Guest editorial

Younghoon Chang, Hwansoo Lee, Jae-Nam Lee, Shan Wang

Industrial Management & Data Systems

ISSN: 0263-5577

Article publication date: 9 April 2018



Chang, Y., Lee, H., Lee, J.-N. and Wang, S. (2018), "Guest editorial", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118 No. 3, pp. 502-505.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited

The adoption and resistance of disruptive information technologies

With technology permeating every part of our life, both personal and at work, the issues related to its adoption have drawn concerns of the users. Technology acceptance studies have provided valuable insights and have been consistently published in various outlets (). The topic has also garnered high citation as evidenced by previous studies. As new technologies are being introduced, it is expected that the adoption and resistance issues will continue to attract user interest. The existing technology acceptance theories are old-fashioned, yet many researchers still apply them to specific contexts (e.g. developing countries, education, and health care areas). These theories may have limitations in explaining the adoption of emerging disruptive information technologies (). Thus, if we fill this research gap, researchers will have better opportunities to develop and understand related topics based on the studies that are included in this special issue.

This special issue focuses on the adoption and resistance of emerging information technologies (e.g. IoT, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, big data, cloud computing, and FinTech), which bring disruptive changes to business activities and individual lives. A total of eight papers are accepted. Six papers focused on adoption issues of Fintech, wearable devices, Industry 4.0, the blockchain, mobile payment, and intelligent personal assistants, while two papers concentrated on resistance-related issues of feral system and intelligent CCTV.

More specifically, proposed a revised expectation-disconfirmation model for wearable health information systems. This study introduced a new concept “Intermittent discontinuance” on the post-adoption usage of information systems. proposed a research framework for mobile payment service in terms of security and trust. In this study, the authors introduced the security measure concepts (measured by security technology protection, security rules, and security responsibility commitment) and the payment culture concepts (measured by coverage of mobile payment context and uncertainty avoidance). The study also compared China and the USA based on their market penetration rate. investigated the effect of benefit and risk toward Fintech services. The study suggested antecedents of perceived risk (i.e. financial, legal, security, and operational risk) and benefit (i.e. economic benefit, seamless transaction, and convenience). The study also checked the moderating effect of different user types. investigated why employees resisted the use of company’s information systems and instead chose to use unauthorized feral systems for their daily tasks. examined the strategic response of Industry 4.0 in Chinese automotive industry and identified critical factors for its successful implementation. The study adopted Technology-Organization-Environment framework to build the research model. proposed the expanded regret theory to examine the gap between expected benefits of the current system to anticipated regret. The study focused on the effect of the future upgraded system on consumer behavior when adopting a new technology, such as intelligent CCTV. proposed a research model to explain user behaviors of intelligent personal assistants known as AI secretary. The study adopted parasocial relationship, such as task attraction, social attraction, and physical attraction, and privacy/security risk toward adoption of intelligent personal assistants. examined how new forms of digital money (e.g. Bitcoin) and technologies (e.g. blockchain) with embedded trust in decentralized networks alter markets and commerce.

Overall our special issue received a plenty of submissions, and we have accepted quality articles that are related to the aim of the special issue. These accepted articles have found meaningful results and have made valuable academic discussions. Despite the various significant contributions of this special issue, there are still a lot of challenges in developing new theories to explain the acceptance of disruptive information technologies. According to , there are two types of theories, variation models, and process models. First, many factors can be incorporated to study the variation of adoption success. The more intense the disruptive innovation, the greater the change required and the risks (). For companies, architectural changes, including both organizational and system architectural changes, should be considered for the successful adoption of disruptive information technologies (). Organizational architectural change needs to involve cultural factors for organizational learning, while system architecture change needs to focus on safety factors, such as security and reliability issues. Innovative attitudes, such as risk-taking, flexibility, and creativity, are also critical for the disruptive information technology adoption from the end-user perspective (). Moreover, as laws and policies tend not to keep up with the pace of technology change, information technology compliance issues will be more debatable than before. Second, since adopting disruptive information technologies involves significant changes in the organization, the process of successful adoption is also worthwhile studying. Opening the blackbox of how to make the organization architectural changes and how to match the system architectural changes with the organizational architectural changes during the adoption will shed light on our understanding the adaptation path of an organization when it disrupts itself by adopting new technologies. Therefore, it is imperative that further study can discuss the extended theories that emphasize either the factors or paths of disruptive information technology adoption.


Davison, R.M. and Ou, C.X.J. (2018), “Subverting organisational IS policy with feral systems: a case in China”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 118 No. 3, pp. 570-588.

Fan, J., Shao, M., Li, Y. and Huang, X. (2018), “Understanding users’ attitude toward mobile payment use: a comparative study between China and the US”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 118 No. 3, pp. 524-540.

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Han, S. and Yang, H. (2018), “Understanding adoption of intelligent personal assistants: a parasocial relationship perspective”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 118 No. 3, pp. 618-636.

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Seddon, P.B., Constantinidis, D., Tamm, T. and Dod, H. (2016), “How does business analytics contribute to business value?”, Information Systems Journal, Vol. 27 No. 3, pp. 237-269.

Shen, X.L., Li, Y.J. and Sun, Y. (2018), “Wearable health information systems intermittent discontinuance: a revised expectation-disconfirmation model”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 118 No. 3, pp. 506-523.

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The guest editors sincerely thank Professor Alain Chong and Professor Hing Kai Chan, Editor-in-Chiefs of Industrial Management and Data Systems (IMDS) for giving the guest editors this opportunity to conduct a newer research path in disruptive information technologies. The guest editors also thank all reviewers who have spent so much of their valuable time to give quality reviews and constructive comments to the authors. The guest editors deeply appreciate their support and service for this special issue. Finally, the guest editors appreciate all the authors who have submitted their research to our special issue.

Corresponding author

Professor Hwansoo Lee is the corresponding author and can be contacted at:

About the authors

Younghoon Chang is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Business and Management at BNU-HKBU United International College, Zhuhai, China. He received his PhD Degree in Business and Technology Management from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). His research interests include IT user behavior, ICT Management, Information privacy, ICT4D, e-business, and business analytics. His articles have appeared in Industrial Management & Data Systems, Government Information Quarterly, Journal of Global Information Management, Behaviour and Information Technology, Telecommunications Policy as well as in the proceedings of international conferences. He is currently serving as an editorial review board member of Journal of Computer Information Systems.

Hwansoo Lee is an Assistant Professor in the department of convergence security at Dankook University. He received his PhD Degree from Department of Business and Technology Management at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). His research focuses on security and privacy, electronic commerce, platform business, and enterprise information systems. His papers have appeared in Information & Management, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Behaviour & Information Technology, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Industrial Management and Data Systems, and other international and domestic journals. He is currently serving as an editorial review board member of Industrial Management and Data Systems.

Jae-Nam Lee is a Professor of MIS in the Business School of Korea University in Seoul, Korea. He was formerly in the faculty of the Department of Information Systems at the City University of Hong Kong. He holds MS and PhD Degrees in MIS from the Graduate School of Management of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). His research interests are IT outsourcing, knowledge management, information security management, e-commerce, and IT deployment and impacts on firm performance. His published research articles appear in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, Journal of the AIS, Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, Communications of the AIS, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, European Journal of Information Systems, and others. He has served as an Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research and a Senior Editor for the Journal of the AIS. He served the Association for Information Systems as the Asia-Pacific regional representative.

Shan Wang is an Associate Professor at the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Prior to joining the Edwards School of Business, she has worked as an Associate Professor for Renmin University, China. She received her PhD Degree in MIS from McMaster University and Master Degree in Economics from Queen’s University, Canada. Her research interests include electronic commerce, business to business electronic marketplaces, and IT value. Her work has been published in several peer reviewed journals, such as Information and Management, Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.

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