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Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on rural migrants of Bihar: a cross-sectional study

Sandeep Kumar (Department of Economics, Central University of Haryana, Mahendragarh, India)

Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences

ISSN: 2054-6238

Article publication date: 8 February 2024

Issue publication date: 27 November 2024




This paper presents a cross-sectional study that assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural migrants in Bihar. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the overall impact of the pandemic on migrants and examine their livelihoods, with a focus on identifying measures that can mitigate the economic consequences.


This study used a telephonic survey to collect primary data from 419 respondents. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data, and three indices were constructed: fear and worries, trust and prevention.


The findings provide insights into the psychological well-being of migrant workers and highlight the challenges they face in sustaining their livelihoods amidst the pandemic. This study concludes by suggesting potential measures to alleviate the economic impact and enhance the resilience of this vulnerable population.

Research limitations/implications

This study may be limited by the representativeness of the sample as well as the potential for social desirability bias. The study may also be limited by the reliability and validity of the measures used to capture the fear and worries, trust and prevention indices.


Numerous studies have examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural migrants. However, there are limited studies that estimate the impact of the proposed study based on the challenges faced by rural migrants in Bihar during the pandemic.



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Abhay Kumar and Anuj kumar, for his unwavering support and encouragement throughout the process of writing this research paper. Additionally, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Mohd. Zeeshan for his assistance and contribution, which have greatly enriched the research paper. Their collective efforts and encouragement have played a significant role in my academic journey. I am truly fortunate to have such dedicated individuals in my life who believe in my abilities and have always been there to support me. This research paper has been entirely self-funded without any external agency support.


Kumar, S. (2024), "Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on rural migrants of Bihar: a cross-sectional study", Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Vol. 40 No. 4, pp. 725-741.



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