Attractiveness of wine region types: how less popular wine regions can attract wine tourists?
International Journal of Wine Business Research
ISSN: 1751-1062
Article publication date: 10 May 2022
Issue publication date: 18 October 2022
The purpose of this paper is to provide greater understanding of attractiveness of different wine region types, especially less attractive wine regions. The paper examines the different wine tourist segments’ preferences towards wine region types.
The preferences of wine tourists were analysed based on an online self-administered survey with 8,552 respondents in Hungary. The wine regions were divided into four categories based on their wine and touristic attractiveness: wine dominant, touristic attraction dominant, complex and non-dominant wine regions. Wine region types were examined based on wine travel frequency and also by subjective wine expertise.
Wine tourist groups based on wine travel frequency and subjective wine expertise have significantly different preferences towards wine region types. Less attractive wine regions are more popular among frequent travellers and wine experts.
Practical implications
The outcome of this research highlights the importance of designing diverse marketing strategies depending on the wine region type. Less attractive wine regions and little-known wineries should focus on frequent travellers and wine experts and provide a complex and high standard experience, as these consumers are more open and have higher expectations of a travel destination.
The study revealed the different wine tourist preferences with regard to the various types of wine regions. Wine-related and non-wine-related aspects were studied in a complex manner.
The source of the data, The Great Wine Test 2018, was supported by Winelovers, Hungarian Tourism Agency, Vinoport, Borászportál and Borkollégium.
Harsányi, D. and Hlédik, E. (2022), "Attractiveness of wine region types: how less popular wine regions can attract wine tourists?", International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 627-642.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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