Rebooting science? Implications of science 2.0 main trends for scientific method and research institutions
This paper aims to analyse a set of converging trends underpinning a larger phenomenon called science 2.0 and to assess what are the most important implications for scientific method and research institutions.
It is based on a triangulation of exploratory methods which include a wide-ranging literature review, Web-based mapping and in-depth interviews with stakeholders.
The main implications of science 2.0 are enhanced efficiency, transparency and reliability; raise of data-driven science; microcontributions on a macroscale; multidimensional, immediate and multiform evaluation of science; disaggregation of the value chain of service providers for scientists; influx of multiple actors and the democratisation of science.
The paper rejects the notion of science 2.0 as the mere adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in science and puts forward an original integrated definition covering three trends that have not yet been analysed together: open science, citizens science and data-intensive science. It argues that these trends are mutually reinforcing and puts forward their main implications. It concludes with the identification of three enablers of science 2.0 – policy measures, individual practice of scientists and new infrastructure and services and sees the main bottleneck in lack of incentives on the individual level.
This article is based on the results of the study Science 2.0: implications for European policies on research and innovation study. Scoping study to assist the ERAB board (SiS 2011) conducted for the European Commission DG RTD and complemented by subsequent own research. The authors acknowledge also the contribution of Fabio Casati who conducted two interviews that are part of the research data and were used in the analysis.
Disclaimer. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this publication.
Szkuta, K. and Osimo, D. (2016), "Rebooting science? Implications of science 2.0 main trends for scientific method and research institutions", Foresight, Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 204-223.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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