A Longitudinal Analysis of the Competitive Profile of Products and Associated Marketing Practices of Selected European and Non‐European Countries
Internationalisation is a pervasive force in business today and the marketing manager must understand the needs of consumers in various markets. This study explores the general attitudes of Finnish consumers to products made in England, France, West Germany, Japan and the US. Following up earlier surveys of 1975 and 1980 the 1985 data show most positive responses towards products of West Germany and Japan, also highlighting ways in which product attributes and marketing practices can be improved.
Darling, J.R. (1987), "A Longitudinal Analysis of the Competitive Profile of Products and Associated Marketing Practices of Selected European and Non‐European Countries", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 21 No. 3, pp. 17-29. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000004683
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