To do or not to do: the real state of real estate
Publication date: 13 July 2019
Learning outcomes
This case will enable students to develop an understanding of starting a single proprietorship business focusing on the real estate; understand the possible challenges that an entrepreneur faces in the beginning; apply ethical decision-making frame works when faced in ethically conflicting situation; andlook at the career anchoring theory.
Case overview/synopsis
The case study takes a look at the ways and means of starting a small business depending on the owner managers experience, capabilities and skills including networking which are germane to success. It also highlights the ethical issues that small business proprietors have to face in order to make money and grow. The setting of the case is a town in Sindh province of Pakistan, which setting generally represent the arena where such business (Single Proprietorship) develop and get involved in the economic development of a backward area. Finally, the case study highlights the significant but realistic expose of career anchor theory, which stipulates that people normally start with a job but switch jobs over their working life.
Complexity academic level
Graduate and undergraduate.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.
Disclaimer. This case is written solely for educational purposes and is not intended to represent successful or unsuccessful managerial decision making. The authors may have disguised names; financial and other recognizable information to protect confidentiality.
Solangi, R., Umrani, W.A., Solangi, I. and Memon, M.A. (2019), "To do or not to do: the real state of real estate", , Vol. 9 No. 2.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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