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Silicon Valley, France and China: a comparative study of innovation systems and policies

K.C. Fung (Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA)
Nathalie Aminian (Universite de Rouen Unites de Formation et de Recherche Droit Sciences Economiques et Gestion, France)

Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies

ISSN: 1754-4408

Article publication date: 2 October 2017




In this paper, the authors aim to examine some characteristics of the innovation system and policy in France and China. For comparison, they also highlight some high technology features of Silicon Valley and California.


The authors study the characteristics of innovation in France and in China. The authors examine the technology systems and policies in both countries and compare their features with those in Silicon Valley.


As far as France is concerned, it can be stated that the innovation system and policy are under transformation, going from a strong state involvement to a more decentralized framework. This evolution leads to a multi-level governance of the innovation system and to the emergence of new actors. For China, the most interesting development in China is the evolution of its internet-related sector. The authors argue here that the internet-driven economy is a radical, systemic technological change and it is rapidly growing in China.


One of the earliest papers comparing the innovation policies and activities in France, China and Silicon Valley.



Fung, K.C. and Aminian, N. (2017), "Silicon Valley, France and China: a comparative study of innovation systems and policies", Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 194-214.



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