An embedded bandit algorithm based on agent evolution for cold-start problem

Rui Qiu, Wen Ji

International Journal of Crowd Science

ISSN: 2398-7294

Open Access. Article publication date: 5 August 2021

Issue publication date: 22 November 2021




Many recommender systems are generally unable to provide accurate recommendations to users with limited interaction history, which is known as the cold-start problem. This issue can be resolved by trivial approaches that select random items or the most popular one to recommend to the new users. However, these methods perform poorly in many cases. This paper aims to explore the problem that how to make accurate recommendations for the new users in cold-start scenarios.


In this paper, the authors propose embedded-bandit method, inspired by Word2Vec technique and contextual bandit algorithm. The authors describe user contextual information with item embedding features constructed by Word2Vec. In addition, based on the intelligence measurement model in Crowd Science, the authors propose a new evaluation method to measure the utility of recommendations.


The authors introduce Word2Vec technique for constructing user contextual features, which improved the accuracy of recommendations compared to traditional multi-armed bandit problem. Apart from this, using this study’s intelligence measurement model, the utility also outperforms.

Practical implications

Improving the accuracy of recommendations during the cold-start phase can greatly raise user stickiness and increase user favorability, which in turn contributes to the commercialization of the app.


The algorithm proposed in this paper reflects that user contextual features can be represented by clicked items embedding vector.



Qiu, R. and Ji, W. (2021), "An embedded bandit algorithm based on agent evolution for cold-start problem", International Journal of Crowd Science, Vol. 5 No. 3, pp. 228-238.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Rui Qiu and Wen Ji.


Published in International Journal of Crowd Science. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

In the era of information explosion, recommender system has become an essential part of internet applications. It plays an important role of filtering information, selecting the information that users prefer to view from a large volume of rich media. For example, items are Web page for search engine, videos for video site and articles for content publishing. Recommender system often makes recommendations based on user and item features. These features can be information over the items to recommend (the items-based approach) or to find users with similar tastes (the user-based approach) ().

Whether it is the content-based approach or user-based approach, it will face the problem of cold start. For the content-based approach, considering there is a new item on the platform, the item does not have any interaction with the user, such as explicit features (e.g. clicks and browsing) or implicit features (e.g. likes, comments and rates). If the item does not have enough exposure, it will lead to a lack of interaction between user and item, thereby, further reducing the amount of display, falling into a vicious circle. A simple solution is that we can put a corresponding tag when user uploads the content, which is conductive to recommender system to recommend the matched item to interested users. This is the first kind of cold-start problem.

For the user-based approach, when a new user – without any side information – is introduced to the system, we need to collect some data to build a good enough model before being able to produce any valuable recommendation. This is the second kind of cold-start problem. Normally, in the initial stage, new users have limited interaction with recommender system. When sufficient user features are not collected, the common solution is to recommend popular products to the user or fill in the field of interest when user registers. Continuously recommending popular content often brings short-term benefits, but it has trouble in mining user interests and gets stuck into bringing long-term benefits. Therefore, recommender system conduct certain explorations, that is, try to recommend different contents to users, and dynamically adjust recommendation strategies based on user feedback. That is explore/exploit schemes, which is an effective strategy to solve the cold-start problem. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid algorithm based on Word2Vec technique and contextual bandit algorithm. We construct user contextual information by embedding feature of items. The main contributions of this article can be summarized as follows:

  • We cast the cold-start problem of recommender systems into explore/exploit problems, and introduce embedded-contextual information constructed by Word2Vec technique. We also consider the similarity between users with K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) when calculating average reward.

  • We originally regard the recommender system as an intelligence agent, and regard the cold-start phase as the evolution process of the agent. Then, we propose a new evaluation method to measure the utility of recommendations based on the intelligence measurement model in Crowd Science, which significantly compares the intelligence of different algorithms for the cold-start phase.

The rest of paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a brief overview of the related work. In Section 3, the proposed method is described in detail. In Section 4, the experiment results are provided. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.

2. Related work

The cold-start problem was already regarded as of the emergence of recommender system (). For a long time, several methods were proposed for these problems. However, these methods rely heavily on the auxiliary information available between user and item, and this information is not always available. Therefore, it is very difficult to build an accurate recommendation system in practice. For an instance, proposed an interview process for users to collect more information before recommendations. And, lots of works have been conducted to improve the estimation speed of the parameters for new items or new users by using hierarchy of items or various side information (; ).

Another common strategy to mitigate the cold-start problem is to leverage exploration–exploitation (EE) dilemma. EE dilemma tends to be studied with so-called multi-armed bandit (MAB) tasks, such as the Iowa gambling task (; ). These are tasks in which people are faced with a number of options, each having an associated average reward (). There are already many algorithm proposed for MAB problem. ϵ-greedy () algorithm chooses one optimal item with a constant probability ϵ and pick it up uniformly at random with probability 1 − ϵ. Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) () algorithm keeps a track of the mean reward for each arm up to the present trial and also calculates the upper confidence bound for each arm. The upper bound indicates the uncertainty in our evaluation of the potential of the arm. However, for recommender system, the situation is not so simple that recommendation is often accompanied with contextual features, which yield contextual MAB (). While for LinUCB algorithm, the author did not consider how to construct features with better generalization capabilities, and also the synergy between users. To enhance the adaptability of recommender system, there are lots of works which focus on how to combine cluster technique with bandit algorithm. In , each user is treated as a node, and the complete graph is constructed by connecting two edges between users at the initial stage. construct user clusters dynamically based on K-means. implements the underlying feedback sharing mechanism by estimating the neighborhood of users in a context-dependent manner.

In this paper, we consider this problem from a different perspective. We pay more attention on how to easily construct user contextual features with more generalization ability for cold-start problem. And, we propose a new evaluation method to measure the utility of recommendations from the perspective of Crowd Science.

3. Proposed method

In this section, we first formulate the cold-start problem, mainly introduce the classic MAB algorithm and content-based MAB algorithm, then we give brief introduction on Word2Vec technique, and describe how to leverage this technique to construct user contextual features in detail. Finally, we give a metric of the intelligence of recommender system in the cold-start phase from the perspective of Crowd Science.

3.1 Classic multi-armed bandit algorithm

The basic framework of classic MAB algorithm can be formulated as follows. Suppose the items in recommendation system are expressed as A={a1,,an}, where n+. N is the number of candidate items. an is the nth item, where 1 ≤ n N. We set μk,1,,μk,n as the determinant average reward corresponding to the kth turn for each selected item a1,,an. So in trial k:

  • According to the known average reward value μk,n corresponding to each item an in the recommendation pool, directly calculate the user’s expected reward value for the item. In general, select the known average return expected return value of the item, that is:

    (1) rk,n=f(k,n)=μk,n=n=1k1r^k,nk1

  • Choose the item with highest expected reward an* to recommend it to user, and get the true reward r^k,n*,n* meet the following conditions:

    (2) n*=argmax(rk,1,,rk,n)

  • Based on the latest reward rk,n, we update the item an*’s determinant average reward:

    (3) μk,n*=(k1)μk,n*+r^k,n*k

After K turns recommendation, the total reward is k=1Kr^k. The final objective of MAB is to maximize the total reward of recommendation system. In addition, we use regret value R(n) to represent the difference between the optimal total reward and the truth reward after K turn recommendation:

(4) R(K)=k=1Krk,N*k=1Kr^k,
where N*=argmax{μN(aN)}, represent the optimal recommendation result. The more total reward and the less total regret value, user obtain the better recommendation. Another measurement of recommendation system is click-through time, we will use a function of these three factors to measure the intelligence quantity, and this part will be introduced later.

3.2 Contextual-based multi-armed bandit algorithm

The contextual-based MAB algorithm use the features of users and items to model feedback, then obtain better recommendation results. The process of content-based MAB algorithm is described as follows: we set the total items as A={a1,,an}, where n+. N is the number of candidate items. an is the nth item, where 1 ≤ n N. So in trial k:

  • We first get the features of users and items Ck, and calculate the reward by decision function f with current features Ck:

    (5) rk,n=f(Ck)

  • Choose the item with highest expected reward an* to recommend it to user, and get the true reward r^k,n*,n* meet the formulation 2.

  • According to the latest feedback information (Ck,rk,n), update the decision function.

Contextual-based MAB algorithm only needs to concentrate on how to construct features of users and items. However, effective feature construction can greatly improve the expressive ability of recommender system. In the next section, we introduce how to obtain user contextual information which inspired by Word2Vec ().

3.3 Embedded-bandit algorithm

Recommender system contains explicit interactions or implicit interactions between user and item. For example, user directly scoring a product is an explicit interaction, while user’s viewing time on the product, like or comment, is an implicit interaction. The display interaction can directly express the user’s preference for the product. For example, if user has a high rating for the movie, it expresses the user’s like for this movie, while the implicit interaction often cannot directly derive user preference. Therefore, a way to extract user features through implicit interaction is needed. In the rest of this section, we first provide a brief overview of Word2Vec technique, and then we introduce our proposed method that adapts user embedding in contextual-MAB problem.

3.3.1 Brief overview of Word2Vec.

Word2Vec () contains two types of models, skip-gram and cbow. These two models aim at finding words low dimension representation that extract the co-occurrence between a word to its surrounding words in a sentence. In our proposed method, we use skip-gram model, which is more effective compared to cbow. The reason is, in skip-gram, each word is influenced by the surrounding words, and each word is predicted and adjusted k times when it is used as the central word. Therefore, when the amount of data or the number of occurrences of the word is small, such multiple adjustments produce more accurate word embedding.

Given a sequence of words (wi)iK from a finite vocabulary W={wi}iW, skip-gram algorithm aims at maximizing the following term:

(6) 1KiKcjc,j0logP(wi+j|wi)
where c is the context window size and P(wj|wi) is the softmax function:
(7) P(wj|wi)=exp(uiTvj)k ∈ Iwexp(uiTvk)
where uiU(m) and viV(m) are hidden vectors that correspond to the target and context representations for the word wi, respectively, Iw{i,,|W|} and the parameter m is chosen empirically and according to the size of data set. Different setting of m will affect the efficiency of KNN algorithm which is used in our proposed method, and we will compare the impact of different parameters on performance through experiments.

It is impractical by using because of the computation cost of P(wj|pi), which is a linear function of the vocabulary size |W| that is usually in the size of 105106.

Negative sampling can alleviate the above problem by replacing the softmax function in with:

(8) P(wj|wi)=θ(uiTvj)k=1Nθ(uiTvj)
where θ(x)=1/1+exp(1) and N is a parameter that determines the number of negative examples to be drawn per a positive example. A negative word wi sampled from the unigram distribution raised to the 3/4th power. This distribution was found to significantly outperform the unigram distribution, empirically ().

3.3.2 Proposed embedded-bandit method.

We proposed to adapt skip-gram model with negative sampling introduced in above section to embedded-bandit algorithm. It is really straightforward to apply skip-gram model to cold-start scene once we notice that a sequence of words is equivalent to a collection of items. A set of items comes from user behavior, for example, movies viewed or rated by users, and we sort these items by date or just shuffle items, which is equivalent to data augmentation. Sorting items by date can extract the changing of user interest, while in cold-start scene, there is not much interaction between the user and the recommendation system. We cannot provide enough contextual information, so we can only train the skip-gram model through the historical data of other users.

During cold-start phase, the recommendation system lacks user interaction information. Therefore, the recommend items may bring two results, one is that user’s preference items, although there are no user contextual feature, through some exploration methods, it will hit user’s interest and bring certain benefits, and the other is bringing new information to the recommendation system, and this kind of recommendation will bring long-term benefits. This is the usual dilemma between exploitation (of already available knowledge) vs exploration (of uncertainty), encountered in sequential decision-making under uncertainty problems ().

Our method based on LinUCB algorithm, which models personalized recommendation of new items as a contextual bandit problem (). In the framework of LinUCB algorithm, we consider that the features of similar user have a synergistic effect when updating reward by . Specially, we adapt to:

(9) rk,n=f(1TtCt)
where T is parameter of KNN and Ct is all similar user embedding feature of the current user. Each Ct is calculated by the average of all positive items embedding vector. One problem is that if a new user appears, there are no positive items clicked, thus we simply average all items embedding vector to represent user contextual information. We use the average of all t’s nearest neighbor features as final input feature. The process of proposed method can be described as: assume the set of items is A={a1,,an}, where n+. N is the number of candidate items. an is the nth item, where 1 ≤ n N;  f1,,fn represents the decision function of a1,,an; Ui represents the ith user ui’s feature vector, where i+. In trial k:
  • Suppose system recommends items for user ui, calculates the similarity with other user and chooses the T highest similarity users as nearest neighbor collection Nui. The similarity is calculated by classical Cosine similarity, and the similarity between ui and uj is computed as:

    (10) Simui,uj=cos(Ui,Uj)=Ui×UjT|Ui|×|Uj|.

  • For ujNui,anA, calculate the average user features and predict the expected reward by :

    (11) rui,an=fn(1|Nui|ujNuiUj)

  • Choose the item with highest expected reward an* to recommend it to user ui, and get the true reward r^ui,an*,n* meet . If reward is positive, add this item to user’s like item list, then update user feature by average of all item embedding vectors in this list.

  • According to the latest feedback information (Ui,r^ui,an*), update the decision function.

The proposed method will use two equations in LinUCB algorithm:

(12) Θ^=Aa1bafa(C)=Θ^aTC+CTAa1C,
where Θa represents the expected weight vector of the item a, fa(C) represents the expected reward of the item a, C is the current contextual content, Aa indicates the accumulated input content of item a, while ba is the correlation coefficient of Aa with respect to Θa:

Algorithm 1. Embedding-bandit for cold-start problem1: procedure Embedded-Bandit(α, k, d, U, I, E)2: Initialization, for aI,AaId,baOd×13: for t in 1: T do4: If user i is new: Ui1|V|vVEv, where Ev is embedding vectorof item v, |V| is the number of item.5: Input user embedding feature as contextual: CUi6: ∀v ∈ U, compute the similarity between user u and v: distanceu,vSim(u,v)7: N ← top k the highest similarity user collection8: ∀a ∈ I, calculate the average user feature: C1|Nui|ujNuiUj9: aI,vN, compute the expected reward: rafa(C)10: Recommend item: a*argmax{ra}11: r^ the true reward of user feedback12: If reward is positive, update Ui: Ui1|List|vListEv, where List is the positive item collection of user i.13: Update the decision function of item a*: Aa*Aa*+CCT,ba*ba*+r^C14: end for15: end procedure

3.4 Intelligent measurement of recommender system

We use embedded-bandit method to solve the cold start problem, and effectively balance exploration and exploitation. As mentioned above, we regard the recommender system as an agent and the cold-start phase as the evolution of the agent. To describe the evolution of agents, we should first define how to measure the intelligence quantity. During the cold start process, we have the following evaluation indicators, average regret rate, click-through rate and total system reward. The larger the click-through rate and total system revenue, the better, and the smaller the average regret rate, the better. Before giving the measurement function, we first define the calculation methods of the above three indicators:

(13) regret=1Tt=1Trt*t=1Tr^t,reward=t=1Tt^t,CTR=T*T,
where T represents the total amount of recommendation and T* represents the amount of successful recommendation, r^t represents the real reward of the tth recommendation and rt* represents the optimal recommendation. In , the intelligence measurement of end intelligence is defined as follows:
(14) Iend=QT

Where Q represents the comprehensive evaluation of the performance of agent in the task, and T represents the time consumed by the agent to complete the task [we use T to distinguish the interaction rounds T in ]. Inspired by this, we replace Q with CTR×rewardregret, which represents the performance of recommender system, and replace T with the interaction rounds T. Then the measurement function comes to:

(15) Q(ctr,reward,regret,T)=1T×CTR×rewardregret

We claim that under this definition, the intelligence quantity will continue to increase with the optimization of the indicator. We will prove the validity of the method in the experiments.

4. Experiments

In this section, we conduct sufficient experiments to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method. First, we introduce data set used in experiments in detail. Then, we describe the experimental setting, which provides the implementation of the proposed algorithm and other methods to compare with it. Finally, we analyze and discuss about the experimental results.

4.1 Data sets and experiment setting

In the experiment, we use publicly available data sets, namely, MovieLens () from GroupLens. Some details shown in . To get enough item sequence, we use three data sets, Movielens-latest-small, Movielens-latest and Movielens-1M. The data set contains movie information, user rating score and user tag information. Among them, ratings are made on a five-star scale, with half-star increments (0.5–5.0 stars). As is customary in the recommendation world, we change the rating from a scale of 1–5 to binary value as follows:

  • 1 if the rating is 4 or larger = positive item; and

  • −1 if the rating is smaller than 4 = negative rating.

We use Movielens-latest and Movielens-1M as training data sets and Movielens-latest-small as test data sets. To overcome Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) problem, we set item with no rating to token “(unk).” During training Word2Vec, we set window size from 3 to 5, and for other parameters, we use default value. To improve the confidence of the experiment, we conduct 100, 500 and 1,000 interactions, respectively. The final result is the average of these three experiments.

4.2 Results and analysis

In the experiment, we compared three algorithms. Comparing ϵ-Greedy and UCB algorithm without contextual information to demonstrate that using contextual feature can capture more information between user and item, while comparing our based-method LinUCB to demonstrate that using embedded-bandit algorithm and considering user similarity increase total rewards and the intelligence quantity. The experiment results are show below.

As shown in , our proposed method embedded-bandit surpasses the comparison algorithm in three indicators, The best score is in italics. For cumulative regrets, our methods got the lowest value in three different data sets. For average rewards, our methods got the best rewards in three different data sets. For the intelligence quantity, our methods got the highest value under our proposed intelligence quantity (IQ) measurement method.

5. Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we proposed user embedding based methods called embedded-bandit to solve the cold-start problem. Based on embedding vector, our method has better generalization ability, and with the consideration on user similarity, we use top k similar user as a same interest user group, and calculate the expected rewards by this group, which proved increase recommender system average rewards compared with three algorithms (ϵ-Greedy, UCB and LinUCB). However, our proposed method also meet some problems, such as the dimension of embedding is a hyper-parameter and hard to choose, and calculating the whole user similarity is computational cost. In the future, we will focus on the above problems, and attempt to use neural network method in the cold-start problem.

Number of users, items and ratings in data sets

Data sets No. of users No. of items No. of ratings
Movielens-latest-small 668 10,329 105,339
Movielens-1M 6,040 3,900 1,000,209
Movielens-latest 247,753 34,208 22,884,337

Cumulative regrets for recommender system

Algorithms Movielens-latest-small Movielens-latest Movielens-1M
ϵ-Greedy 522.34 1344.57 721.23
UCB 554.8 1567.26 820.1
LinUCB 508.56 1,290 711
Embedded-bandit 500.4 1158.79 696.78

Max average rewards for recommender system

Algorithms Movielens-latest-small Movielens-latest Movielens-1M
ϵ-Greedy 0.854 0.835 0.843
UCB 0.837 0.830 0.837
LinUCB 0.855 0.841 0.852
Embedded-bandit 0.860 0.847 0.875

The intelligence quantity for recommender system

Algorithms Movielens-latest-small Movielens-latest Movielens-1M
ϵ-Greedy 94.55 95.56 96.32
UCB 93.73 94.37 95.34
LinUCB 94.01 95.21 96.54
Embedded-bandit 95.28 96.28 96.98


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This work is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFB1400100), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61572466) and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (4202072).

Corresponding author

Wen Ji can be contacted at:

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