
Boduszek, D., Adamson, G., Shelvin, M. and Colbert, P.H.a.R. (2014), "Editorial", Journal of Criminal Psychology, Vol. 4 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Article Type: Editorial From: Journal of Criminal Psychology, Volume 4, Issue 1.


It gives us enormous pleasure to introduce you to Volume 4, Issue 1 of the Journal of Criminal Psychology. With this issue we continue our commitment to present a broad range of high-quality research from the field of criminal psychology that we hope will be of interest to anybody working in this area. In order to achieve this objective, this issue follows our traditional format of presenting research work from a variety of methodological perspectives including sophisticated quantitative research methodologies, along with thought-provoking theoretical research papers.

The current issue includes two fascinating theoretical papers which deal with the pertinent topic of addressing diagnosis of psychopathy, and the feasibility of biosignalling measures of female sexual interest for women within forensic contexts. This issue also includes four wonderful quantitative research papers. This first of these papers presented identifies important factors in the prediction of self-harm among male prisoners. The second paper is a unique investigation of the role of incentives in malingering and fabricated symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. The third is a fascinating study of how feelings of empathy and prejudice towards prisoners and ex-offends can change through contact with prisoners. Finally, a cognitive-behavioural treatment programme for female prisoners with personality disorders is assessed.

As always we must extend our sincerest thanks to all the excellent researchers who contributed their work to our journal, and especially to our committed reviewers who gave freely of their time and expertise, and without which it would be impossible to produce this issue. The Journal of Criminal Psychology is now entering its fourth year in existence and our excitement and passion for our work continues to grow along with the quality of the journal. We invite you to sample what our journal has to offer in this issue with confidence that you will find much to enjoy! It is our hope that the work presented herein will inspire future work and continue to grow the field of criminal psychology.

Until next time.

Daniel Boduszek, Gary Adamson, Mark Shelvin, Philip Hyland and Ryanne Colbert

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