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Re-framing planning decision-making: increasing flood resilience in Jakarta

Tri Mulyani Sunarharum, Mellini Sloan, Connie Susilawati

International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment

ISSN: 1759-5908

Article publication date: 2 September 2014




The purpose of this paper is to re-frame planning decision-making to address risks of flooding and to increase community resilience. Rapid urbanisation, fragmented governance and recurrent flooding complicate resolution of DKI Jakarta’s chronic housing shortage. Failure to effectively implement planning decision-making processes poses potential human rights violations. Contemporary planning policy requires the relocation of households living in floodplains within 15 m of DKI Jakarta’s main watercourses, further constraining land availability and potentially requiring increased densification.


This paper presents a preliminary scoping study for a technologically enhanced participatory planning method, incorporating synthesis of existing information on urbanisation, governance and flood risk management in Jakarta.


Responsibility for flood risk management in DKI Jakarta is fragmented both within and across administrative boundaries. Decision-making is further complicated by: limited availability of land use data; uncertainty as to the delineated extent of watercourses, floodplains and flood modelling; unclear risk and liability for infrastructure investments; and technical literacy of both public and government participants.

Practical implications

This research provides information to facilitate consultation with government entities tasked with re-framing planning processes to increase public participation.

Social implications

Potential increased opportunities for collaborative decision-making and consequent reduction in risk exposure amongst DKI Jakarta’s most vulnerable populations can help to address issues of social justice.


This paper synthesises information from a range of sources not available in English, and offers insights into a complex system of governance and modes for improving decision-making.



The authors acknowledge assistance from the Queensland University of Technology’s School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment and the Directorate of Higher Degree Education, Ministry of Education, Indonesia, for providing funding to support Ms Sunarharum’s postgraduate studies in Australia. The authors would like to recognise Dr Deden Rukmana, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Urban Studies and Planning Program at Savannah State University; Dr Oswar Mungkasa, Director of Land Use and Spatial Planning, National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) of Indonesia; DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Disaster Management Agency; and Ciliwung-Cisadane River Basin Agency, Ministry of Public Works for their role in helping to shape the current research.


Mulyani Sunarharum, T., Sloan, M. and Susilawati, C. (2014), "Re-framing planning decision-making: increasing flood resilience in Jakarta", International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, Vol. 5 No. 3, pp. 230-242.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2014, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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