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Pacari Chocolate: preserving biodiversity, living without regret

Nathaniel C. Lupton (Faculty of Management, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada)
Angélica Sánchez (Facultad de Economía y Ciencias Empresariales, Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES, Guayaquil, Ecuador)
Annette Kerpel (Faculty of Management and Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada)

Publication date: 26 March 2018


Subject area

Emerging Markets.

Study level/applicability

Undergraduate, Masters.

Case overview

Pacari Chocolate is the flagship brand of SKS Farms CIA Ltda., located in Quito, Ecuador. The company specializes in organic chocolate production which it sells in Ecuador and exports to other Latin American, European and North American markets. The company began operation in 2002, founded by Carla Barbotó and her husband Santiago Peralta. Carla is the Director of SKS and Santiago is General Manager. The case is set just after Santiago negotiated a deal to supply Emirates Airlines with mini bars to be distributed to flight passengers. Santiago is excited about this new deal, which will provide a new revenue stream, enhance brand image and potentially create new customers. Carla and Santiago pursue excellence with their products, as evidenced by over 160 awards, many globally recognized. However, their mission is also very much social in that they seek to improve the lives of Andean farmers, indigenous peoples and broader Ecuadorean society. The principle author uses this case in a course on innovative approaches to engaging emerging market opportunities, in which shared (social + economic) value and the formation of strong national industries are key outcomes, to be addressed through complementary market and non-market entrepreneurship strategies.

Expected learning outcomes

Expected learning outcomes are as follows: to identify the contextual challenges faced by an emerging market firm, and explain what must be done to overcome them; to identify the role of a firm in developing a national competency in an agricultural product industry; to demonstrate the creation of “shared value” and examine how the social mission of a company can reinforce and sustain its economic value creating activities; and to generate and evaluate options for developing international markets when a firm has limited resources to invest in marketing activities.

Supplementary materials

Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.

Subject code

CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.



The authors wish to thank Carla Barbotó and Santiago Peralta without whom the Pacari story, and this case, would not be possible. The authors especially thank Santiago for traveling from Quito to meet us in Guayaquil for the initial interview which spawned this case study.

Disclaimer. This case is written solely for educational purposes and is not intended to represent successful or unsuccessful managerial decision-making. The authors may have disguised names; financial and other recognizable information to protect confidentiality.


Lupton, N.C., Sánchez, A. and Kerpel, A. (2018), "Pacari Chocolate: preserving biodiversity, living without regret", , Vol. 8 No. 1.



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