Library performance evaluation in a dynamic environment using patron satisfaction
The purpose of this paper is to propose a new model for studying the patron’s satisfaction level over time for library systems. For this purpose, it is necessary to identify the key factors that are influential in nature. Thereafter, this paper explains and shows the procedure used for developing the causal loop diagram, the flow diagram, mathematical modelling and the simulation of the problem. A sample problem is used to show the applicability of the proposed model. Because the proposed methodology allows management to look into the patrons’ satisfaction level over time, it makes a significant contribution to the literature of the library and information management, as well as dynamic simulation modelling.
This paper is written based on the studies and observations from scientific journals and reports. For model development purposes, the author has used the concept of systems thinking and systems dynamics to model the complex systems and simulate that using Vensim computer simulation software.
As the trend of patron’s satisfaction shows, it is possible to improve the satisfaction level over time to a level above 60 per cent from 48 per cent over the simulation running periods. Meanwhile, the level of donation is up from 10 to 40 per cent in the same period as the satisfaction level has been studied. Because this is the first paper that looks into such important variables over time using systems dynamics, it makes significant contribution to the field of library and information management.
In almost all library models for patron’s satisfaction calculation, the proposed models are static and can find this value for a point of time rather than over a long period of time. In this paper, a system with an initial value of patron’s satisfaction level was used, and by taking all key factors into consideration, the author has developed a system that calculates patron’s satisfaction trend over time. Also, the proposed dynamic model is able to determine the level of donations that patrons can make to the library over time.
Zare Mehrjerdi, Y. (2017), "Library performance evaluation in a dynamic environment using patron satisfaction", The Electronic Library, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 374-390.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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