KLM Strives for Customer Satisfaction
Describes how KLM moved gradually towards TQM. Asserts that top management commitment, simple effective methods for measuring the quality of service, and a TQM information system, made KLM quality leader among international airlines. Discusses the Acceptable Quality Level(AQL) and Management Quality Targets(MQT). Asserts:strive for the highest percentage of satisfied customers. Discusses the problem of measurement. Contends that one measure of the importance the company places on quality, is the importance it places on measuring it. Concludes that KLM believes continuous effort to improve quality is a necessity to stay ahead of the competition.
van Borrendam, A. (1989), "KLM Strives for Customer Satisfaction", The TQM Magazine, Vol. 1 No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000002998
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