2001 – The existential customer
Undertakes to look at society's future developments and the effect of consumer behaviour and also marketing strategies. Acknowledges that changes in the sociological environment are to some extent a mirror of change in the cultural climate. Asserts that basic changes in the raw material of consumer behaviour tend to make our existing models of buyer behaviour redundant, as paradigms of the purchasing process, although as analytical devices they can still offer marketing insights. Sums up that conventional market research is unable to keep track of societal changes in the marketing environment, it encourages tunnel vision in product strategy and it is stronger on ex‐post analysis than on ex‐ante prediction.
Christopher, M. (1970), "2001 – The existential customer", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 160-164. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000005193
Copyright © 1970, MCB UP Limited