Construction of a one-stop document supply service platform
The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed overview of the China Academic Library and Information system (CALIS) document supply service platform (CDSSP) – its historical development, network structure and future development plans – and discuss how its members make use of and benefit from its various components.
The authors provide a first-person account based on their professional positions at the CALIS Administrative Center.
CDSSP comprises five application systems including a unified authentication system, Saas-based interlibrary loan (ILL) and document delivery (DD) service system, ILL central scheduling and settlement system, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service system and a service integration interface system. These systems work together to meet the needs of member libraries, other information service institutions, and their end users. CDSSP is widely used by more than 1,100 libraries based on a cloud service strategy. Each year more than 100,000 ILL and DD transactions are processed by this platform.
The development of CDSSP makes it becomes true for CALIS to provide one stop information retrieval and supply service. At the same time, it promotes the resource sharing among member libraries to a great degree.
© Lijun Zeng, Xiaoxia Yao, Juanjuan Liu and Qiang Zhu, 2014. The author would like to express his gratitude to Hartmut Troger (Senior Vice-president Global Sales: Bibliotheca) and Ulrich Zinner (General Manager: Tagtron Solutions) for advice on the detailed requirements of the system; Volker Pirsich (Director: City Library, Hamm) for demonstrating the system; Jeremie Malan architects for input on the building requirement; Judy Henning (Executive Deputy director: UNISA Library) for advice and to Karen Breckon (Information Search Librarian, UNISA Library) for editing and technical support.
This paper was originally presented at the 13th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply Conference, in Beijing, China, October 16-18, 2013, published with the kind permission of IFLA. Articles published by Emerald which have their origins in an IFLA project are made freely accessible nine months after official publication. For permission to reuse this article, please contact the copyright holder.
Zeng, L., Yao, X., Liu, J. and Zhu, Q. (2014), "Construction of a one-stop document supply service platform", Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 42 No. 2/3, pp. 120-124.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2014, Authors