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Industrial heritage identification process in North Africa: 19th and 20th century flour mills in Algeria

Abdelhamid Hati (Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Technology, Saad Dahlab University of Blida, Blida, Algeria)
Amina Abdessemed-Foufa (Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Technology, Saad Dahlab University of Blida, Blida, Algeria)

Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development

ISSN: 2044-1266

Article publication date: 30 May 2023




The protection of industrial heritage emerged as a major concern when those buildings and installations representative of the industry, became at risk. North Africa, considered the geographical gateway to European countries, experienced enormous industrial activity during the French colonial era. Industrial buildings such as the flour mills, were built during this era of colonial rule. Today, a lack of legislation concerning industrial heritage has left this type of buildings with no protection, leading this paper to a preservation process. The aim of this paper is to locate and identify the flour mills of the 19th and 20th centuries in Algeria.


This research consists of cross-referencing data from archived documents against the geographical location.


The results obtained are the first step in the process of preservation. The success of this research can be summarized as follows: identification of 88.46% of the flour mills in Algeria by means of the inventory data collected, and their location, with the use of a crisp logic, the remaining 9.62% with the use of fuzzy logic by the attribution of a “fuzzy radius” with a total localization and identification of 98.08%.


The use of both crisp (Boolean) and fuzzy logic as part of the geographical localization method.



This research has been carried out and financed within the framework of the DGRSDT and Laboratory ETAP, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University Blida 1, Algeria.


Hati, A. and Abdessemed-Foufa, A. (2023), "Industrial heritage identification process in North Africa: 19th and 20th century flour mills in Algeria", Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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