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Voronoi discretization to improve the meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method in 3D-computational fracture mechanics

Behrooz Ariannezhad, Shahram Shahrooi, Mohammad Shishesaz

Engineering Computations

ISSN: 0264-4401

Article publication date: 17 November 2023

Issue publication date: 5 December 2023




1) The OE-MLPG penalty meshfree method is developed to solve cracked structure.(2) Smartening the numerical meshfree method by combining the particle swarm optimization (PSO) optimization algorithms and Voronoi computational geometric algorithm. (3). Selection of base functions, finding optimal penalty factor and distribution of appropriate nodal points to the accuracy of calculation in the meshless local Petrov–Galekrin (MLPG) meshless method.


Using appropriate shape functions and distribution of nodal points in local domains and sub-domains and choosing an approximation or interpolation method has an effective role in the application of meshless methods for the analysis of computational fracture mechanics problems, especially problems with geometric discontinuity and cracks. In this research, computational geometry technique, based on the Voronoi diagram (VD) and Delaunay triangulation and PSO algorithm, are used to distribute nodal points in the sub-domain of analysis (crack line and around it on the crack plane).


By doing this process, the problems caused by too closeness of nodal points in computationally sensitive areas that exist in general methods of nodal point distribution are also solved. Comparing the effect of the number of sentences of basic functions and their order in the definition of shape functions, performing the mono-objective PSO algorithm to find the penalty factor, the coefficient, convergence, arrangement of nodal points during the three stages of VD implementation and the accuracy of the answers found indicates, the efficiency of V-E-MLPG method with Ns = 7 and ß = 0.0037–0.0075 to estimation of 3D-stress intensity factors (3D-SIFs) in computational fracture mechanics.


The present manuscript is a continuation of the studies (Ref. [33]) carried out by the authors, about; feasibility assessment, improvement and solution of challenges, introduction of more capacities and capabilities of the numerical MLPG method have been used. In order to validate the modeling and accuracy of calculations, the results have been compared with the findings of reference article [34] and [35].



The authors reserve their utmost gratitude from the Advanced Computing Center of Islamic Azad University Ahvaz Branch for their effective collaborate.


Ariannezhad, B., Shahrooi, S. and Shishesaz, M. (2023), "Voronoi discretization to improve the meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method in 3D-computational fracture mechanics", Engineering Computations, Vol. 40 No. 9/10, pp. 2915-2939.



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