritz method, the partial derivatives of the unknown two-dimensional and three-dimensional Fourier coefficients are obtained in the Lagrange equation, and the results are equal to zero:


Transform into matrix form:

in which Kp and Kcn respectively represent the stiffness matrix of the rotary composite laminated plate and the nth acoustic cavity in the coupled systems, and Mp, Mcn are the mass matrices. The impedance matrix of the nth acoustic cavity in the coupled systems is denoted by Zcn. CCn&P is the vibro-acoustic coupling matrix between the nth cavity and the composite laminated plate in coupled systems, and CP&Cn=CCn&P.

When F and Qn are equal to zero, can be combined to obtain the natural frequency and mode solving equations of the coupled systems. To facilitate the solution, the equations need to be converted into linear equations for solving:


Finally, the eigen solution ω is the natural frequency of the coupled systems, and the eigenvector G is the corresponding mode. By substituting harmonic point force and monopole point sound source into , the steady-state response of the coupled systems can be obtained.

3. Numerical discussion and result analysis

According to the unified analysis model of the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system and rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system, numerical discussion and result analysis are carried out to further research the vibro-acoustic characteristics. This section mainly verifies the convergence and accuracy of the coupled system model, analyzes the influence factors on natural frequency of the coupled systems under free vibration and studies the steady-state response analysis of the coupled systems under the action of harmonic point force and point sound source excitation. In this section, the boundary conditions of the composite laminated plate in the coupled system are represented by artificial virtual spring boundary technology, which can simulate complex boundary conditions. The spring stiffness settings of each boundary condition are presented in . shows the material parameters of the composite laminated plate in the examples. The acoustic medium of acoustic cavities is air, where the density of air is defined as ρair = 1.21 kg/m3, and the speed at which sound waves travel through air is defined as cair = 340 m/s.

3.1 Unified analysis model validation

The convergence analysis and accuracy verification of the model of the coupled systems established above will be carried out. and demonstrate the first eight order natural frequencies of the coupled systems obtained by the proposed method with different truncation values, and the numerical results are compared with the FE simulation results. Mp and Np are the truncation values of the laminated plate, and Mc, Nc and Qc are the truncation values of acoustic cavities. The acoustic walls of cavities in this example are all rigid walls, and the boundary conditions of the rotary plate are set as C-C-C-C. The geometric parameters of the coupled systems in and are as follows: R0 = 0.5 m, R1 = 1m, R2 = 1.5 m, H = 0.5 m, α = π/6, L2 = 1.5 m, hp = 0.02 m, ϑ = π/2. The material used is [Glass/epoxy | Boron/epoxy], and the layering angle is [0 |π/2]. It can be seen from and that when Mc × Nc × Qc = 5 × 5 × 5 and Mp × Np = 10 × 10, the natural frequencies of each order basically complete convergence. In contrast to the FE simulation results, the maximum error of the natural frequency is less than 0.1%, indicating the accuracy of the proposed method. Therefore, it is reliable to select truncation values Mc × Nc × Qc = 5 × 5 × 5 and Mp × Np = 10 × 10 in the numerical calculation of present method.

When the rotation angle of the coupled systems ϑ = 2π, the rotary composite laminated plate and acoustic cavities in the systems will generate additional coupling potential energy, exerting an influence on the vibro-acoustic characteristics of the systems. Therefore, the accuracy of the proposed method is verified again as shown in . The acoustic walls of cavities in this example are all rigid walls, and the boundary conditions of the rotary plate are set as S-S-S-S. The geometric parameters of the coupled systems in are as follows: R0 = 0.7 m, R1 = 1.4 m, R2 = 2.1 m, H = 0.7 m, α = π/6, L2 = 2.5 m, hp = 0.03 m. The material used is [Glass/epoxy | Boron/epoxy | Glass/epoxy], and the layering angle is [π/4 | 0 |π/4]. The maximum error between the numerical calculation results and the FE simulation results in is less than 1%, which indicates that present method still has well accuracy when the rotation angle ϑ = 2π.

3.2 Free vibration analysis

In this section, the free vibration of the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system and rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system is conducted to investigate the effects of related parameters on the vibro-acoustic characteristics of the coupled systems. shows the variations of natural frequencies of the coupled systems with different rotation angles. The acoustic walls of cavities in this example are all rigid walls, and the boundary conditions of the rotary plate are set as S-S-C-C. The determined geometric parameters are as follows: R0 = 0.6 m, R1 = 1.2 m, R2 = 1.7 m, H = 0.5 m, α = π/4, L2 = 2m, hp = 0.024 m. The material used is [Glass/epoxy | Boron/epoxy], and the layering angle is [−π/4 |π/4]. As shown in , the natural frequency of the same order decrease with the increase of rotation angle ϑ. However, the situation changes when the rotation angle ϑ = 2π. Taking the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system as an instance, gives the first eight natural frequencies of the coupled system with various rotation angles. It can be found from that the natural frequency at ϑ = 2π is basically the same as that at ϑ = π. In the case of coupling of the two acoustic walls, a closed loop will be formed, and repeated modes will be generated, resulting in continuous expansion of the natural frequencies of each order. These conditions explain why the natural frequency rises again when ϑ = 2π in .

For the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system and rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system, it is necessary to analyze the effects of conical cavity cone-apex angle α and cylindrical cavity height L2 on the natural frequency of the coupled systems. The variations of natural frequencies of the coupled systems with different cone-apex angle α and height L2 are presented in . The acoustic walls of cavities in this example are all rigid walls, and the boundary conditions of the rotary plate are set as S-S-C-C. The determined geometric parameters are as follows: R0 = 0.5 m, R1 = 1m, R2 = 1.5 m, H = 0.5 m, ϑ = π/2, hp = 0.018 m. The material used is [Glass/epoxy | Boron/epoxy], and the layering angle is [−π/2 |π/2]. As can be seen from , the natural frequency of the coupled system degrades with the decrease of cone-apex angle α and the increase of height L2.

Compared with the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system, the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system is also affected by the relevant parameters of the composite laminated plate. The first eight natural frequencies of the coupled system under different boundary conditions are shown in . The acoustic walls of cavities in this example are all rigid walls. The geometric parameters of the coupled system in are as follows: R0 = 0.5 m, R1 = 1m, R2 = 1.5 m, H = 0.5 m, α = π/6, L2 = 1.5 m, hp = 0.02 m, ϑ = π/2. The material used is [Glass/epoxy | Boron/epoxy], and the layering angle is [0 |π/2]. It can be found from that the natural frequency of the coupled system calculated by present method is basically consistent with the FE simulation results with different boundary conditions, which again proves the accuracy of the proposed method. Meanwhile, the natural frequency of the coupled system increases with the increase of the stiffness value of boundary springs, and the calculation results of elastic boundary 1 (E1) and elastic boundary 2 (E2) also verify the reliability of this conclusion.

Besides boundary conditions, the thickness of the plate is also necessary to be studied parameterized. shows the influence trend of laminated plate thickness hp on the natural frequency of the coupled system with different size conditions. The acoustic walls of cavities in this example are all rigid walls, and the boundary conditions of the rotary composite laminated plate are set as C-C-C-C. The determined geometric parameters are as follows: α = π/6, L2 = 1.5 m, ϑ = π/2. The material used is [Glass/epoxy | Boron/epoxy], and the layering angle is [0 |π/2]. As can be seen from , the natural frequency of the coupled system shows an upward trend with the increase of hp.

3.3 Steady state response analysis

In this section, the displacement response and sound pressure response of the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system and rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system under the excitation of point sound source are researched. and demonstrate the displacement and sound pressure response curves of the coupled systems under monopole point sound source excitation at various observation points. The acoustic walls, boundary condition, geometric parameters, materials used and layering angle of the coupled systems are consistent with those in and . The action position of point sound source is at (0.77 , 0.69, 0.29 m) in cavity 1, observation point 1 is located at (0.91 , 0.35, 0.38 m) in cavity 1, observation point 2 is located at (1.35 , 0.38, 0.48 m) in cavity 2, observation point 3 is located at (1.13 m, 0.65 m) on the surface of composite laminated plate, observation point 4 is located at (0.16 , 0.85, 0.56 m) in cavity 1, observation point 5 is located at (1.00 , 0.91, 0.64 m) in cavity 2 and observation point 6 is located at (1.23 , 0.41, 0.86 m) in cavity 2. It can be seen from and that the response curve obtained by the proposed method is consistent with the results of FE simulation, which proves the accuracy of the displacement and sound pressure response analysis model of the coupled systems under the excitation of point sound source.

The sound pressure response of the coupled systems under the excitation of a point sound source with different impedance value of the acoustic walls is presented in . All the six acoustic walls in the coupled systems are impedance walls, and the impedance values of the acoustic walls are rigid, Z1 = ρcc0 (100 – j) and Z2 = ρcc0 (30 – j). The boundary condition, geometric parameters, materials used and layering angle of the coupled systems are consistent with those in and . The action position of point sound source is at (0.80 , 0.71, 0.25 m) in cavity 1, observation point 1 is located at (0.85 , 0.42, 0.33 m) in cavity 1 and observation point 2 is located at (1.15 , 0.45, 0.52 m) in cavity 2.

As shown in , the amplitude of the sound pressure response is reduced, and the effect of resonance suppression is achieved when the acoustic wall is changed to the impedance wall, whose influence increases with the increase of the impedance value. However, the variation of acoustic walls in the coupled systems does not affect the waveform of the response.

In the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system, if the point source excitation and the observation point are not in the same cavity, the sound pressure response of the coupled system will be affected by the laminated plate between the two cavities. To investigate the influence mechanism on the thickness of plate, gives the sound pressure response curves of the observation points in the upper conical cavity under the excitation of the point sound source in the lower cylindrical cavity with different thicknesses of the laminated plate, where hp = 0 m denotes that there is no plate between the two acoustic cavities, and the system is cylindrical-conical acoustic cavity coupled system. The acoustic walls, boundary condition, geometric parameters, materials used and layering angle of the coupled systems are consistent with those in and . The action position of point sound source is at (1.23 , 0.41, 0.86 m) in cavity 2, observation point 1 is located at (0.77 , 0.69, 0.29 m) in cavity 1 and observation point 2 is located at (0.91 , 0.35, 0.38 m) in cavity 1. It is not difficult to know from that the amplitude of sound pressure response curves at the same observation point decreases with the increase of the plate thickness, especially the difference between the sound pressure response and the sound pressure response of the composite laminated plate is apparent. The results show that the composite laminated plate in the coupled system has an impact on the noise reduction, and the effect increases with the increase of the thickness of composite laminated plate.

4. Conclusion

A unified analysis model of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system is constructed in this investigation. First, the admissible displacement and sound pressure functions of the rotary laminated plate and acoustic cavity are presented. Second, the energy functional of the laminated plate structure domain and cavity sound field domain is proposed. Then, the coupling potential energy between the cavities and the plate-double cavities is introduced to obtain the total energy functional of the coupled systems. Finally, the energy functional is solved by the Rayleigh–Ritz method. The free vibration and steady-state response of the coupled systems are studied by the numerical results of examples, and the following significant conclusions are obtained:

  1. The unified analysis model established in this paper has good convergence and accuracy when the truncation values Mc × Nc × Qc = 5 × 5 × 5 and Mp × Np = 10 × 10.

  2. Under the condition of free vibration, the natural frequency of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system increases with the increase of the rotation angle, the spring stiffness, thickness of the plate and cone-apex angle of the conical acoustic cavity. It decreases with the height of the cylindrical acoustic cavity increasing.

  3. In the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system and rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system, the impedance wall can reduce the amplitude of the sound pressure response and suppress the resonance of the coupled systems. The effect of the impedance wall increases with the increase of the impedance value but has no effect on the waveform of the response. In the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system, the composite laminated plate has a good noise reduction effect and increases with the increase of the plate thickness.


Cross-section geometrical parameters and coordinate system of the coupled systems

Figure 1

Cross-section geometrical parameters and coordinate system of the coupled systems

Unified model of the coupled systems

Figure 2

Unified model of the coupled systems

The boundary springs and coupled springs of the rotary composite laminated plate

Figure 3

The boundary springs and coupled springs of the rotary composite laminated plate

Schematic diagram of coordinate transformation of parallelogram section

Figure 4

Schematic diagram of coordinate transformation of parallelogram section

The variation curve of the natural frequency of the coupled systems with different rotation angles

Figure 5

The variation curve of the natural frequency of the coupled systems with different rotation angles

The surface diagram of the natural frequency of the coupled systems with different height L2 and cone-apex angle α

Figure 6

The surface diagram of the natural frequency of the coupled systems with different height L2 and cone-apex angle α

The variation curve of the natural frequency of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system with different thickness hp

Figure 7

The variation curve of the natural frequency of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system with different thickness hp

The sound pressure response curves of the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system with the excitation of a point source

Figure 8

The sound pressure response curves of the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system with the excitation of a point source

The displacement and sound pressure response curves of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system with the excitation of a point source

Figure 9

The displacement and sound pressure response curves of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system with the excitation of a point source

Sound pressure response curves of the coupled systems under the excitation of a point source with different impedance value of the acoustic walls

Figure 10

Sound pressure response curves of the coupled systems under the excitation of a point source with different impedance value of the acoustic walls

The effect of different thickness hp on the sound pressure response with the excitation of point sound source in the coupled system

Figure 11

The effect of different thickness hp on the sound pressure response with the excitation of point sound source in the coupled system

Parameters related to conversion between rotary acoustic cavities

Cavity typeRelated parameter
Parameter typeSpecific parameter
Conical acoustic cavityCoordinate relationα1=η1, β1=θ1z1=ξ1
Transformation|J1|=L1Hcosα, J111=1/H, J211=tanα/H, J121=0, J221=1/L1cosα
Lame coefficientHα1=1, Hβ1=r1=R2+(R1R2)η+Hξ, Hz1=1
Value range0Lα11, 0Lβ1ϑ1, 0Lz11
Cylindrical acoustic cavityCoordinate relationα2=s2, β2=θ2, z2=r2
Transformation|J2|=1, J112=J222=2/2, J122=J212=0
Lame coefficientHα2=1, Hβ2=r2, Hz2=1
Value range0Lα2L2, 0Lβ2ϑ2, 0Lz2H

Boundary spring stiffness values corresponding to different boundary conditions

Boundary conditionsBoundary springsCoupling springs
Free (F)0000000000
Simple (S)5e115e115e11005e115e115e1100
Clamped (C)5e115e115e115e115e115e115e115e115e115e11
Elastic 1 (E1)0002.5e32.5e30002.5e32.5e3
Elastic 2 (E2)1e61e61e61e61e61e61e61e61e61e6

Material parameters applied for the plate in the numerical calculation

Materialρplate (kg/m3)Elastic engineering constant
E1 (GPa)E2 (GPa)G23 (GPa)G12 (GPa)G13 (GPa)μ12

Analysis of natural frequency convergence of conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system

Mc × Nc × QcMode number
3 × 3 × 373.60691.299127.067136.443172.670176.672205.789205.903
4 × 4 × 473.57291.297127.058136.410172.626176.668205.790205.892
5 × 5 × 573.57291.297127.058136.410172.626176.668205.790205.892
6 × 6 × 673.57291.297127.058136.410172.626176.668205.790205.892

Analysis of natural frequency convergence of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system

Mc × Nc × QcMp × NpMode number
3 × 3 × 35 × 587.003107.550113.281142.834169.711173.100203.250206.832
6 × 687.003107.549113.280142.833169.710173.098203.250206.827
7 × 787.002107.549113.280142.831169.710173.097203.250206.826
8 × 887.002107.549113.279142.830169.710173.097203.249206.826
9 × 987.002107.549113.279142.830169.711173.097203.248206.823
10 × 1087.002107.549113.279142.829169.711173.096203.249206.826
4 × 4 × 45 × 587.002107.549113.279142.829169.704173.096203.249206.822
6 × 687.002107.549113.280142.833169.705173.098203.249206.827
7 × 787.002107.549113.280142.831169.705173.097203.249206.825
8 × 887.002107.549113.279142.830169.704173.097203.249206.824
9 × 987.002107.549113.279142.830169.704173.096203.249206.822
10 × 1087.002107.549113.279142.829169.704173.096203.249206.822
5 × 5 × 55 × 587.003107.549113.282142.834169.690173.100203.247206.832
6 × 687.003107.549113.280142.833169.688173.098203.247206.827
7 × 787.002107.549113.279142.832169.684173.099203.247206.825
8 × 887.002107.549113.279142.830169.689173.097203.247206.830
9 × 987.002107.548113.279142.830169.689173.096203.247206.822
10 × 1087.002107.548113.279142.829169.688173.096203.247206.822

Accuracy analysis of the conical–cylindrical acoustic cavity coupled system and rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system at rotation angle of 2π

System typeMethodMode number

The first eight natural frequencies of the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system with various rotation angles

ϑMode number

Analysis of the influence of different boundary conditions on the rotary composite laminated plate and conical–cylindrical double cavities coupled system

Boundary conditionsMethodMode number


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This project was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China [Grant No. 2020YFB2008100]. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant No. 52005255] and Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China [Grant No. BK20200430].

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Hong Zhang can be contacted at:

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