Highlights I. Rationale of a Clean Construction Protocol II. Nuclear Power Plants in France III. Fighting Pests, Protecting Crops and Saving the Environment
I. Investigates the need for “building clean” rather than “first build and clean later”. This is to eradicate/reduce microbes in areas therefore reducing also the risk of contamination. II. Examines France′s role in the nuclear industry and also its record of insignificant “incidents” regarding safety. France also exports nuclear plants to other countries, so clarifying its safety record. III. Looks at, particularly, DDT and other pesticides and their effects on the environment.
Llaurado, J.G. (1993), "Highlights I. Rationale of a Clean Construction Protocol II. Nuclear Power Plants in France III. Fighting Pests, Protecting Crops and Saving the Environment", Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 3-6. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000002796
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