Business Link impact and future challenges
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
ISSN: 1462-6004
Article publication date: 1 March 1998
The publication, in October 1997, of the Government’s Business Link “Vision Statement” which announces 18 separate action points to enhance the Business Link service, demonstrates that Business Links still have some way to go before they are considered to be truly effective. This paper contributes to the debate about Business Link effectiveness by assessing the evidence of Business Link impact from a number of recent studies. The studies show that Business Links are beginning to make a positive impact but it is more difficult to analyse the extra value they are adding to SME growth. There is still some confusion about the Business Links target market – should they concentrate solely on established small firms with growth prospects or offer all their services to start‐ups and micro businesses as well? In some respects, Business Links themselves are going through the typical development stages that many SMEs go through in their establishment. Business Links can learn how different growth stages affect company development from this process. Business Links will only succeed in their mission to assist small firms if SMEs are attracted to using them. The main challenge facing Business Links is to move towards a private sector locally led orientation, as opposed to previous initiatives which were largely national and public sector led. There are elements of a virtuous circle in the SME/Business Link relationship which can be exploited to encourage both business excellence and Business Link improvement. Bus9ness Links will achieve greater impact through effective partnership but this can only happen if partnerships are well balanced with no one partner dominating.
Summon, P. (1998), "Business Link impact and future challenges", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 49-59.
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