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Does heterogeneity matter to the direct effect of FDI on firm performance? The case of Indian firms

Young Chul Song, Han Young Lie

International Journal of Emerging Markets

ISSN: 1746-8809

Article publication date: 29 November 2018




The purpose of this paper is to estimate the direct effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) on domestic target firms’ profitability gains, in India, post-acquisition. In particular, it focuses on identifying the importance of firms’ heterogeneities on the effects, taking into account the source of FDI, the intensity of firm interaction, and the target firms’ technology-absorptive capacity. Most importantly, the paper investigates whether the estimates depend on a combined rather than single impact of these heterogeneities.


To control for the possibility of selection bias and endogeneity, this empirical analysis uses a methodology that combines propensity score matching and difference-in-differences (PSM–DID) in adopting a comprehensive data set of both foreign- and Indian-acquired firms that were purchased through mergers and acquisitions in India between 1991 and 2013.


The analysis reveals four major findings. First, overall, the post-foreign acquisition target firms’ performance gains were positive and varied by the heterogeneous technology transfer capacity of the foreign investor. Second, it is possible that target firms located in industrial clusters with more foreign agglomeration experienced larger profitability gains through more dynamic firm interactions in terms of spillovers. Third, Indian targets with higher technology-absorptive capacity benefitted in higher profitability gains from acquiring and assimilating the superior technology that is transferred from foreign investors. Finally, an optimal combination of Indian target firms with higher technology-absorptive capacity and foreign investors with higher technology transfer capacity maximizes profitability gains, post-acquisition. This synergy effect is particularly prominent in clusters where more foreign firms agglomerate.


This study captures the true direct effect of FDI by adjusting the combined causal effects of various inherent heterogeneities in the target firms’ performance, thus correcting any possible bias, which few previous studies have addressed.



Song, Y.C. and Lie, H.Y. (2018), "Does heterogeneity matter to the direct effect of FDI on firm performance? The case of Indian firms", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 13 No. 6, pp. 1876-1906.



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