The effect of R & D laboratories on MNE subsidiary performance: a primary survey in a European Mediterranean country
ISSN: 1450-2194
Article publication date: 5 June 2023
Issue publication date: 25 November 2024
This paper aims to examine the effect of R&D laboratories on the perceived performance of MNE subsidiaries during recession.
Employing resource-based view and knowledge-based theory, the authors investigate a unique sample of 171 technologically heterogenous foreign MNE subsidiaries located in Greece over the period of recession 2009–2016. The sample subsidiaries operate different types of R&D laboratories.
The authors find that MNE subsidiaries with advanced R&D laboratories such as locally integrated laboratories (LILs) and internationally interdependent laboratories (IILs) perform better in recession than subsidiaries with support laboratories (SLs) or subsidiaries without R&D laboratories. Overall, the authors find an asymmetric performance contribution of R&D laboratories at subsidiary level.
The study provides useful insights into the environmentally derived “knowledge-based - performance” context, so filling an important research gap, since little is known about the performance impact of the input-side of technological activity at MNE subsidiary level, especially as regards R&D facilities/infrastructure. Based on the findings the authors identify important managerial implications.
Georgopoulos, A., Aggelopoulos, E., Paraschi, E.P. and Kalogera, M. (2024), "The effect of R & D laboratories on MNE subsidiary performance: a primary survey in a European Mediterranean country", EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 1121-1140.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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