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Network connectedness and portfolio hedging of green bonds, stock markets and commodities

Taicir Mezghani (Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax, Laboratory LEG, Sfax, Tunisia)
Fatma Ben Hamadou (Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia)
Mouna Boujelbène-Abbes (Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia)

International Journal of Emerging Markets

ISSN: 1746-8809

Article publication date: 15 September 2023




This study aims to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the time-frequency connectedness between green bonds, stock markets and commodities (Brent and Gold), with a particular focus on China and its implication for portfolio diversification across different frequencies.


To this end, the authors implement the frequency connectedness approach of Barunik and Krehlik (2018), followed by the network connectedness before and during the COVID-19 outbreak. In particular, the authors implement more involvement in portfolio allocation and risk management by estimating hedge ratios and hedging effectiveness for green bonds and other financial assets.


The time-frequency domain spillover results show that gold is the net transmitter of shocks to green bonds in the long run, whereas green Bonds are the net recipients of shocks, irrespective of time horizons. The subsample analysis for the pandemic crisis period shows that green bonds dominate the network connectedness dynamic, mainly because it is strongly connected with the SP500 index and China (SSE). Thus, green bonds may serve as a potential diversifier asset at different time horizons. Likewise, the authors empirically confirm that green bonds have sizeable diversification benefits and hedges for investors towards stock markets and commodity stock pairs before and during the COVID-19 outbreak for both the short and long term. Gold only offers diversification gains in the long run, while Brent does not provide the desired diversification gains. Thus, the study highlights that green bonds are only an effective diversified.


This study contributes to the existing literature by improving the understanding of the interconnectedness and hedging opportunities in short- and long-term horizons between green bonds, commodities and equity markets during the COVID-19 pandemic shock, with a particular focus on China. This study's findings provide more implications regarding portfolio allocation and risk management by estimating hedge ratios and hedging effectiveness.



Mezghani, T., Ben Hamadou, F. and Boujelbène-Abbes, M. (2023), "Network connectedness and portfolio hedging of green bonds, stock markets and commodities", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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