Working Females as a Market Segment for Bank Services
Highlights the female role in UK society and how it has changed in the twentieth century, with regard especially to equal rights and opportunities, legally protected by the Sex Discrimination Act in 1975 and including the Equal Pay Act of 1970. Posits that female employment is the most obvious change this century and from 1961 to 1979 the total number of females working increased by 21/2 million. Compares the woman of the 1980s with her elders and states that she will spend more of her life working, have more money to spend, have fewer children and will have them later in life. Discusses in great detail many relevant factors regarding bank services as customers and employed. Uses results from group discussions as a sampling procedure – with five distinct groups represented. Concludes that the working female market comprises many segments, with varying needs and banks that recognize these needs should find the right strategies to employ here.
Yorke, D.A. and Hayes, A. (1982), "Working Females as a Market Segment for Bank Services", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 83-91.
Copyright © 1982, MCB UP Limited