Highlights I. Modelling Environmental Systems II. Power Generation and the Environment III. European Air Pollution Study
I. Describes models developed by institutions associated with the UK Natural Environment Research Council for the analysis of environmental events with respect to hydrology problems, forest and vegetation composition, and waste disposal and containment. Cites some results obtained by the use of such computer‐based models and delineates some future lines of study. II. Presents highlights of part of an international review undertaken on behalf of the UK Combined Heat and Power Association by Gill Owen regarding carbon dioxide emissions in various countries (Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and the UK) and remedial measures adopted there. While in the other countries some effective measures have been taken to reduce these emissions, and thus possible climate changes, the UK situation is not satisfactory. Suggests some remedies. III. Describes a model (TRACE) developed by IIASA in co‐operation with other scientific centres in Europe, for the study of transboundary air transport of heavy metals across Europe. Presents results on the basis of the model, indicating potential health hazards in Central and Eastern Europe. The problem is shown to be international, requiring co‐operation between states for its alleviation.
Rose, J. (1992), "Highlights I. Modelling Environmental Systems II. Power Generation and the Environment III. European Air Pollution Study", Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 3-5. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000002792
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