A survey of author attitudes and skills in relation to article publishing in paper and electronic journals
The present paper details research conducted into various aspects of author experience, attitudes and perceptions of publishing in paper and electronic journals. A sample of 1,040 authors in a variety of disciplines was identified as having published a journal article in the preceding year. A questionnaire was distributed to these authors and 537 usable replies were received. The questionnaire was analysed in terms of author experience in the paper and electronic domains, authors’ views on various aspects of electronic journals and their current skills. The results of the questionnaire suggest a small but increasing willingness to submit articles to electronic journals, but also suggest continuing concern about the permanence of such media. Almost a third of the sample felt that the addition of multimedia to their articles would be beneficial but few had the necessary skills to produce and incorporate multimedia objects. It is concluded that authors should be involved more in future research and debate in electronic serial publishing.
McKnight, C. and Price, S. (1999), "A survey of author attitudes and skills in relation to article publishing in paper and electronic journals", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 55 No. 5, pp. 556-576. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000007157
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