A multi-block finite difference method for seismic wave equation in auxiliary coordinate system with irregular fluid–solid interface
The purpose of this paper is to develop a new finite difference method for solving the seismic wave propagation in fluid-solid media, which can be described by the acoustic and viscoelastic wave equations for the fluid and solid parts, respectively.
In this paper, the authors introduced a coordinate transformation method for seismic wave simulation method. In the new method, the irregular fluid–solid interface is transformed into a horizontal interface. Then, a multi-block coordinate transformation method is proposed to mesh every layer to curved grids and transforms every interface to horizontal interface. Meanwhile, a variable grid size is used in different regions according to the shape and the velocity within each region. Finally, a Lebedev-standard staggered coupled grid scheme for curved grids is applied in the multi-block coordinate transformation method to reduce the computational cost.
The instability in the auxiliary coordinate system caused by the standard staggered grid scheme is resolved using a curved grid viscoelastic wave field separation strategy. Several numerical examples are solved using this new method. It has been shown that the new method is stable, efficient and highly accurate in solving the seismic wave equation defined on domain with irregular fluid–solid interface.
First, the irregular fluid–solid interface is transformed into a horizontal interface by using the coordinate transformation method. The conversion between pressures and stresses is easy to implement and adaptive to different irregular fluid–solid interface models, because the normal stress and shear stress vanish when the normal angle is 90° in the interface. Moreover, in the new method, the strong false artificial boundary reflection and instability caused by ladder-shaped grid discretion are resolved as well.
The authors greatly appreciate the financial supports jointly provided by NSF (41104069, 41274124), National 973 project (2014CB239006, 2011CB202402), Shandong Natural Science Foundation of China (ZR2011DQ016), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (R1401005A, R1401038A) and NSERC (Canada) DG grant. The authors are very grateful for the constructive comments, suggestion and questions from the referees.
Huang, J., Liao, W. and Li, Z. (2018), "A multi-block finite difference method for seismic wave equation in auxiliary coordinate system with irregular fluid–solid interface", Engineering Computations, Vol. 35 No. 1, pp. 334-362. https://doi.org/10.1108/EC-12-2016-0438
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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